Chicks F1
This is the age to have spring to early summer eggs! Chicks straight run Mint -Olive with possible pink or tan layers . Located in Montgomery .
CHRISTMAS 🐣 …. Who is interested? These are mint to olive layers . S -Run only having a few of these available as I have a huge gap in started pullets and need to fill that gap…
This is my first time using coarse sand as my bedding but they won’t stop eating the pebbles. There is so many pebbles in some of the poop it has me worried.,, Do they eventually just STOP?
I bought this sand from a landscape business and told them what I was using it for they never told me it was super salty. When I called them to inquire all they did was scream at me and say their sand does not have salt in it when it damn sure does. Are my birds in danger now ? I don’t know what is to much salt in the sand to begin with . I tasted it yes! It was a WOW this is salty very salty recognition.
Chicks Hatching Now
Chicks Hatching Now
Buff Orphington
Lavender Orphington
Speckled Sussex
Rhode Island White
Crested Cream Legbar
Blue Australorp
Breeder chicks parent stock of purchased from a breeder that believes in providing a fine tune choice of supplements gives you a overall healthier chick that has a stronger immune system and its growth and development is more responsive and this carries over into adulthood. The adults have a higher immunity and it gives the hens a boost in their egg production from the start . Many factors are at play giving supplements and I’m not just talking about poultry cell or rooster boosters but a combination of a few things. Hatcheries and most hobbyist don’t feed such products therefore this is why some breeder quality chicks cost a bit more. You get what you pay for. Google the reason to give your breeding stock supplements in poultry and you will see how vital it really is. Pm me for more information
July Started Pullets
July Started Pullets …. Olive Eggers with muffs and beards guaranteed to lay green or olive eggs , Ameraucana’s and Salmon Favorelles. There is a pre order list started let me know if you want on it. Mid July unless I identify the roosters to pull then it can be before July.
Siren Alarm to scare off predators
Will run off predators and works like a charm. Has prerecorded sounds or record your own. Comes with a remote and can be used in different situations. Charges by USB or Solar. The company Chin ChunHee on Amazon is where to go and many other applications to choose from
Ameraucana’s lay 💙2 left
OE/EE this group lay 💚2 left
No chance for brown or white eggs. Dad is a black Ameraucana show rooster.