Dog Park Rules
1.Be Responsible-Follow Rules
2.Keep license & membership tags on dogs.
3.It is recommended that dogs be on flea/tick & heartworm preventative medication as well as vaccinated for bordetella.
4.Dog Owners are responsible for damage to park property.
5.Park will be monitored by other members for licenses, rules and compliance with town ordinances. DOG DO’
1.Do clean up after your dog(s). This is a dog park-not a dog restroom.
2.Do have a collar with proper tags showing licensing and proof of membership on your dog or with you at all times.
3.Do watch and stay with your dog at all times.
4.Do everything to avoid a dog fight and correct aggressive behavior.
5.Do remove your dog immediately at the first sign of aggressive behavior or excessive barking toward people or other dogs.
6.Do unleash your dog after entering the safety gate and leash your dog before exiting the safety gate. DOG DON’TS:
1.Don’t bring dogs that are sick into the Park.
2.Don’t let your dog dig holes.
3.Don’t leave your dogs unattended in the Park at any time.
4.Don’t bring children under age eight (8) into the Park. Montville Township Dog Park Aggression Policy/Procedure
Upon receipt of formal written documentation regarding a dog that has bitten or shown aggression toward another dog or human being, the Montville Township Dog Park Committee and/or the Montville Township Health Department will review each incident on an individual basis. Should the resolution result in revocation of the nonrefundable dog park membership, a letter will be sent to the owner stating their dog’s privileges have been immediately revoked. The owner will be asked to return the dog park tag to the health department at their earliest convenience. Montville Township Dog Park Rules Updated 1/12
1.Owners are legally responsible for their dog’s behavior.
2.Small Dog Park section is limited to dogs weighing 25 pounds or lighter; large Dog Park section is open to dogs of all sizes.
3.Montville Township shall not provide any supervision during Dog Park operating hours.
4.All persons and dogs using the Dog Park assume any and all risks associated with the use of the Dog Park.
5.People shall be responsible for the supervision and control of their dogs at all times.
6.Under no circumstances shall any dog go unattended.
7.All dogs must be accompanied at all times by at least one (1) adult who is 18 years of age or older.
8.Children shall at all times be accompanied by at least one (1) responsible adult 18 years of age or older.
9.No children under the age of 8 permitted in the Dog Park.
10.All dogs must have a current dog license and yearly dog park membership tag.
11.Dog Park membership tags are NOT transferable to other dogs.
12.Key fobs can only be used with those who have valid membership.
13.Owners must be able to present current membership tag upon request at any given time while at the Park.
14.All owners must clean up after their dogs completely.
15.All dogs using the Dog Park must be at least six (6) months old.
16.All male dogs brought to the Dog Park shall be neutered and all female shall be spayed.
17.Limit of two dogs per person.
18.Dogs may go unleashed while in the Dog Park. However, all persons accompanying a dog must use a leash when taking the dog to and from the Dog Park.
19.Play items brought OR left at the Dog Park may be removed.
20.Dogs displaying aggressive behavior towards other dogs and/or people shall be immediately removed from the Dog Park by the owner.
21.Continued display of aggressiveness by any dog may result in prohibiting the owner or another responsible adult from bringing the dog to the Dog Park.
22.Any dog that bites any person shall not be allowed thenceforth to use the Dog Park.
23.All dog bites shall immediately be reported to the Montville Township Health Department.
24.The Dog Park shall operate between the hours of sunrise and sunset of each day of the year.
25.No food or smoking within the Dog Park.
26.Have Fun!