MoVal Feral Cat Project

MoVal Feral Cat Project Raising Funds... I AM NOT A 501c. I AM ONE WOMAN SELF FUNDED TRYING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. Your help and support is greatly appreciated.

Please check out our posts for more info and ways to donate.

Please stop going to SeaWorld and please help free these beautiful majestic animals that are suffering  in a swimming po...

Please stop going to SeaWorld and please help free these beautiful majestic animals that are suffering in a swimming pool at SeaWorld

PETA joins Dr. Paul Spong, founder of OrcaLab, to discuss the heartbreaking story of Corky—the longest-held captive orca in the U.S.—and the campaign to retu...

PLEASE HELP ..I'm at a loss for words. At 25463 Delphinium in Moreno Valley (major cross streets kitching and cactus) is...

PLEASE HELP ..I'm at a loss for words. At 25463 Delphinium in Moreno Valley (major cross streets kitching and cactus) is a house breeding sick cats. Owner Theresa has 2 owned non ferals and 1 feral ALL NOT SPAYED and producing litters. Cats are sick with Giardia, Eye infections and upper respiratory. I have offered to spay and vaccinate her 3 adults yet she has refused? I was forced to call Animal control yesterday because the kittens are going blind at 6 weeks of age due to infection. I've tried helping but am at a loss for words. I've treated 2 of the 8 week old kittens from one litter and they are thriving since removed from the property. I can't house or afford to treat the others. Please can everyone call animal services in Moreno Valley and urge them to fine this woman or charge her with animal abuse? Can people drive by and leave notes on door or something to push this woman to NOT OWN ANY CATS!!!! The woman only speaks Spanish and 2 of my Spanish friends have been there to talk to her. We are done talking now. I need help trapping and spay, neuter or rescue those kittens!!! She had a sign out front saying "FREE KITTENS". GOD HELP ME STAY COMPOSED. I wanted to grab her and pull her out of the doorway and beat her" I was so enraged I had to walk away.

I currently have 2 kittens that I am looking to adopt out. (Pictures attached). They both are under 12 weeks old and und...

I currently have 2 kittens that I am looking to adopt out. (Pictures attached). They both are under 12 weeks old and under 2 pounds. Both are females. Both will be 100% vetted meaning they will be dewormed, spayed, SNAP tested (for fatal diseases) and fully vaccinated including rabies certificate. They are both extremely social and loving. Potential adopters will need to be in agreement for me to meet them and do a home visit prior to acceptance. Way to much work and money has gone into them and they deserve a good home with stable, loving people or person. If interested DO NOT POST but call or text me directly on my cell 949-463-6064 and if "you are not sure about owning a cat" then chances are you're not a good fit. Those who are ready for an awesome companion your calls are welcomed.

As usual thank you Maribel Aguilar for your dedication and agreement to transport all the ferals in your truck while ass...

As usual thank you Maribel Aguilar for your dedication and agreement to transport all the ferals in your truck while assisting with the trapping. You are an Angel that showed up since Noemi is moving to Texas. Thanks to Gracie Shipman for her trapping expertise and thank you to my wife Beverly who doesn't share my vision yet worked her butt off helping me all weekend. I love you sweetheart for supporting my insane endeavor!!!


Video of a few of the releases


Video of the release


Videos of some of the Releases


Video of some of the releases


Video of completion of trapping and pre-release


Videos of trapping

Here's an update and education on the importance of FIXING YOUR PETS TO STOP THE POPULATION GROWTH. The result of not do...

Here's an update and education on the importance of FIXING YOUR PETS TO STOP THE POPULATION GROWTH. The result of not doing so is a life of starvation, sickness and early death if not euthanasia. Saturday night we trapped 19 cats. 1 released because she was visibly nursing. 5 because they were ear tipped so I already fixed them and the remaining 13 transported for spay, neuter, vaccines and possible adoption. There were 10 adults and 3 kittens taken Sunday morning to San Diego. The 3 kittens were kept and moved to a foster for adoption. 1 female feral gave birth in route and she was moved to a feral Foster to nurse her litter then she will be moved to a new feral home with her kittens going up for adoption when ready. So a total of 8 lives saved there. The remaining 9 adults were released last night. Attached are the pictures and videos accordingly.


A few videos of the process of trapping as a high volume trapper. First the collection of 11 traps and sterilization, labelling and lining a long with cut covers once the cats are trapped.. Second is the preparation of food.

I really don't maintain this page often because it was initially set up as a temporary fund raiser but i decided just to...

I really don't maintain this page often because it was initially set up as a temporary fund raiser but i decided just to leave it up. The truth is... most of the work I've been doing for years I prefer to keep private. I do it because of the love I have for animals which often leaves me sad or angry. Since March of this year I've TNR over 20 cats. Two have gone to fosters and then up for adoption. One 6 week old kitten that took 4 of us to rescue out of an electrical box almost 3 hours is still with me and is doing well. She was malnourished when we found her. It's now been almost 3 weeks. This weekend I'm trapping another 10 for TNR, vaccines and treated for any medical conditions that are treatable. This will be a total of 38 cats over the last year. I will finish the year at about 120 cats. So ... Anyone who says they can't spay or neuter their pet is full of s**t. Make the commitment and get it done. Overpopulation is an EPIDEMIC and it takes everyone to end it. Attached are pictures of the cats TNR, adopted, moved, etc. Honestly I don't really post because very often the comments or opinions of people just don't matter. I don't rely on anyone for money. I do it because I'm one of those who puts my money where my mouth is. I'm in the streets doing the work rather than giving a lip on Facebook. Those who roll up their sleeves and show up know what I'm talking about. The cats all shown here are doing well and are much healthier and have a chance at a good life. To the few who have consistently helped Like Gracie Shipman, Noemi DeLeon, Anne, Beverly my partner and now Maribel who has joined the efforts. Thank you ladies. Your heart and love and commitment has touched me.

5-year-old neutered male Malamute very friendly owned by a military man who is getting shipped out to Cuba and is unable...

5-year-old neutered male Malamute very friendly owned by a military man who is getting shipped out to Cuba and is unable to bring his dog ghost. My neighbor knows him and asked if I would help circulate the information to find him a good home. Call me direct if you can help or know anyone I don't check Facebook often. 949-463-6064

Another reminder and ASK FOR EVERYONE TO SPAY AND NEUTER THEIR PETS!!!! Another reminder for people to spread the word t...

Another reminder and ASK FOR EVERYONE TO SPAY AND NEUTER THEIR PETS!!!! Another reminder for people to spread the word that it is A CRIME TO ABANDON YOUR PET!!! It's become an epidemic. These so called "lost pets" are not lost but left behind. They are scared, hungry, thirsty and tired. Be kind, be patient and please don't just walk away and do NOTHING. Take 20 minutes to leave food and water at a bare minimum. Still looking for these two abandoned dogs in Moreno Valley Riverside area. This was about 4 days ago off the Old 215 and Alessandro Blvd.

THANK YOU TO THE FERAL CAT COALITION SAN DIEGO for an unbelievable job at spaying and neutering 10 Feral Cats for me ove...

THANK YOU TO THE FERAL CAT COALITION SAN DIEGO for an unbelievable job at spaying and neutering 10 Feral Cats for me over this past weekend. There are 501c organizations who sometimes live up to the expectations. There are some who fail and some who exceed. They exceeded from the initial contact through picking up the 10 cats yesterday I was truly in awe with their professionalism, organization, speed and competency. If you love animals and donate to a 501c I URGE YOU TO DONATE TO THIS CAUSE. From personal experience I could see where the money goes! I just because a monthly donor. Meet the 10 little lives that were changed for the better yesterday. They were medically treated, spayed, neutered, vaccinated, dewormed and flea treated when needed. Through my efforts and initiative with the assistance of Gracie Shipman and Noemi DeLeon WE GOT IT DONE!! There will be literally a few hundred less cats born because of our efforts. Thank you to The Feral Cat Coalition.

Meet "Big Head" or "Kila" who is a feral cat (so we thought) who showed up in my neighborhood about 4-5 years ago. He ha...

Meet "Big Head" or "Kila" who is a feral cat (so we thought) who showed up in my neighborhood about 4-5 years ago. He has been the dominant male in the neighborhood since his arrival. He's big. A good 15-16 pounds and very muscular. No cats that I ever saw challenged him. What I loved about him besides his big, cute head and face was his demeanor. If you left him alone he didn't bother with you so he left all my cats alone and knew he could get food and water from me. About 2 weeks ago we saw how frail and sick he looked. He lost so much muscle mass it was sad. To our surprise we were able to pet him so we administered Revolution and ast Friday we picked him up and brought him in the house to get him out of the heat. After an hour he was purring as Beverly rubbed him. He ate, slept in the AC in Beverly's office but by 1 am in the morning he wanted out so we let him out. This morning he showed up as he often does for food and we picked him up and took him to the vet. He was positive for feline Aids, had inflammation of his gums but my vet said his teeth looked good and estimated he was about 3-5 years old. A blood panel was pulled, he was neutered, given a shot of antibiotics and steroids to elevate the swollen gums and vaccinated with what we could do. He'll stay in our house tonight just until he's fully out of anesthesia and eats a good meal. I have him on the Hills prescription A/D which he likes and will help put weight on him. Let's hope he continues to return for food and water every day and that taking him to the vet didn't freak him out too much. Sad because someone did own him and just left him 4 years back. Let's hope when he has his flare-ups we are able to help him.

Thank you to Leanna Early and her parents for the awesome donation of cat food today for the ferals of Moreno Valley. I ...

Thank you to Leanna Early and her parents for the awesome donation of cat food today for the ferals of Moreno Valley. I really appreciate it guys and it's so needed. God Bless


GOOD NEWS STORY ... In January of this year I had trapped a 6-7 month old cat from one of my feral sites that had mange on his neck and face. He was treated and neutered. I named him "Noa" in Hawaiian meaning "the commoner or free man" As we were putting him in my "holding run" for a few days before released back he escaped and was running loose in my neighborhood. He never left but continued to get food and water every night from me. About a week later I saw that he bonded with a young female that was grossly underweight. Then 6 weeks ago Noemi DeLeon and her contact Jennifer at Room be 8 Rescue afforded me a connection to a home in Lake Matthews that wanted 2 feral cats for their property to keep mice and rats away. Following the home inspection I was thrilled to see that the older couple who had over 3 acres of a beautifully landscaped yard with a 5 foot high fence was just delightful to speak with and get to know. Because I'm still out recovering from surgery I had to hire multiple people to level the ground, transport supplies and set up the enclosure for the cats to establish their new residency. Nestled in the corner of their back yard under multiple green trees they would be out of the sun completely. Furnished with 2 cat trees and a cedar cat house, partial carpet and finished plywood flooring with multiple toys the project literally took 5 weekends and $1300.00 to complete. 2 nights ago Gracie Shipman and my partner Beverly after 3 hours were able to trap both Noa and Mia!!!! Yesterday they were SNAP tested, fixed, given vaccines and revolution and we're cleared to go!! We placed them in their holding run last night where they will remain for 5 weeks. I want to thank Noemi DeLeon, Room 8 rescue, Gracie Shipman, my partner Beverly and myself for spending the $1900.00 (literally) that it took to make this happen. While it should not have been this expensive if I was able to do it myself and use Mary S Roberts instead of my regular vet to spay and neuter I felt compelled to place these 2 cats because a barn home like this doesn't come around often. I am grateful for all of you who contributed and am excited that 2 very young cats who clearly love each other will have the opportunity at a long healthy life in a beautiful home that will provide them awesome activities and plenty of things to chase and catch. I feel relieved that they will be cared for. Especially knowing that I will be leaving California in the next few years. Best of luck Mia and Noa!!! You will never know the effort and coordination that went into getting you off the streets but in my heart I know. I will miss seeing you in my driveway every night!!!



$20.00 FOR 30-40 MINUTES WORK. PET CARE. I'm looking for someone who is close by that can come Monday through Friday between 7:30-8:30AM ...


City council meeting at city hall tomorrow night. Tuesday the 21st at 6 pm. Please be there by 5:45 to get checked in. We are asking for a low cost spay and neuter program and update our Animal services to accommodate the growth over the last 7 years. Please make your voices heard. All you have to do is show up and be present for 45-60 minutes


LOCAL FUNDRAISER AND WEEKEND FUN. FRIDAY (6/24), SATURDAY (6/25) AND SUNDAY (6/26) AT CARDENAS MARKET SHOPPING CENTER OFF JFK AND PERRIS. ITS A PARKING LOT FAIR!!!! As most know I severely broke my ankle over a month ago and will be "out of commission" for another 2-6 months therefore ALL OF MY RESCUE EFFORTS AND TNR has come to a dead stop. I will have a booth in the fair to raise money so that I can continue my efforts in the streets. Our booth will be offering products from The Ohana Brand as well as food, sodas a variety of gift cards for purchase.

Please attend and I'm also still looking for volunteers to assist with the booth all 3 days as I will be limited with how long I can have my leg down. Text me direct please 949-463-6064 Jane Plude

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Sick Feral Needing medical attention. Call me direct if you can help trap and transport 949-463-6064

Amen Cheryl Gutierrez. 6/7 at 6 pm please show up for the City council meeting where we are bringing up why this city ha...

Amen Cheryl Gutierrez. 6/7 at 6 pm please show up for the City council meeting where we are bringing up why this city has no TNR program or low cost spay and neuter. It's ridiculous. If anyone can help trap please call me directly 949-463-6064 Jane


Moreno Valley, CA


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