Play outside rain or shine! Your dog won’t be afraid to go out when it’s raining and then won’t have accidents in the house when they hold it too long! Play creates a positive association with the rain!
My foster girl leaves tomorrow and shes made amazing strides in the last month! She’s been a flighty fearful girl for a long time. These 2 girls couldn’t play together because they both had a few issues. You all know Riley’s been doing better but still has limits on what she can handle but to see them both playing like this together is wonderful! We’ve gotten to where this little girl will approach men for pets on leash, she no longer guards me from others if she’s on my lap and looks for guidance instead of fleeing or correcting another dog 😊
She’s been visiting her new family on and off all month and will officially join them tomorrow. I’m going to miss her so much! If you have a fearful dog, they pull at my heart strings for training. They’re my favorite to work with and see the amazing dog they can become!
When it’s hot and you want a fan to yourself and everyone is clingy 😂
When someone wants a fan to herself and everyone else is clingy 😂
This is a long one.
I started this video with a dog I thought was going to be focused. She very quickly showed she wasn’t. She wasn’t listening to my words. She just wanted to get it done to get her reward. Then she didn’t like the other dog joining us and I had to show her it wasn’t a problem. We went slow and did lots over to make sure it was done right before moving on. We ended on an easy sit for her to win. Some sessions are just this way even after almost 2 years of training. We ended there and will do it all again later. Those that have only been at this for a month? 2 months? 3 months? DONT quit! The more you do, the better it gets but there are still off days!
So sleepy but just can’t give in.
So sleepy but just can’t give in.
Working on co existence
Riley has grown so much in her ability to be around other dogs. This is to show that with proper training and commitment, not fast training, your dog can learn to be neutral in an environment with other dogs that are neutral. Riley’s favorite thing in the world is ball. She could never be at this excitement level around other dogs including dogs that live with her for a very long time. This is her 2nd time around Bella and they each have their own ball and even though Riley checks out Bella’s ball, she leaves it for her and brings her own back. She doesn’t attempt to attack her with frustration when they’re in close range. As you can see Bella is neutral to Riley and is coexisting playing her own game as well. Here to help with your reactive dogs ❤️
Friday Funday!
What Friday Night Looks like after a good day!
Teaching the Wait
Riley knows all of the concepts in this video, she’s just learning to do them in a different way for a different thing. It’s not perfect (nor will it ever be) but it’s getting closer to how I’d like it to build endurance.
Someone has her own ideas tonight #notyourtypicalkennel #happydog #labrador #blacklab #bedtime #playtime
Peanut butter enrichment time! #dogslife #boarding #happydog #notyourtypicalkennel #enrichmentfordogs
They’re all enjoying watching Rosanne
Puzzles!!!! Hard to choose! I explain this one and why I like it in my video!
Video of my favorite puzzle for my kids. It can be easier or more challenging.
Every 15 minutes this is what we’re doing
Look at Louie focus on his mom! He will glance at me and look around but it’s brief and he’s engaging with what she wants him to do! Great lesson today!
She is communicating without lots of words in a way dogs learn best!
Dog parks were created with good intentions. Who doesn’t want to let their dog run completely off leash and burn some steam?
The problem is, people all claim to have the best behaved dog and don’t understand their dogs body language isn’t appropriate play. Some don’t care, they’re just there to have social hour while their dog harasses the rest or a specific dog.
I tell my clients not to use the dog park unless it’s empty or you know every dog there. I personally use them to help my dogs be more neutral by observing them. If you do this, you have to start with distance and when you’re close you may receive backlash from those inside it. They like to get mad at you when their dogs are going crazy at the fence and won’t come because you’re distracting them. It’s ok, you aren’t doing anything wrong.
Here you will see lots of different dogs together and sometimes even see 5-6 chasing the same ball in my videos. These dogs have all been tested to have the same temperaments to play that way together. The video below has 6-7 dogs in it. Groups of 2 are very common in play and the others typically do their own thing. No one is allowed to gang up on anyone.