Strong communities are built on small businesses! Homegrown & Homemade! Show up and shop local! The perfect gift for your friends and family!
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To be entered to win a free $50 tray of our Christmas Cookies!
Find us at Old Stonehouse Farm 934 Sunrise Boulevard in Mount Bethel PA
#nofarmsnofood #nofarmersnofood #countryliving #livelocal #oldstonehousefarm #countrylife #homegrown #nofarmersnofuture #homemade #beef #millerseggranch
Strong communities are built on small businesses! Homegrown & Homemade! Show up and shop local! The perfect gift for your friends and family! LIKE our page COMMENT with your favorite Christmas CookieSHARE this post To be entered to win a free $50 tray of our Christmas Cookies!#nofarmsnofood #nofarmersnofood #countryliving #livelocal #oldstonehousefarm #countrylife #homegrown #nofarmersnofuture #homemade #beef #millerseggranch
Open Friday 9-3 & Saturday 10-3!
Tuesday and Wednesday we are open 9am-4pm. We will starting more regular hours November 1st. #nofarmsnofuture #nofarmsnofood #beef #homegrown #homemade #fresheggs #countrylife
Stocking up for winter!! Who else is harvesting summer crops for winter dinners?
#Nofarmsnofood #countrylife
While we work the kinks out of the ice cream shop we are figuring out all of the cool stuff you can do with the vanilla soft serve we have up and running!