Greener Days Ahead Rescue

Greener Days Ahead Rescue GDAR is a 501c3 serving all dogs. Large working breeds being our specialty. We are no kill. GDAR became an official 501(c)3 rescue on May 12th, 2015.

After rescuing my first dog, a Schnauzer named Mini, in 1996 from ditch in Jacksonville, then mentoring other rescues for nearly 10 years, serving on board of directors and various volunteer positions, I kept my feet grounded to the very principals of quality care and gold standards learned from various sources. GDAR takes in homeless, abandoned and owner surrender animals as space permits. We tak

e pride in caring for our animals. They are rehabilitated, fully vetted, spayed or neutered, put on Heartworm prevention and microchipped before adoption. We rely strictly on donations from the public and accept them in several ways, on our website where you will also see our wish lists links, available dogs and more information about us. You can also quickly set a monthly donation via Paypal at [email protected] or use a credit card over the phone to our veterinarian clinic at 501-796-8400. If you would like to mail a check please send it to GDAR, PO BOX 151, Mount Vernon, Arkansas 72111. Email Jennifer McCullough at [email protected] if you're interested in volunteering or have other questions. Thanks for helping or considering a rescue dog!

Welcome Russell, Molly and Zilla the cat to Greener Days Ahead Rescue.

Welcome Russell, Molly and Zilla the cat to Greener Days Ahead Rescue.

Thanks to PetSmart for having all our chaos today!

Thanks to PetSmart for having all our chaos today!

Even the soap bubbles are astonished how much there is to clean in rescue... BAWWWWAHAHAHA

Even the soap bubbles are astonished how much there is to clean in rescue... BAWWWWAHAHAHA

Scarlett left with her O'hare this week and some of you may recognize that good-looking cowboy hat... lol... yep Roulett...

Scarlett left with her O'hare this week and some of you may recognize that good-looking cowboy hat... lol... yep Roulette is in training with her veteran already and Don was back to pick up Ryder for 11 year old boy who needs a service dog. So wish Scarlett happy tails and Ryder good luck on his training course and hopefully we will see him do more good things!

His hairball grew legs... omg I'm dying here. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Welcome Marshmellow and Goldilocks.  3.5 month female shepherd/lab mi...

His hairball grew legs... omg I'm dying here. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Welcome Marshmellow and Goldilocks. 3.5 month female shepherd/lab mixes.


August is upon us already! And man have we been busy! Boarding 3 Intakes for Arkansas Weim Rescue for a few days, Month end reporting, several adoptions to kick off the months and high need intake, bouncing Butter Bean!

August... Groucho'24, Obiecat'24, Blossom'24, Sprout'24, Toothpick'24awr, Hotshot'24awr, Duke'24awr

July....Spring'24, Mayocat'24, Stormy'24, Hatch'24, YodaBear'24, Millie'24, Maycat'24, Garfieldcat'24, Fritz'24, Harley'24, Cash'24, Sugar'24, Roulette'24

June... Ruby'24, cassanova'24, Apricot'24, Tootsie'24, Morse'24, Kiva'24, Neo'24, Maze'24, Pinky'24, Kitty3'24, Sugar'24, Bruno'24, Kitten2'24

May... Trucs'24, Boo'24, Luma'24, Cocoa'24, Darcy'24, Brock'24, Lael'24, Groucho'24, Lexi'24, Cupid'24, Brandi'24, Harley'24, Big Hunk'24, candy'24, Sif'24, DeOgee'24, Kitty3'24, Kitty1'24

April... Hidalgo'24, Cloud'24, Ginger'24, Goldie'24, Ms Ida'24, Mittens'24kitty, Stomie'24kitty, Gin'24, Molly'24, Rose'24, Lovey'24, Valentina'24, Luma'24, Lucky'24, Kira'24, Kitten(Tiny)'24, Xoxo'24

March... Dottie'24, Leo'24, Kayden'24, Aella'24, Sydney'24, Bella'24, Ricky'24, Lucille'24, Pebbles'24, Maverick'24, Goose'24, Screech'24rto, Peony'24, Meadow'24, Griffin'24, Athena'24rto, Jelly'24rto

February...Alf'24, Solo'24, Winter'24, Ivy'24, Rhino'24, Wilma'24, Betty'24, BamBam'24, Rigley'24, Willis'24, MarleyMoo'24, Stella'24, Laurel'24, Gmork'24, Clyde'24, Oscar'24, PrettyGirl'24Rto, FatGirl'24Rto, Angus'24Rto, FatBoy'24Rto.

January... Mallory'24, Lila'24, Teeter'24, Mickey'24, Hilda'24, Loki'24, Levi'24, Jojo'24, Bumpkin'24, Zeus'24

December...Sarge'23, Sooie'23, Zoltar'23, Raven'23, Tux'23, Saber'23, Condor'23, Minka'23, Boogeygirl'23, Fallon'23, Falkor'23, Cricket'23, Laser'23, Winnie'23, Hank'23
November...Mei'23, Minnie'23, Xerox'23, Kodak'23, Toner'23, Toby'23, MacIntyre'23, HazelMae'23, Tader'23rto, Franny'23, Barrett'23, Cypress'23, Sonny'23, Hansel'23, Cupcake'23, Linus'23
October...Riley'23, TinkTink'23, Harvey'23, Oliver'23, Slider'23, Mario'23, Fallon'23, Brooks'23, Fiona'23, Franny'23, Luigi'23, Penny'23, Piper'23, Brady'23, Bianca'23, Maverick'23, Willow'23, Twilight'23, Sugarbaby'23, Fray'23, Iceman'23, Baybay'23
September...Farrah'23, Marvin'23, ScoobySteve'23, Zena'23, Bettyboop'23, Cici'23, Roper'23, Ping'23, Mulan'23, Diva'23, Gretal'23, Rigley'23, Charlie'23, Blake"Red"23, Susie'23, Piper'23
August...Lily'23, Gunther'23, Bubba'23, Acer'23, Grizzley'23, Charleston'23, Savannah'23
JULY... Rosie'23, Cupcake'23, Loki'23, Teddibear'23, Oscar'23, Winston'23, Ellabella'23, Bonnie'23, Millie'23, QueenE'23, PupAgirl'23, PupBgirl'23, PupCgirl'23 PupDgirl'23, PupAboy'23, PupBboy'23, PupCboy'23, PupDboy'23, Benji'23
JUNE...Cameron'23, Zero'23c, Ronnie'23c, Luna'23c, Riptorn'23c, Skittles'23c, Spree'23c, Razzles'23c, Dots'23c, Gobstobber'23c, Sissie'23, Blanch'23, Maggie'23, Ben'23, Waffles'23, Trixie'23, Boomer'23, BigHunk'23, Tootsie'23, Bogo'23
MAY... Sally'23, Coco'23, Nixxi'23, Peaches'23, Honey'23, Popeye'23, Welches'23, Rio'23
APRIL...Cynder'23, Jingle'23, Whisper'23, Crystal'23, Smokey'22, Fanta'23c, Faygo'23, Squirt'23c, Barqs'23c, Sevenup'23c, Necco'23, Lipsky'23, Diamond'23, Tipper'23, Jake'23, Eight'23
MARCH...Koda'23, Hope'23, Hank'23, Diva'23, Dibbs'23, Annie'23c, Butterrum'23c, Hoonaw'23c, Skellington'23c, Frankiejo'23c, Ralphie'23c, Victor'23c, Jean'23c, PecanPearl'23c, ChellaSue'23c,
FEBRUARY... Titan'23, Buddy'23, Coalie'23, Tucker'23, Ryder'23
JANUARY...Vee'23, Charity'23, Noble'23, Mahira'23, Phoebe'23
December...Taffy'22, Moe'22, Chrissie'22rto, Elvis'22, Harvest'22...
November...Sasha'22, Ajax'22, Shelby'22, Su-sue'22...
October...Lu-see'22 Starsky'22, Molly'22, Milo'22, Domino'22, Edabean'22, September...Lollielou'22, Abbygina'22, Cookie'22, Spanishbean'22, August...Refriedbean'22, Spike'22, Ace'22, Poppins'22, Garfieldcat'22, Jestercat'22, Luke'22, Lexi'22, Lizzy'22, Lola'22, Lady'22awr, Blackbean'22, Pintobean'22, Garbonzabean'22, Limabean'22, Velma'22, Blue'22, Olivia'22... July...HansGruberCat'22, Kidneybean'22, Booboo'22, Lydia'22, Laila'22, Nina'22, Danny'22, Dharla'22, Glory'22, Ginger'22, MochaCat'22, Daphne'22, Shaggy'22, Scooby'22, Spots22c, Heidi'22c, Bosco'22c, Bunny'22c, Dolly'22c, Dixie'22c, Dana'22c...
June...Remi'22, Loki'22, Murphy'22 BigBen'22,
May... Minnie'22, Jossie'22,
April... RomanCat'22, Murray'22, Rosie'22, Marcie'22, Meathead'22,
March...Selma'22c, Savia'22c, Saraya'22c, Brat'22c, Waylon'22c,Peter'22c, Paul'22, Pearl'22, Hardy'22c, Homer'22c, Sandy'22c, Gelé'22c, Laurel'22c, Bingo'22, Mia'22, Oreo'22, Rodger'22, Tia'22...
February...Thorn'22, Lulu'22, Sassy'22, Kenny'22...
January... Wade'22, SirFoy'22, AlvitaZein'22, Layci'22c, Cindylouwho'22c, Eve'22c, Candi'22c, Belle'22c, Holly'22c, Faith'22c, TinyTim'22c, King'22c, Dancer'22c, Tinsel22'c, Spud'22c, Raisin'22c, Sage'22c, Biscuit'22c, Giblet'22c, Ashley'22, Wilma'22, Waylon'22, Wishbone'22, Glory'22...

December... Bandit'21, Duce'21, Sookie'21, Roro'21, Peanut'21, Scooter'21, Triton'21, Molly'21, .Mannington'21, Honey'21, Jack'21, Cricket'21, Levi'21, Shirlee'21, .Pumpkin'21, Barnaby'21m, Agatha'21, Theo'21c, Oreo'21c, Sweetpea'21c Bitsy'21c, Brazzle'21c, Yingyang'21c, Heartthrob'21c, lil'Macie'21' BigBella'21, Todd'21 Mirah'21, Rossie'21, Steel'21, Goldie'21, Domino'21, Shelby'21, Spade'21, Dottie'21, Hunter'21, Varia'21, Richie'21, Stewy'21c, Jenny'21c, Dustie'21c, Bridget'21c, Knothead'21c, Socks'21c, Sky'21c, Mattie'21c, Sam'21c, Gooby'21, Tawny'21, Lasso'21, Cash'21, Misty'21, Peppers'21, Oakley'21m, Pebbles'21m, Possum'21, Teddy'21, Rose'21, Gilligan'21, Koda'21, Ebbon'21, Tulip'21, King21, Rooney'21, Oynx'21, Ruby'21, Sterling'21, Una'21, Stripe'21, Thalia'21, Rusty'21, Ace'21, Bee'21, Shadow'21, Ben'21, Byakko'21, Dimora'21, Ebby'21, Brody'21, Apollo'21, Emily'21, Whitney'21, Chloe'21, Rocco'21, Banjo'21, Amber'21, T-bone'21, Violet'21, Lotus'21, Kimberly'20, Jag'20, Harvest'20, Prince'20, Friar'20, Luna'20, Lillie'20, Bebe'20, Lilah'20, Astro'20, Onyx'20, Crystal'20, Diamond'20, Crescent'20, Selene'20, Artemis'20, Eclipsa'20, Cooper'20, Mani'20, Handsome'20, Sadie'20, Rosie'20, Pearl'20 Blue'20, Kayce'20, Ritzy'20, Dirksen'20, Dewey'20, Jax'20 Rhett'20, Rainy'20, Samantha'20, Rhett'20, Daffy'20, Mazzy'20, Peoke'20, Max'20, Peewee'20, Doc'20, Lemon'20, Bruno'20, Sugar'20, CharlieP'20, Zeus II'20, Peppers'20, Trigger'20, Cherry'20, Temp'20, Gypsy'20, Roman'20 Rufus'20, Ellie'20, Cheech'20, Rhett'20, Rhino'20, Hobo'20, Puff'20, Loki'20, Annie'20, Lucy'20, Coogan'20, Izzy'20, Snow'20, Deedee'20, Purdy'20, Hero'20, Daisy'20, Dixie'20, Henry'20, Jethro'20, Bandit'20, Scoops'20, Buff'20, Taco'20, Penny'20, Chance'20, Aspen'20, Jewels'20, Junior'20, Zack'20, Snickers'20, Hope'20, Docker'19, Pixie'19, Oakley'19, Fenn'19, Zeus'19, Ralphie'19, Lordy'19, Butch'19, Sandy'19, Shasta'19, Gus'19, Sasha'19, Hickson'19, Chief'19, Belle'19, Julia'19, Sassy'19, Oliva'19, Keiba'19, Studly'19, Lacey'19, Archie' 19, Zaza'19, Veano'19, Zola'19, Lovie'19, Cheyenne'19, Midnight'19, Eddie'19, Blondie'19, Amos'19, Andy'19, Zeke'19, Opal'18, Pearl'18, Della'18, Ezel'18, Ace'18, Amaya'18, Holly'18, Kimba'18, Misty'18, OJ'18, Sawyer'18, Triton'18, Jackson'18, Jo-Fi'18, Odie'18, Watson'18, Simpson'18, Chanel'18, Ashoka'18, Little Luna'18, Atlas'18, Crescent'18, Sirius'18, Perrin'18, Denali'18, Sailor'18, George'18, Symons'18, Waylon'18, Sally'18, Grace'18, Purity'18, Oceans'18, Abby'18, Peanut'18, Queen'18, Toby'18, Jezzebelle'18, Iris'18, Poppy'18, Max'18, Janci'18, Basil'18, Millie'18, Sophie'18, Windy'18, Malo'17, Bandit'17, Domino'17, Mayble'17, Queenie'17, Flint''17, Minnie'17, Mickey'17, Prancer'17, Petey'17, Tigger'17, Toto'17, Samfred'17, AbbyGail'17, Speedy'17, Royal'17, Corbin'17, Phoenix'17, Magnum'17, Cookie'17, Cupcake'17, Ginger'17, Princeton'17, Skylar'17, Marbles'17, Mugsy'17, Ally'17, Moe'17, Flynn'17, Kacee'17, Leia'17, Imma'16, Axel'16, Hank'16, Lucky'16, BW'16, Basil'16, SusieQ'16, Millie'16 Grhettal'16, Spot'16, Sophie'16, Ellie'16, Becky'16, , Buster'16, Diamond'16, Rachel'16, Ruby'16, Rufus'16 Mama'16, Teeto'15, Lordy'15, Squatch'15, Lorrah'15, , Trudie'15, Rocky'15, Sugar'15, Spice'15, Dodger'15, Porsha'15, Kia'15, Lexus'15, Skipper'15, Bandetta'15, Tippy'15, Sable'15, Jake'15, Bolt'15, Spot'15, Bernina'15, Dexter'15, Cecelia'15, Bunny Boo'15, Cane'15, Dixie'15, Libby'14, Sammy'14, Gretta'14, Ejay'13, Moe'13, Joe'13, Bear'13, Sasha'13, Max'12...
Condolences to those who were loved if only for a minute, but are no longer a member of our pack. Max'12, Rhett'15, Midnight'15, Mercedes'15, Odie'16, Ringo'17, Hope'18, Fancy'18, Charity'18, Moses'18, Joy'18, Glory'18, Merry'18, Eve'18, Sweet Eli'18, ever endearing Reeves'19, and Ellie'19, Angel'19, Billybobcat'20, Rader'20, Roy'20, Clifford'20, Lilly'20, Jewel'21, Phoe'21, Pebe'21, Hobe'21, Our board member Karen'21, Zeus'21, Fred'22, Tutu'22, Ebbon'22, Juju'23, Lil'Miss'23, Lil'Hanu'23, Lil'inoe'23, Lil'Nālu'23, Lil'keon'23, Quincy'23, Koorky'24, Loulou'24, Duckie'24, Star'24, and Big Red'24 may God let you play in peace.
Thanks bunches to everyone at Vilonia Animal Clinic. To our board members and p**p slingers, Allan, Beth, Mike, JenniferM, JenniferB, and to the rest of those who fully support our efforts...
Greener Days Ahead Rescue
Published by Jennifer McCullough ·


Cross your paws... Groucho is off, well again, someone with a little grit and experience with the breed.

You can pair Mecca with any dog... Carni and Mecca are available for adoption.

You can pair Mecca with any dog... Carni and Mecca are available for adoption.

Double trouble with side of cat! Lol collars, leashes, dogs and a cat. This fine family left with something for everyone...

Double trouble with side of cat! Lol collars, leashes, dogs and a cat. This fine family left with something for everyone!

Miss Butter Bean, a soulful Pyrenees, was left for dead in the bean fields just outside of city limits, weighing in at o...

Miss Butter Bean, a soulful Pyrenees, was left for dead in the bean fields just outside of city limits, weighing in at only 54 pounds she is malnourished, severely matted, and infested with ticks. She had been cruelly tied up to the abandoned grain bins, we know by the rope that she had chewed on still dangling off her neck. But ever faithful, scared, and abandoned she stayed right there waiting for help. We are determined to give her a second chance at a happy and healthy life she deserves.

Sweet young girl, Miss Abigail was here for the first time today to help and for school volunteer hours.  Her mom does h...

Sweet young girl, Miss Abigail was here for the first time today to help and for school volunteer hours. Her mom does have to stay on premises (because of her age) but she was eager to learn, seemed to love all the dogs and cats, and hopes to get into the animal field someday.
Mike was in an outa here to handle a couple offsite adoptions and I got really nothing done except one little foster to adopt trial set up for Hopper!
Thankful for whom is getting to be our regular around her, Ellie was here for cat duty, so it been a busy day.
The young man with the brindle dog, In all my years of doing this, I don't think I have seen a more excited person to adopt his dream puppy. My heart is full today. But it's not over yet!

Puppy Zeus, Zuuk... growing up! Soulful look never changes. Lol

Puppy Zeus, Zuuk... growing up! Soulful look never changes. Lol

Fritz is on his way home to Sunny California! Yep they drove all that way to get to their new love ❤️ 😍 safe travels bac...

Fritz is on his way home to Sunny California! Yep they drove all that way to get to their new love ❤️ 😍 safe travels back to San Diego!

7 adoptions this weekend and 2 more spoken for not pictured yet!

7 adoptions this weekend and 2 more spoken for not pictured yet!


Today we may accept what will be our last dog. I want to TRULY extend my heartfelt thanks to all our friends, near and far, our dearest supporters, and our best Poosters who have been with me since I joined Facebook and entered this incredible rescue journey.

It has come time for me to make significant life changes. Gdar has always been financially solvent, thanks to hard work and good people, along with great support from our veterinarian teams. However, due to the lack of community involvement and regular volunteers to help care for the animals, we are facing the REALITY of CLOSING permanently.

As an organization, we are hopeful to make some changes in an attempt to prevent permanent closure. If these efforts do not succeed or we do not receive the needed volunteer support, we will have no other choice.

This is not what I want to do because the need is so great in our area, but I can no longer sustain the demands and amount of hours I put in 7 days a week in the care of the homeless pets. My physical health, mental well-being, and family are being affected.

He just has one spot he keeps hot... but I don't think Woe is too convinced this is better than a cone .. his poor digni...

He just has one spot he keeps hot... but I don't think Woe is too convinced this is better than a cone .. his poor dignity! 🤣🤣🤣

Cash is fully vetted and ready for adoption!

Cash is fully vetted and ready for adoption!

Cash wants someone to drop a dime or two on him and get him out of our shelter! Must like needy happy yappy small dogs to appreciate this one! Supposedly a chorkie 9.5 pounds. Young 8 months old. Taken applications, full availability on or after 6-25-24.

Cash wants someone to drop a dime or two on him and get him out of our shelter! Must like needy happy yappy small dogs t...

Cash wants someone to drop a dime or two on him and get him out of our shelter! Must like needy happy yappy small dogs to appreciate this one! Supposedly a chorkie 9.5 pounds. Young 8 months old. Taken applications, full availability on or after 6-25-24.

well it appears I (we) went all in on the kitty rescue and we need kitty litter and kitty food. We have 9 kittens and 2 ...

well it appears I (we) went all in on the kitty rescue and we need kitty litter and kitty food. We have 9 kittens and 2 mama cats what seems like pretty much overnight. Still looking and trying things out, finding all our favorites. I am very open to ideas. Check out our list and login to place your order. We are still feeding 10 puppies too show them some too.

Dinner time!!! ×10

Dinner time!!! ×10

Finally cleared from her Prolapse, sweet silly snorting Lexi went her much awaited home.  And then out popped a kitten. ...

Finally cleared from her Prolapse, sweet silly snorting Lexi went her much awaited home. And then out popped a kitten. Never officially named but always known as Kitty1 left for his home. He is now named Honor.

Beautiful day for a big ole beautiful doggie to go home. Truce take it easy on our Dottie girl!!!

Beautiful day for a big ole beautiful doggie to go home. Truce take it easy on our Dottie girl!!!

Lots of work behind the scene to make all this happen... but what a fantastic day! Thanks to Ada, Mike, Madison, Pat, an...

Lots of work behind the scene to make all this happen... but what a fantastic day! Thanks to Ada, Mike, Madison, Pat, and Allan for helping out so much today. And a couple of the Petsmart employees that I don't know the names of. You guys were all Pawsome today!


RECOVERED Dog in Mount Vernon (Faulkner County) / Veridian

****ALFPN is so sorry for your loss.****

Pet's Name: Veridian
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Description: Black all over with a white belly and feet.
Date Lost: 05/24/2024
Date Recovered: 05/26/2024
Recovery Story: It pains me to say this but there’s no need for Veridian’s post anymore. I’m not sure how or where to take it down, but she is no longer with us. Thank you so much for your efforts.


Link back to ALFPN:
Date posted: May 25, 2024

11 days in... knock on wood... no additional parvo cases with the dogs already in our care that may have been exposed to...

11 days in... knock on wood... no additional parvo cases with the dogs already in our care that may have been exposed to the positive pugs that awful night, what seems soooo long ago already! Thank god and thanks to all the bleach we had on hand! If anyone wants to help replenish our stock we use Germicidal Clorox. See our website for Amazon wishlist.

Greener Days Ahead Rescue - Dog Rescue and Animal Welfare Non Profit Organization

Worst looking pug is the sole survivor...during the week of Pugatory we have experienced... another week in the round bo...

Worst looking pug is the sole survivor...during the week of Pugatory we have experienced... another week in the round booth for Lexi though Dr Chris said.


I also want to make a huge shout out to Petsense for donating nearly 400 pounds of high quality dog food today. Merrick, Blue, Nutro, TOW, and Nulo to name a few! Forever grateful for good partners that understand what we do!


Po Box 151
Mount Vernon, AR

Opening Hours

Monday 3pm - 7pm
Tuesday 11am - 6pm
Friday 10am - 6pm
Saturday 10am - 5pm
Sunday 11am - 5pm


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Contact The Business

Send a message to Greener Days Ahead Rescue:




Our Story

Back in 1993 I picked up my first stray off the streets, a stray Schnauzer named Minnie. 1996 I gained my show up black lab, Jack. 2006 a shepherd, 2007 a Weimaraner; by then I was starting to see I pattern and something I was good at doing. With the help social media, in 2008 we pulled our first two pups. The following four years we spent mentoring other rescues and kept our paws grounded. We operated without a name, an eventually evolved into Greener Days Ahead Rescue in 2012 . We operated successfully for three more years, then we took the plunge with the help our supporters to become officially recognized as 501(c)3 rescue on May 12th, 2015. GDAR was born.

GDAR takes in homeless, abandoned and owner surrender animals as space permits. We take pride in caring for the animals and only have a limited number available at any one time. Every animal and the community is considered and ethical decisions are made to bring back to a healthy state, fully vet, spay or neuter, put on Heartworm prevention and microchipped before adoption.

We have a very small a volunteer team that provides around the clock care and the very best medical care possible. We rarely use foster care, because we do have in house certified animal trainer and our own facilities and the many challenges it creates on the overall work load. Because we are home-based, we do keep our location highly guarded until you have an approved application and set appointment. If you know our location, please help us by keeping it confidential for the safety of our people, animals and preventing a potential drop zone for unvetted dogs.

We often call our facility “The Doghouse.” We are in a rural setting, where the dogs have long runs for free play during the day, weather permitting, and inside heated and cooled housing at night to sleep. Because we limit our care size we often do not qualify for many of the grants or have much of a chance at the popularity contests many other organizations are eligible for. We rely strictly on adoption fees and donations from people like you! They are accepted via our website or paypal [email protected]. If you would like to mail a check please send to Greener Days Ahead, PO BOX 151, Mount Vernon, AR 72111. Credit card donations can be made directly to our account at the vet clinic by calling Vilonia Animal Clinic at 501-796-8400 and having it applied to Greener Days Ahead.

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