Remember when your dog was a puppy, and she was so tiny? And for the first little while after you brought her home, you woke up a few times a night to take her out to the potty? And she cried when you left her alone because she didn't know she would be ok by herself?
And then finally she was able to sleep to all night, but her teeth were coming in and she chewed up all of her toys, and the trash you dropped, and the chair leg and your fingers. Finally, she is through her teething stage, but now her hair is long, and she struggles to sit still long enough for you to wash, dry, and brush her weekly. She dances while on the leash and still leaves accidents on the carpet almost every day. But you love her more than anything, and you know that with consistency, this phase too will pass.
And now she is your golden girl. She tells you when she needs to go out, she falls asleep on the grooming table, and cuddles beside you on the couch. But you notice that she is lonely, and so you think about getting her a friend. To keep her company when you must go out, and play chase with her when she gets bored. But.. you're not quite ready to do it all over again. The sleepless nights, the shark teeth, the short attention span, and crazy puppy ideas.
Well, I know exactly what that is like. While I know that a puppy is totally worth the sleepless nights, chewed up chair legs, and shampooing the carpet, I do have a situation that would allow you to completely skip that stage.
I have an absolute sweetheart of a little girl in my training program right now. She is already fully grown and mature, so she is through all of the puppy stages. She is quiet and respectful, cuddly, and very loving. She is potty trained, sleeps on the couch, and will do anything for a treat. She loves to play with doggy friends and kids.
She sleeps all night happily in her crate and entertains herself or takes a nap when you are away.
And the best part- I am looking for a partner for her. Where she can play some of the day, cuddle a lot, go on sniff walks, and nap in the sun. Someone who needs a little of her sunshine to brighten their day, greet them at the door after work, and soothe the ache in their heart.
She has a quiet gentleness about her that brings peace to turmoil, presence to an anxious soul, and healing to heartaches that never seem to go away.
She is here, and she is love, and she could be with you. If it feels right in your heart, and you feel that pull, send me a message, and let's talk.
Big Legends Student