SNARF Spay Neuter Adopt Rescue Foster is over at Petco in the Nampa Marketplace with the CUTEST pups all needing homes! 😍🥹❤️
Have YOU wanted to learn DOG GROOMING?! 🐾🐩
DOGHAUS is introducing Idahos ONLY pet grooming course fully bonded and backed by the Department of Education with classes starting March 2025. It takes 14 days to create a habit. Take 13 weeks to change your life!
Secure PAID employment at one of (2) salons in Boise or Nampa for candidates showing the most proficiency. Small class sizes, actual salon experiences and demos with Internationally Certified Master Groomers from all around the world! Come with us to regional Groom Expos, Barkleigh Cruises and SO much more!
Being bonded as a private entity means that we have done the paperwork, filed the forms and paid the fees. It means YOUR MONEY is protected and that we are serious about providing quality and compassionate studies to our team.
All inquires should be sent to [email protected]. Please allow for response times after the holidays; as we have been flooded with requests! ❤️
Thank you all for the continued support!
DogHaus has openings at Doggie Stylin’ in Downtown Nampa!
Torben and his orange hawk! 😍 🙌🏻❤️✨️
DID YOU KNOW.... creative coloring on your animal can help identify them in an emergency, such as being lost or stolen?! #DogHaus208
#handstripping side X side 😃
#doggrooming #DogHaus208