High Desert StationTeam Roping and breakaway roping practice. Tuesday nights
PS barrel racers are still welcome from 3 to 430 every TuCourtney Medleythe first horse $10 for the second.
What you need to know
 tomorrow, Tuesday, 5 November breakaway practice will start at 5 PM Courtney Medley will be
Providing the calves.”THANK YOU “ we will be running breakaway, practice, and teamwork practice together. but the first hour from 5 to 6 PM is strictly breakaway Roping.if you only doing breakaway roping it will be $40 for the first horse and $10 for every horse after.
From 6 PM to 9 PM we will be alternating one pen of breakaway calves, one pen of Roping steers. If you are strictly only running breakaway calves during this time, the price is the same as mentioned above. If you Are doing both Team Roping and breakaway Roping from 6 to 9 and it’s $30 for Team Roping and $30 for breakaway Roping if you’re riding 1 Horse. If you’re riding two horses, one for Team Roping and one for breakaway Roping from 6 to 9, then it’s $40 a horse.
Family discount for Team Roping only. You only pay for the horses you bring. $40 for the first horse $10 for every horse after. PS cousins don’t count. It needs to be immediate family.  husband Wife sister Brother, etc..

Please tag anyone you know so we can spread the word. This will be the pattern every Tuesday through the winter unless otherwise posted..