I started thinking about breeding the GSD after I saw a dog named Ulko do really well in French ring Championship. Before then, I thought the breed was circling the toilet. I chose the name Du Tuller Rett, because, if you don't know norwegian, it sounds fancy, but, when translated, means "Your kidding, right" which means something to me, because at one point in my life, I said I would never breed
dogs again. The search for good dogs to start with was not easy, a pain the bottom if you really want to know. I found a breeder in France (Laurent Liberal) and he sent me a really good dog Esko de la Coquellerie. I then purchased a ring 3 GSD named Basco des Trevires. He was also a really good dog, but personality wise, they were two different types. Now, 6 years into this, I see that I have produced some good dogs, got a lot of things I wanted in a dog to pass, like good Character, good drives, good temperament, and a love of work. Also got way more good hips than bad, and the bad, were more borderline than bad. Lots of set backs on the way, good times, and bad times. Still breeding grabs my curiosity and shakes it back and forth. HA HA Thanks for taking the time to read this.