hello My puppy peeps I miss having puppies but my girls are all elderly and being pampered . Kizzy and Zara are now 11 and 10 yrs old and mom, grandma to many of your babies. Magee who had 2 litters sadly passed away last year at 8 years old I never use oral flea and tick meds and use a cat size dose of advantix when needed once or twice a year but she started having seizures indicating a brain tumor :( I tried for months to control them but God wanted an angel:( She was the sweetest girl and used to close the door for me after all the dogs came in , so I didn't have to go back downstairs myself to shut the door. I miss her and sometimes still cry because I couldn't save her She had a great life filled with so much love and adventure . So I would like to address Boxer aging issues and to remind people DO NOT USE BRAVECTO NEXGUARD < SIMIPARICA OR SERESTO COLLARS!!! Wondercide is a spray using essential oils but you can make a spray yourself with a crushed garlic clove, a few drops of dish detergent and cedar essential oil, lemongrass oil .. , . I also want to talk about another Boxer Issue . Growths on the gums . Seems to be more prominent in the males Kitchi had them so badly we had to have them lasered off and because they had covered his teeth for so long he had to lose all of his teeth. He almost died from being under anesthesia for so long . 2 procedures 4 hours each. he's doing much better now . Zeb daddy and grandpa to your kids and the best puppy sitter goes in for his surgery tomorrow . But his is focusing on one lump in the front of his gums that makes it look like he is blowing a bubble with bubble gum . He would benefit from lasering his gums also but with his age and knowing we need to take off the big lump in the front , we are just going for that so he is not under too long where he is 10 yrs old . If you have one of my dogs and need advice or have a question please ask Many of my puppy peeps have become lclose friends over the years :) Some of my best friends came from adding puppy love to their family :) I will let everyone know how Zeb does I am a bit worried Oh also if your dog has to be sedated for any reason Tell the vet NO ACE PROMAZINE It's a sedative known to cause sudden death in certain dog breeds , boxers being one. some vets don't agree but the millions of dead dogs are who I believe. That may have been part of why Kitchi almost died during his procedure. His heart rate was going high and erratic and they gave him ACE and then he crashed and almost didn't wake up :( Now thye have it on his chart NO ACE!!!! Enjoy your fuzzy kids , give them a good life. Take them for rides , let them run free in a safe space . If you live near me I will give you my yard to use or the bog for an hour