If You Stand There, You’ll Stay There
Every morning, my sweet Walker Hound, Ginger, teaches me a lesson about life—whether she realizes it or not. Lately, she’s mastered the art of standing at the back door, nose pressed to the glass, as if ready to enter. But the moment I open the door, she isn’t so interested in joining me. Nope. Ginger is on high alert for one thing: a treat. If she doesn’t see that little morsel waiting, she stays perfectly planted—even if it’s raining or freezing—until I give in and grab her a snack.
One frosty morning, I said, “If you stand there, you’ll stay there.” It hit me like a little lightning bolt: how often do we do the same in our own lives or businesses? If we stand still, waiting for the perfect opportunity, we might get stuck in a place that’s cold and uncomfortable, missing out on everything that’s warm and fulfilling. So this year, let’s all be a little more like Ginger—but with a twist. Instead of refusing to move until we see our ‘treat,’ let’s trust that the reward is waiting for us if we just take that first step forward. May we hop over the threshold into new experiences, set bold goals, and keep moving—even if the weather isn’t perfect. After all, standing still never brought anyone closer to their dreams. And who knows? With a bit of faith, effort, and consistent action, there just might be a treat on the other side of that door.