This past year I have been mainly focusing on one particular breed that I'm obsessed with and that is the LF English Orpington. I researched and hunted down best best breeders who have poured their blood sweat and tears into their lines and projects and we hatched as many differnt kinds as we could. This year I will be continuing this venture and it's super awesome to be able to connect with other breeders, pick their brains and learn from the best. Every year we learn valuable tricks, lessons and knowledge and grow from that. Our grow out program was also a success and relieved great feedback regarding our birds.
As of right now I will not be offering grow outs of common breeds this year and focusing more on building up the lines I wish to work with exclusively and perfect them as nessescary. Come next spring If I have any to spare I will sell English orpington growouts that do not make the cut for breeding.
We are also trying to introduce other breeds to our farm as we would also like to offer more of a selection when purchasing birds from us. Currently we are set to hatch gold and silver deathlayers in May and continue working with our calico/Mille fleur cochin bantams. I try to keep up with what's popular and efficient so if there's any breeds you would like us to work on please let us know. We might not have it but im sure I can find you someone that does.
Right now we have English Mauve and English chocolates getting ready to head into our incubators.
This season I am looking to add the following breeds to our farm.
English Orpingtons:
Lavender/lavender cuckoo, chocolate cuckoo, Isabel cuckoo, buff, blue buff Colombian, Isabel laced, crele, molted blue/black/splash, molted chocolate, chocolate silver birchen and chocolate molted silver Wheaten.
Next year or if possible this year I would like to add a few silver laced, gold laced, sop white, and red cuckoo but im sure I'll be pretty busy with the above mentioned.
As always we are here for the feedback so shoot us a message have a beautiful clucking day