Play before the storm. Fun in the rain.
#nostormfear #Lagatha #Harper #Kahlo #Lucy #Maia #GreatDane #rhodesianridgeback #KleeKai #Weimmix #BerneseMountainDog #NewPaltzDogTraining #SocialSchool
Dayschool #puppyswimminglessons
I see regular requests for information on working with blind dogs, or deaf, or blind and deaf dogs.
I did some videos of working with a blind dog. Dogs' would probably pick their eyes as their least important sensory organ the way most people would choose smell. They probably see more with their noses than we are able to see with our eyes. A healthy, mentally stable dog shouldnt give a sh*te about having no eyes. The last thing they need is sympathy about it.
I am using a whistle here rather than the vibe collar (you can use a stim collar, Spartacus is allergic to nickel) signal I would use outside to say "look at me I have something to say" followed by hand signals when I have the attention of his nose. I dont use word cues often with my SDs because I like to be quiet and I think the dogs understand body language better. I have never seen him run into a wall or furniture.
This is Spartacus (aka Methuselah) a 12 year old retired SD Great Dane, who has been blind for 3 years due to a stroke from Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.
All the furniture and klimb equipment has been added to the room since the last time he was here.
The girls are my Dane Lagatha and Irish Wolfound X Malamute hybrid, Dora. He lives with these dogs. His harem :)
. #Spartacus #Lagatha #Nymphadora #blinddogs #canineadventures #CanineHumanRelationship #newpaltzdogtraining #NePoPo #greatdane
Remus is learning to come for meal worms and crickets. Hes about 14 weeks old now. He is about half done melting in his adult feathers.
#Remus #starlingstruck
Girls will be girls!
#Lagatha #Gigi #Mela #Louie #canineadventures #socialschool
This whole DCM scare feels like a tail wagging the dog story. While everyone is focused on 0.00000025% of dogs for whom 0.0003% of those dogs, MIGHT be getting DCM from diet, 75+% of all dogs will die early of cancer, renal issues, diabetes or any other number of diseases associated with canine obesity and early neutering.
Sugar feeds cancer and inflammation. Feeding a diet of greater than 20% carbs is in excess of a natural diet for most canines, including dogs.
Maybe we should get back to the actual evils in poor diets for our dogs.
My dogs are at particular risk for DCM. Danes and IW. I have never worried about the food corollary for DCM. This info about a possible connection to pea based proteins has has been out there for a few years. All around good animal husbandry and adding significant natural proteins, fats (meat, fish and animal fat) and supplements to any good kibble diet to reduce the carb content % will also increase the taurine and other amino acids, decreasing incidence of DCM in those dogs that do not have a genetic predisposition.
Just way too many fat dogs on sh*te food out there.
Advising people to feed food with more carbs to avoid the peas is counter productive to long term health goals. JMHO.
My dogs ranging from 2.5 years to almost 12. The old boy has a healthier heart than me.
Remus loves his new flight cage.
#Remus #starlingstruck
The girls are so patient as Louie learns his Canine Manners!
10 month Winston learns respect for space and mouth/bite inhibition thru tug play. No more gnawing, jumping or humping!
Exploits of Sparky and Max!
Max and Butch are Awesome!!!