Ball is life❤️🐾
He's just so happy to be alive. Playing ball makes him so happy ❤️🐾
Ball is life🐾
Throw the ball mom!
#savingsarge #ballislife
#rescuedog #rescuedismyfavoritebreed
Please rub ma belly! #savingsarge #rescuingsarge
Sarge is mastering the “ Come” command. So proud of this big guy every day!
Today he didn’t bark at the kids behind us playing in the pool for the first time without me telling him “Leave it” !
Sarge playing with his best friend Astrid. ❤️🐾
Sarge at Astrid at Brookfield park today having a great time. Sarge was 95% less reactive towards people today ! ( With the exception of a jogger who thought it was ok to come jogging up close to me and two dogs who weren’t expecting it. Like really?? Why? Sarge was surprised and reacted much less, and didn’t bark so I’m proud of him. To the jogger… give dogs as much space as you can and don’t come out of nowhere. Give the person a chance because you might not get one. Just saying)
Sarge in perfect heel. Good boy Sarge! I’m so proud of you ! ❤️🐾 #savingsarge #rescuingsarge #sargeisloved
Sarge is starting to live his life with a little less fear. He’s not afraid to go outside on his own ( most of the time). He’s not afraid of the snow anymore! He really loves it just like my dogs do. Here he is with old man Shadow in the back yard. He’s learned that Shadow needs his space and demands respect. Shadow isn’t the most patient or playful pup. He’s been a grumpy old man since he was a baby.
He’s running off to the side yard to play with Astrid. She is very patient with him and is doing a great job teaching the young one manners.
Sheeba is his favorite playmate. She matches his energy and goofy-ness.
He’s been doing a tiny bit better about barking at every sound in the house and is slowly learning what “quiet “ means. He’s learning to relax.
I try to encourage him to be calm and reward him with lavish praise when he is.
His “sit” is perfect for treats, but needs more work for obedience whenever asked.
He knows “gentle “ and can take the smallest treat from my hands softly.
If I could get him over the fear of other people, that would be my biggest accomplishment.
I’ll keep trying my best. He deserves it #savingsarge #rescuingsarge #sargesangel #sargeisloved #savethemall