Bark & Swagger

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iveaways, and special offers for our friends first. Visit our website today or contact us for more information!

Inside the mind of a dog.A new doc film on Netflix. I just finished watching and had to share. I highly recommend this m...

Inside the mind of a dog.

A new doc film on Netflix. I just finished watching and had to share. I highly recommend this movie to all dog parents and dog lovers. It is a beautiful film giving us insights into how our best friends think, featuring powerful and emotional story lines, including the amazing program Canine Companions, which trains and then pairs its dogs with special needs people. My friend and wonderful dog trainer, Matt Beisner, owner of The Zen Dog, was featured in the film and gave some thoughtful insights about assessing a dog's state based on body language and some of what he's seen in his practice. Dr. Brian Hare and his wife, Vanessa Woods, director of the Duke University Puppy Kindergarden, were featured. Brian is the Chair of Evolutionary Anthropology at Duke University and is the founded The Duke Canine Cognition Center, to study how dogs think and the bond we have with them.

I interviewed Vanessa about 10 years ago for my blog, Bark & Swagger, about Dognition, the company they created together to help dog parents understand how their dog thinks and to strengthen the bond between them, because each dog, like each of us, is an individual. I remember getting some Dognition exercises which I did with my Sophie, who was only about 1 or so back then. They were fun, bonding and educational.

So much has happened in this space since, and this film firmly connected me to how amazing and wonderful these beautiful beings are, how deep and rich their emotions are and how powerful they are as healers and educators. The science behind what we've learned about how dogs think is both inspiring and fascinating.

Inside The Mind of a Dog, a film by Andy Mitchell who also did Inside The Mind of a Cat, and narrated by Rob Lowe, is such worthwhile time spent. I hope you enjoy as much as I did. Streaming now on Netflix.

Does your pet suffer from mental health issues?The pain and suffering from the epidemic proportions of mental health iss...

Does your pet suffer from mental health issues?

The pain and suffering from the epidemic proportions of mental health issues in the world today is overwhelming. I just came back from a powerful and wonderful event in Los Angeles called Hollywood + Mind, created and produced by Cathy Applefeld Olson and held at United Talent Agency. It drew producers, directors, actors and those in the mental health field associated with Hollywood, with the purpose of educating and inspiring those bringing projects to the big and small screen to portray mental health issues in a more realistic light. And, to get involved in whatever ways they can to support solutions for the rampant mental health challenges us humans face globally today. The panels were powerful; the attendees smart, savvy and doing good, with more solutions in play than I'd heard about before. Good news.

One panel featured a psychologist with a therapy dog on her lap. We don't have to look far to find proof of how much pets help us with our mental health. But, what about the mental health of our animals?

Science has proven they feel the emotions like we do. And statistics tell us 75% of dogs in the U.S. suffer some form of anxiety. What about them?

More pets suffer the pain of mental health issues than we might realize. And, what they suffer from closely resembles the mental health conditions we humans suffer from, too. Obsessive Compulsive Anxiety Disorders. PTSD.

What are the signs? What can we do to help these beautiful, sentient beings in our care who can't talk, but do demonstrate what they are feeling if we know the signs and signals and observe.

This is a good article on mental health and pets which, no matter what month of the year, is a good idea to pay attention to in order to have a truly healthy animal. Mind, body, soul - holistic care and healing is what true health looks like.

He spoke for the first time in days, after this visit.I remember when my sweet Sophie was a pup, about a year old or so,...

He spoke for the first time in days, after this visit.

I remember when my sweet Sophie was a pup, about a year old or so, when we took the Delta Society therapy dog course and became a therapy team. We spent a year at an adult recreation center for people with mental health or nervous system disorders. We spent another year at a school for kids with cognitive and degenerative illnesses that kept them in wheelchairs and challenged by the everyday things we take for granted. It was a humbling experience to see how these people interacted with life; the adults often childlike; the kids struggling to be kids.

What was clear was that their lives were made better from seeing Sophie, getting to pet her and interact with her and her gentle spirit. What they didn't know was how much they did for us.

Today, Delta is called Pet Partners and the holiday they created to recognize the powerful work therapy animals do is being celebrated right now - National Pet Therapy Day.

I did an interview with Pet Partners' Chief Mission Officer, Mary Margaret Callahan on my podcast, The Pet Health Coach, and it's up now:

And, the man who spoke for the first time? He had recently arrived at a facility, was struggling with dementia and trying to make sense of where he was. His therapy animal visit struck a chord in him, opened him up and was his bridge to engage in the world. How beautiful and amazing is that?

We know this...the power of the love we feel and joy we experience through animals.

Mary Margaret tells wonderful stories like this on the podcast.

Today, we honor those therapy animals and their handlers who give so much and touch so many lives for the better. And I can honor my sweet girl who was the best therapy team partner a girl could have!

Happy National Pet Therapy Day!

๐ŸŒฟ I cured my UTI in 3 hours.For anyone who gets an occasional UTI or whose dog or cat gets UTI's, it is downright POWERF...

๐ŸŒฟ I cured my UTI in 3 hours.

For anyone who gets an occasional UTI or whose dog or cat gets UTI's, it is downright POWERFUL when you know what to do naturally to heal. I had to share this because I am constantly in awe of how intelligent our bodies are in healing, when we get out of its way.

I woke up with a UTI this morning. I've been stressed; I just completed a particularly tough move and have been working extra hard lately. Maybe you can relate, too. I don't have time to be laid up sick!

My first thought was homeopathy, a very effective, do-no-harm way to treat UTI's, by stimulating the body to heal itself. Cantharis is a popular remedy for this, although not the only one. With homeopathy, how you are exhibiting your symptoms individually matters. But, cantharis felt right, so I took one dose. I also took a dose of Urinari-X by Life Seasons, a Cranberry, D-Mannose, Uva Ursi, Grapefruit Seed and Caprylic Acid formulation.

Cranberry: rich in antioxidants; may prevent bacteria from sticking to the urinary tract.

D-Mannose: promotes the balance of healthy flora; believed to create a nonโ€stick surface on the bladder wall, as well as around the bacteria, so the bacteria is then expelled when urinating.

Uva Ursi: immune booster; promotes urinary tract health.

Grapefruit Seed Extract: promotes healthy balance of microflora in the urogenital system; contains flavanoids that are anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal.

Caprylic Acid: fatty acid found in coconut that boosts immunity, normalizes pH and also has anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory properties. It is said to help prevent urinary tract infections.

Urinari-X is a beautiful formation that is very helpful when you are coming down with a UTI. Catching things early, just when you start to feel your first symptom is key, too.

Now, a few hours later and my symptoms are 90% gone and I know they will be completely gone by later today. I will also up my Vitamin C and Zinc, both immune system boosters. I'll take Echinacea and of Goldenseal tinctures in some filtered water. Echinacea is also an immune system booster and Goldenseal is a great antimicrobial.

โ€ผ๏ธ This is a doable protocol to head off or move quickly through a UTI!

You can use Cantharis for your dog or cat, too, as well as Urinari-X. They are safe for dogs and cats. Echinacea and goldenseal tinctures are also safe for dogs and cats, but in much less quantity. 12-15 drops of echinacea in some filtered water and 3-4 drops of Goldenseal in same.

A good guide is most supplements are dosed according to a 150 lb human so work backwards from there.

From a former student of mine about her dog with a UTI, 24 hours after consulting with me and giving Cantharis: "Her symptoms seem to be gone...She really seems better to me!!"

You can always book a complementary discovery session with me here:

To our best health ever!

Hi pet loving friends! I just moved houses yesterday and am up to my you know what in boxes, digging out. LOL! However, ...

Hi pet loving friends! I just moved houses yesterday and am up to my you know what in boxes, digging out. LOL! However, I did come across this post from my friend and knowledgeable/amazing human, Susan Thixton on her Truth About Pet Food site about pet feeding trials, what we read on the labels of pet food; how accurate that is and what we need to know as conscious pet parents. Wanted to share. Please reach out with any questions which Susan or I can answer.

What is your POV on what you read on the label of pet food? Do you believe what they've written? What's your trust level? Share your thoughts in the comments below. Thanks and have a beautiful day!

This facility makes you think twice about pet food feeding trials.

So excited to be at Global Pet Expo again! It's my 10th year! What I love about it:* discovering new products that can h...

So excited to be at Global Pet Expo again! It's my 10th year! What I love about it:

* discovering new products that can help pet parents, some before they hit the market
* seeing all of the dogs, cats, etc.
* seeing some friends I only see in person once a!
* seeing all of the dogs, cats, etc.
* having the opportunity to spread the word about a wonderful pre/pro/postbiotic for dogs, cats and people my friend Michelle Griffin created with her brand The Culture Club with the products MuttGut KittyGut and EquineGut. There is nothing else like it on the market. Find out why. I use it with my animals and sometimes with me, too. For Michelle, it cured her myasthenia gravis dis-ease.
* interviewing wonderful brands doing creative, innovative things to benefit pet parents and our beloved pets
* seeing all of the dogs, cats, etc.

Ok! I especially love seeing the animals! And, I do. It's happiness abounding in a waggy tail, wet kiss or a sweet pat.

Pet Expo rocks!

Stay tuned for sharing what I love from the floor of one of the largest, most important pet trade shows of the year.

It's happening...Maybe you think you don't have time for it or it's just more stuff that won't help. But, if you have a ...

It's happening...

Maybe you think you don't have time for it or it's just more stuff that won't help. But, if you have a dog with anxiety that is affecting both of your lives every day, don't sleep on this. Starting tomorrow is an opportunity for you to cherry pick knowledge and learn tools from experts in this field.

From the unique training techniques of my friend Billie Groom to the sacred connection between us and our pets from my friend, holistic veterinarian Jeff Feinman of Holistic Actions, to how we think and use energy as medicine to heal anxiety in our pets from my own talk, there are wonderful tools that work at your disposal...for free! Take advantage of them, the support and knowledge transfer of 15 experts in the healing anxiety space.

Thank you to my friend Anke Herrmann of Soul Touched by Dogs, for creating this beautiful Panic To Peace Summit!

Register to attend free here:

Stick around, too, because this Friday, February 23 from 11 - 12noon est will be a live Q&A opportunity to ask us anything. Link on that to follow this week.

To their best health ever!

For virtual conference for dogs lovers hosted by Anke Herrmann

Shaking, scratching, whining, whimpering. And, destroying. Anxiety. This is what it can do. If your dog suffers with it,...

Shaking, scratching, whining, whimpering. And, destroying.

Anxiety. This is what it can do. If your dog suffers with it, as 75% of all dogs in the U.S. do (yes that is a real statistic!), your best friends are the tools you learn to manage, calm, even solve their anxiety problems. Because when you learn these tools, they're happier and so are you.

Join me from February 19 - 25 for my friend, Anke Herrmann's From Panic To Peace Summit, focusing on anxiety in rescue dogs. If your dog isn't a rescue and suffers with anxiety, these tools apply to you, too!

Link to join free:

I'm honored to be included as an expert speaker. My topic is Unleashing the Power of Energy Medicine to Heal Anxiety In Our Pets. There are 15 experts in all speaking, like my friend Billie Groom, who created the unique and effective method of training called Canine Cognitive Behavior Therapy. Definitely seek her out and take the time to check out her talk, too! Our individual work is intrinsically compatible.

There is hope for your anxious pup to live a calmer, happier life. Imagine what it would feel like to go out without trepidation, to bring them out without fear.

Link to join free!

The dogs in this photo are the goal. Vibrantly healthy, comfortable in their own skin...happy. Hope to see you there!


UPDATE ON PET FOOD MAKING PETS SICKDr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets recorded an update on what she has been doin...


Dr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets recorded an update on what she has been doing, as one of the forefront veterinarians trying to get to the bottom of why so many pets are getting sick and some dying after eating certain brands of food. We know something is there; we just don't know what.

This video gives you a glimpse into where we are, what Dr. Judy is doing at her own expense to try to uncover what the culprit is, a commendable act she is receiving flak and hate mail over. Even finding a lab to do that testing of food Dr. Judy purchased off the shelves herself, has been challenging regarding conflict of interest issues. So, I hope those of you who are following this and are concerned about the brands named (that list has grown; please see latest update here) as you may be using one of them, will reserve judgement and withhold vitriol until we get more definitive information.

It is my suggestion to be safer right now until we know more and not expose your animal to these foods. And always, if your pet refuses to eat their food, please please listen to them. Our dogs and cats are very intuitive and may not want to eat food because something is wrong with it or it is not what their bodies need or want at that time. Working with our animals is an important way to honor them and keep them the healthiest they can be.

How helpless do you feel when your dog suffers with anxiety?The weight of their distress can be overwhelming to watch. I...

How helpless do you feel when your dog suffers with anxiety?

The weight of their distress can be overwhelming to watch. If you either don't know the root cause or have the tools to calm them, even teach them how to calm themselves, the feelings of persistent worry and guilt persist; the problem persists. It's not fun for anyone.

I'm sharing the power of energy medicine in various forms to help calm our dogs and even teach them to calm themselves as part of my friend, Anke Herrmann's Soul Touched by Dogs' Summit - Panic to Peace - Holistic Approaches to Easing Anxiety in Rescue Dogs. My talk will be "Unleashing The Power of Energy Medicine To Heal Anxiety In Your Pets."

The Summit runs from February 19-25, 2024 and you can reserve your spot here:

What would it feel like to leave the house without stress or drama? Or to take your dog into a place with other dogs and not be anxious yourself? Explore the knowledge and options of the 15 experts gathered inside the Summit. Let us support you in solving these issues holistically.

See you there!

Jody ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿพ

Human Health: Why am I tired & moody, and my hair's so thin?You may have a thyroid that's out of balance. Maybe you have...

Human Health: Why am I tired & moody, and my hair's so thin?

You may have a thyroid that's out of balance. Maybe you have a hard time losing weight or have those vertical ridges on your nails and they break a lot. There are many symptoms of either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism (less common), and knowing what they are so you can explore further is important. A chronically unbalanced thyroid can lead to other health issues like heart dis-ease and heart failure, as well as breathing problems.

I've done a deep dive into thyroid health and ways to naturally balance in my latest post. Especially if you're over 50, it's an important read.

What symptoms do you experience on a regular basis? Put them in the comments below and I'll cover them in future posts.

What could you be doing right now to help your dog heal from anxiety?We have powerful tools and knowledge available to u...

What could you be doing right now to help your dog heal from anxiety?

We have powerful tools and knowledge available to us today as pet parents. I'm honored to be talking about some of them with Anke Herrmann on her podcast, Soul Touched by Dogs. Learn about modalities and techniques I teach pet parents to address anxiety; things you can start doing right now that will create a difference.

Thank you, Anke, for inviting me onto your show and helping us reach more people who love their dogs and want only the best for them! ๐Ÿ™

You can listen here:

โžก๏ธ๐ŸŒŸ And learn even more about how to create relief from anxiety, when you join me at Anke's Panic To Peace Summit, where I'm participating with a host of holistic practitioners addressing this epidemic issue. Did you know 70% of all dogs in the U.S. suffer from some sort of anxiety? You're not alone. Learn simple techniques and solutions you can start now to help your dog and you feel calmer, happier and have a better quality of life.

Stay tuned for more info on this. Happy Sunday!

Pet food scandal - pets getting sick and some dying. Latest update.If you haven't heard about this and have a dog or cat...

Pet food scandal - pets getting sick and some dying. Latest update.

If you haven't heard about this and have a dog or cat, please listen. A group of pet food brands have been seemingly linked to dogs and cats getting sick after eating them, some more than others and some dying. I've put up a special podcast with pet food industry watchdog and expert, Susan Thixton from Truth About Pet Food and fellow Pet Health Coach and certified nutritionist, Jessica Fisher to support parents in knowing the latest news about this important developing story, so you can make educated choices.

It is the recommendation from veterinarians involved in helping to spread the word about this issue to stop feeding food from these brands immediately until we know more.

Suggestions for safe and healthy foods to feed are included in this episode, as is the list of foods implicated in this scandal.

Listen here:

Is there a link between overweight humans and their pets?Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have identified a c...

Is there a link between overweight humans and their pets?

Researchers at the University of Copenhagen have identified a correlation between unhealthy weight in dogs and their owners. Compared to pet owners who maintain a healthy weight, overweight or obese individuals are more than twice as likely to have a heavy or obese dog. I think we can include cats, too.

I've put together the foundation of a plan for getting healthier with your pet this year in my new post on Teiche Wellness. Is it worth exploring? If not now, when?

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ NYC & area pet lovers! Laughing, crying (from laughter) and helping shelter pets.These all come together at Funny Fo...

๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ NYC & area pet lovers! Laughing, crying (from laughter) and helping shelter pets.

These all come together at Funny For Fido, a hilarious stand up comedy show, featuring friend, very funny standup comic and celebrated dog trainer, Justin Silver (The Language of Dogs), Colin Quinn for SNL fans, Yamanieka (Comedy Central, The Meredith Viera Show), Robert Kelly (The Tonight Show, Comedy Central), Corinne Fisher (Vogue, Interview, Esquire, The Huffington Post) and more.

More comedy and a great way to raise money to help shelter animals in desperate need of food, toys, beds and shelter staff support to care for them. Especially now, in the winter.

January 25th, the famous (maybe infamous?), historic The Cutting Room in NYC.

Here's the link to purchase tickets:

โœ… Please share with those you know in NYC, Long Island, NJ, CT, any surrounding areas. Your share can lead to the ticket purchase that gives the shelter the funds needed to save the life of an animal. That's pretty cool.

Thank you!

Comics Stand Up For Homeless Animals Hosted by Justin Silver The Cutting Room: New York, NY Thursday 1/25/24 7:30pm (Doors open 6:30) Come laugh it up for a great cause as the country's top comedians perform to raise money for rescue animals. The Cutting Room features a full dinner and drink menu so...

โ˜   This update just in re: Purina pet food sickening and killing pets...Dr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets has bee...

โ˜  This update just in re: Purina pet food sickening and killing pets...

Dr. Judy Morgan's Naturally Healthy Pets has been keeping us in the loop of any new info she learns about this important issue. If you or anyone you know is feeding Purina, please stop! If your pet or anyone's you know has become sick or worse after eating Purina pet food, please report this to the FDA:

Long link but it works. ๐Ÿค—

Purina has a history of tainted food. Note the brands this toxicity has been reported with thus far.

Please consider a fresh food diet for your pet from a conscious brand. Or, make yourself and I'd be happy to help you to make sure your dog or cat is getting all of the nutrients they need to be healthy.

Dr. Marty Goldstein please share. ๐Ÿ™

VCA Animal Hospitals Dr. Jacqueline Ruskin please share.

Natural Pet Care Dr. Adriana Sagrera please share.

Katherine Klimitas please share.

Let me know below if you have any questions.

To their best health ever. ๐Ÿพ

I was a fraud.For years, I lived a life that wasnโ€™t authentic. It felt out of sync and tugged at me constantly, remindin...

I was a fraud.

For years, I lived a life that wasnโ€™t authentic. It felt out of sync and tugged at me constantly, reminding me I wasnโ€™t fulfilled. I wasnโ€™t living my purpose. I developed the courage to look deeper and find what aligned with my values. It was scary, but I took a leap of faith to change my course. With anticipation, fear and genuine excitement, I dove in, further educated myself to be of value to others, and grew my love of animals and natural medicine into becoming a Pet Health Coach.

I am now proudly certified in Nutrition and in two modalities of energy medicine โ€“ homeopathy and frequency healing.

Over the past three years, I have been coaching pet parents on helping their animals get healthier and live more vibrant lives. I am honored and grateful to have supported and helped those Iโ€™ve worked with:

โ€œGood morning, Jody โ€“ super health magician!!! Charlieโ€™s itching seems to have come to a complete halt!!! YAY! THANK YOU!!! After waking yesterday still with major itching, he had the thuja remedy around 11:30, and I only saw one more itch late afternoon. Short, and no more at all!!! A miracle!โ€ Jill

๐ŸŒŸ Health Coaching for People ๐ŸŒŸ

Now, Iโ€™m taking another leap and diving in. After much study and more certifications, Iโ€™m formally expanding my practice into health coaching for people under the name Teiche Wellness. While Iโ€™ve been coaching people for close to two years, I recently became a Certified Integrative Health Coach and a Certified Basic Life Support coach. The time feels right to make it official and let my tribe know.


My specialties are Nutrition, Anxiety and Hormone Health. If you suffer from poor sleep (you canโ€™t or you keep waking at night), low energy, mood swings or low mood; if you suffer from chronic pain or canโ€™t seem to lose the weight youโ€™re so ready to lose, I may be able to help.

Iโ€™m unveiling my new site here. Please have a look.

A Special Offer โฌ‡ :

โœ… The first 10 people to sign up for a coaching plan with me in the next 30 days โ€“ whether a 3-month or a 6-month plan - will receive a 20% discount as my way of acknowledging and thanking you, the foundational supporters of my practice.

What My Human Clients Have To Share:

โ€œJody is a Godsend. I look forward to our sessions and know she is there to support me, help guide me and that I can talk with her about anything. I feel healthier and better from knowing and working with her.โ€ Steven

โ€œI am so excited and happy to be working with Jody. She has really helped me feel happier and better about myself and given me great suggestions for being healthier.โ€ Emma

Book a call with me:

New year and another opportunity to finally address your health, holistically; mind, body, spirit. Is there something in the way of taking your leap of faith to live the vibrant life youโ€™ve wanted to live?

You're here. You want this. It's time to live your authentic life.

๐ŸŒŸ What are your health goals for 2024? ๐ŸŒŸAre you struggling with an issue you keep meaning to address? Anxiety, weight, s...

๐ŸŒŸ What are your health goals for 2024? ๐ŸŒŸ

Are you struggling with an issue you keep meaning to address? Anxiety, weight, sleep, energy.
Are you frustrated with your pet's diet, anxiety, skin issues (you can insert any issue here)?

New Year; New Plan. How will you address this differently this year for different results?

Perhaps someone who can be a guide, educator, support system is what will change things for you and/or your pet this year. A coach. Someone who's learned a craft, wants to help and can.

If you're struggling with health issues or hurting that your pet is struggling, reach out and talk with me. It can't hurt and may be just the thing you've needed to get on track, motivated and on the path to success.

Book a call with me:

Wishing everyone a beautiful 2024 in every way, filled with vibrant good health, love, joy and prosperity. ๐Ÿ™ ๐Ÿ’–

Dog parents have probably heard about this respiratory illness "sweeping the nation"...It's easy to panic; no one wants ...

Dog parents have probably heard about this respiratory illness "sweeping the nation"...

It's easy to panic; no one wants their pup to get sick and there have been some mortalities. However, what I'm learning and hearing from vets around the country is there's far less concrete information than what some have reported in the media and that the fear associated with this may be overblown. Here's the good news.

There are things you can do to both prevent and treat respiratory illness in your dog. I think Dr. Karen Becker is a gift to us pet parents looking for natural ways to prevent illness and heal our animals. I love the article she just posted about this illness and a tempered view of what we actually know.

And, her suggestions to help prevent this and others can be taken to heart by all pet parents. A strong immune system means your dog's body will fight the invasion of any pathogens that don't belong...and probably win that fight! It also means vibrant, good health and a longer life in most cases.

In her article, she suggests a list of natural ways to treat this respiratory illness, should your dog contract it. I'm going to add the dosing to that here, not included in her post.

Note: this protocol comes from a human protocol, so you can share this with your dog, if you get sick with a respiratory illness or if they get do.


* Cordyceps mushrooms: 10 - 20mgs/10lbs, 2x/day

* Chinese Skullcap: 10mgs/10lbs, 2x/day

* Olive Leaf: 100mgs/10lbs, 2x/day

* NAC (N-acetyl cysteine, used by the body to build antioxidants): 100mgs/20lbs, 2x/day

* Vitamin E: 100IU/25lbs, 1x/day

Do you have any experience with these ingredients in helping to cure illness? Please share your story below to help us all. Thank you!

Most dog parents across the US are aware of the respiratory illness that's received widespread media coverage. Though there is still minimal information available, here's encouragement not to succumb to fear.

Greetings from a holiday past.2016 rewind when there were four. This photo shoot was like herding cats. This moment was ...

Greetings from a holiday past.

2016 rewind when there were four. This photo shoot was like herding cats. This moment was a miracle. Click! And, captured. This sliver of time when there were four; four distinct little ones. Four glasses full of the richness, joy, smiles, laughs and full hearts each brought into my life.

In this time of giving, of reflecting and looking ahead to the new year, I want to remember each of these beautiful babies and share them with you.

Ani, short for Anabelle, is sitting behind me on my chair right now. She's my one and only dog at the moment. And, despite that she and Sophie got along and used to play regularly, I know Ani always harbored the desire to be the one and only dog. Now, she is. And, it appears, she loves it! Eight years after being rescued from a puppy mill and adopted by us, she is now further coming out of her shell and seems happier and more curious about life.

Jasper, the black and silver terrier terror, is no longer a terror. He's living in the English countryside with his daddy, my ex-husband, Stanley Young. This once very reactive, fear aggressive boy is no longer reactive, he's calm. He meets dogs, large and small, and strangers with ease and no one can believe what he once was. And, he's happy and Stanley is happy to have him. And, while I miss him, I no longer see that deer in the headlights look in his eyes. He's truly comfortable in his life and that makes me happy.

Sophie is a huge heartbreak. Many of you know the hard fight we fought to save Sophie from congestive heart failure, developed very quickly from living in a moldy house we didn't know was moldy, until it was too late. I lost my beautiful girl October 9th, and am still grieving her loss, and missing her every day. I know there are many of you reading this who can relate. Sophie was my heart; my quirky, social, loving, sweet, never met a carpet she didn't like girl. We went through so much together and she leaves a huge hole in my heart.

Albie, Ani's father, we lost in February of 2020 to the damage done by optic neuritis, a dis-ease they can't diagnose, they can only guess at from MRI's and symptoms. It turned my vibrant, loving, quirky and very brave boy into a shell of himself very quickly and it was the most humane thing to let Albie release from his body and be free.

Shrines for Albie and Sophie grace my bedroom dresser, so I can see them everyday and remember the joy.

Four dogs. And, now, one cat. My Suki.

Who are your bundles of joy? Who are the ones you might be thinking about this holiday who are no longer with you?

Wishing you a beautiful holiday surrounded by those you love, filling your cup with their love, and taking a moment to remember those no longer here, flying free in the Universe or, maybe, back here on Earth making someone else's life a whole lot better, too.

Whatever holiday you celebrate, have a happy, healthy and a merry!




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