Cowgirl Mafia is the moniker for a group of tough Texas women, who along with our men (who look dashing in pink), raised the most amount of money for the 2011 Komen Ride for the Cure. The name, Cowgirl Mafia, is credited to Tessa Grant, who may not have been born in Texas but she darn sure got here as fast as she could! The Cowgirl Mafia team consists of trainers, rodeo stars, racetrack pony rid
ers, and most of all, friends who either serve in the military, are part of a military family, or support this great nation by backing our heroes of the armed forces. We have members as young as five and retired veterans with 27 years active duty service. Be a part of a good thing and own a little piece of Texas Tough and Cowgirl Cute. *Cowgirl Mafia*
Happy Trails!!
~j•phenix~ Cowgirl Mafia Boss ~