Hey everyone, we are retiring all our adult dogs. This current litter will be our last litter. We are looking for a home for Teddy and Lacy. Harper potentially has a home, we will keep everyone updated on her.
Teddy is an AMAZING dog. He is a standard poodle, five years old. He has been an outside dog majority of his life. Fully potty trained and by that, I mean he doesn’t use the bathroom in his kennel. He does p*e on everything he has an opportunity to when he’s outside. He is extremely smart though so I believe with some training he would be a great inside dog.
Lacy is a double doodle. Half labradoodle, half golden doodle. She is three years old and is the sweetest dog. She has been an outside dog for only about a year and an inside dog before that. She is fully potty trained and a super loving animal. She is great with kids and she would make a great family dog! She would not be able to go with a new family until mid-february when her puppies go home.
We want good families for these dogs where they can enjoy the rest of their lives. Message with interests! ❤️🐶