As Shayna was recording some barn ASMR for Clover the turkey who is healing off-site, Eunice stumbled in and made a mind-blowing discovery… the cellphone. 😳 The intrigue only lasted a short while though haha. She’s on to her next adventure!! 💚
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It's time for 🌟FACT FRIDAY!🌟
This week's fact is brought to you by volunteer Rebecca.
"A ruminant refers to an herbivorous, even-toed, hoofed mammal that has a complex 3- or 4-chambered stomach.
Our goats, cows, and sheep all have a 4-chambered stomach!
On the left are two parts called the Rumen and Reticulum (sometimes referred to together as the 'reticulorumen'). The rumen is the biggest chamber, and the place where most of the fermentation process happens (which produces heat, and helps keep the animals warm). These chambers contain a vast microbial population, which includes bacteria, yeasts, fungi, and protozoans. These two chambers work together, and, when ready, they help move the "cud" back up to the mouth for more chewing (or rumination).
On the right side are the Omasum and Abomasum. The omasum is lined with many folds or pleats of tissue that absorb water. The abomasum, or 'true stomach' is similar to the stomach of other non-ruminating animals, including humans. It produces hydrochloric acid and enzymes that further break down nutrients."
She also shares that ruminant can be a noun ("a ruminant") or an adjective ("a ruminant animal").
Thanks for giving us all something interesting to ruminate on, as always, Rebecca!
Source: "Holistic Goat Care", by Gianaclis Caldwell
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We have a new resident to introduce… Petey Rose! 🦚
On February 17th, Petey was brought to Wildwood by Board member Chrissy after she had been seen alone and wandering a neighborhood. Although she was a welcome sight and adored by neighbors, it was ultimately decided she should come to the sanctuary to ensure her safety and to live amongst other peafowl like Eunice, Thelma, and Freddie. 💙
It’s common to see peahens in the wild with a small group of two or three females, so we’re glad she’ll have the community she was missing. After some time in the ISO pen, she’ll be introduced to her new Wildwood family, but for now, she’s under our watchful eye to make sure she’s settling in nicely. So, stay tuned!
Shoutout to volunteer Belinda for her expert peahen catching skills! She has helped us in safely getting both Eunice and Petey to our sanctuary and we can’t thank her enough.
Welcome to Wildwood Petey! 💫
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