Inner Wealth Coaching

Inner Wealth Coaching You are perfect and whole. Come dissolve the blocks that are thwarting your best life. You can hav Invite Possibilities and Realize your Dreams.

Life coaching to dissolve the blocks that thwart your efforts to live your best life. Options for sessions in person, w/ the horses, via phone or Skype.


Our thoughts can be useful.
Our thoughts can be our suffering.

They are real but not true. You don't have to het hooked by them. You do not need to believe them. They are not your tyrant. They are your tool for doing and for waking up into being.

I'm learning to pause for discernment.

The pause can make sound into music and make movement into dance.

Your power, your liberation, your wisdom is in the pause.
Then you fly!

music: "Nsera", Fatoumata Diawara


Boundaries & Strength


Many of us have bought into the idea that we are not enough. We get this feeling when others judge us for not acting how they think we shoud or want us to.

So we tell ourselves the affirmation, "I am enough."

But this affirmation infers that we are measuring ourselves against some standard.
Whose standard? Why?

You are infinite. You are innately magnificent. There is no reason to measure yourself. You do not need to be validated.

You do not need to be better. You do not need to be different. You do not need to be anything for anyone, including yourself.

Simply be. Go about the world with curiosity. What choices feel like expansion? Sense from your body, what feels like freedom? What resonates with your inner song, not with all that external noise?

Self love and acceptance will ease your way to expressing all of who you are. You don't need "improve" & effort so much to be you.

Dance life from your body. From your soul. Not according to someone else's choreography.

You don't need to be enough. The world needs you to Be.

Radiation came after chemo and through it all my animals’ boundless love was my Best Medicine. My strength. And my solac...

Radiation came after chemo and through it all my animals’ boundless love was my Best Medicine. My strength. And my solace.

When the treatments ended, regaining my vitality and fitness began humbly with a slow walk the couple country miles to the general store and back.

One day as I shuffled past Dexter’s house, he heaved himself up and started ambling along. I could remember when Dex was a barking, bouncy lab/hound pup. Now ancient, the only time I saw him move from his spot under the maple was when he meandered down the road with his person. But today he got up, smelled my hand in greeting, and walked the whole route, back past his home and to my house.

HIs empathy deeply touched my heart. Later, I realized it was even more.

Since my body still shed the scent of cancer treatment, Dex was reliving walks with his human who after many years of chemo and radiation had died a couple of months before. Now Dex walked in support of my healing because he no longer could for the one he would always love the most.

My aim is to "Dexter" how I am present in the world:

Today in yoga, our teacher suggested when we are efforting to notice what patterns come up.Blew my mind. We'd just done ...

Today in yoga, our teacher suggested when we are efforting to notice what patterns come up.

Blew my mind.
We'd just done a series that was really tough for me, and I'd shifted from being in the movement and in my body to comparing myself to people around me. I got competitive, trying to outperform.
(working really hard here not to judge myself and type "ugh" 😲🤑 or move into shame 😔.)

It's a life-long pattern of performing, competing, and achieving for love and self-worth.

It showed me how these patterns show up everywhere in my life; so thorough and practiced are they to do their job, to get me to feel good about myself and convince others of my value.

So, I beamed love all around and over myself till I was soaking in it.
No better way to assure myself of my self-worth.

What are your reactive patterns when you are efforting to do something, or are stressed, tired, hungry? When you feel compromised in some way and the subconscious gets tripped into protective, survival mode?

Note, these patterns work to some extent and they also don't. How do they block your joy, love, connection, well being, health?


Masters of Harmony:
Do as much as is called for
And as little as is needed


Awakening into spring's greening with birdsong and the rising sun. May your day be filled with sweet kindness and your unique, gorgeous presence 🌱 ❤️

Pushing 84 and this woman is a Beast! Perfect plank. Pops into pigeon. She'd already done an exercise class and after th...

Pushing 84 and this woman is a Beast! Perfect plank. Pops into pigeon. She'd already done an exercise class and after this did 4 flights of stairs, 5x's, sometimes going up 2 steps at a time. A phenomenon. Teaches line dance. I'm honored and blessed to call her Mom 💪

′′I release my partner from the obligation to complete me. I release my parents from the feeling they failed with me. I ...

′′I release my partner from the obligation to complete me. I release my parents from the feeling they failed with me. I release my children from the need to bring me pride, so they can write their own paths to the rhythm of their hearts. I don't lack anything. I cherish my essence, my way of expressing it, even if not everyone can understand me. I learn from all beings, all the time. I honor the divinity in me and you."
- (from a Shamanic blessing translated from Nahuatl)

Sending you Big LOVE ❤

Poem by Danna Faulds. This morning her writing prompt, "Here is what I have to say to you...," her quiet inner voice spe...

Poem by Danna Faulds. This morning her writing prompt, "Here is what I have to say to you...," her quiet inner voice speaking onto the page, inspired me to free write.

It is a magical exercise in authentic expression and acceptance. Perhaps, you'd like to try? I offer my extemporaneous scrawl not to compare but as an example of the creative surprise and revelation that's available to us when we let go.

"Here is what I have to say to you...
You are depth and light and shadow. You have within a peace so profound it will drown the doubt and raise your awareness to ecstatic seens. You are a poinsettia within the desert. Sit quietly within your color. Trust its vitality. There is much to be seen where there appears only arid scarcity. Quietly lie on the scorched earth, absorb the warmth as yours and see what moves and is within the sand."

I invite you to share your free write response to this prompt. It is not a competition. It doesn't have to "make sense" or be poetical or profound. It could be "I want toast..." If it's straight from your core through your pen, it's Cool.
May your day flow from there through you as well. For you are whole. You are magnificent.
🖋 ✨


There are times when we lose our connection with joy and vitality. It's natural and it's okay. We may be grieving the loss of loved ones, a relationship, health, work, trust, an era, even our illusions.

Luckily, we've collected a sack of tools along the way that can help us stay engaged with the moment and move through cuz we know we've made it to the other side many times before. The trick is to select our tools mindfully. Not just grab at old patterns of survival that no longer serve us.

We know that losses make room for the new and learning and growth. That there can be clarity and healing on the other side of suffering when we do our work.
And man am I doing my inner work. I REALLY don't want to repeat this pattern again.

Along with the pain, this has also been a time of deep self-revelation, release, integration, and emergence. It feels like my world's been shattered and my brain is being rewired. There are times I vibrate with hope and the possibility of evolution. And there are times I just shake and sob with fear and grief.

My tools: meditation, exercise, friends & family, teachers (reading, youtube, wise ones,) counselors, nature, ritual, sobbing, EFT, yoga, prayer, dance, Reiki, acupuncture, communication, touch, changed how ate, was blessed to go on retreat... (pulling out all the aids for this one 😂 )

Grateful for it all, even the sh*tty bits.

Here's a mantra I used today to ground and empower myself. You're welcome to it. Would love to hear one you make up for yourself. I'll take them all as medicine. 🙏 ✊ 🤲 💚


The past few weeks have been a thrash. But I am determined to live this chapter differently.

I choose peace. Freedom from the tyranny of my mind and the habitual reactions that mindlessly shape my life.

When negative emotions lash me, I am going to lean into them and take them as a signpost that I am out of alignment. A red flag that I need to do some inner work. A guidepost to point me away from being controlled by my mind or emotion and towards getting back into balance.

I don't need to name what's wrong, tell the story, take it home as a pet that I coddle and feed. I just need to STOP. To shift from being a reactor to a creator.

So when I'm in emotional pain, I now take a breath, or thousand, and recalibrate to the hum of the Cosmos. When I stand in my sovereignty, what goes on around me is others' business.
I will grieve loss. But it will not consume me or distort the shape of my experience.

My happiness my responsibility, alone. No one else is at fault or to blame for my pain.

How are you evolving? What's changing in your way of perceiving and being?

It's an exciting time. ✌️💜

During the emotional upheaval and transmuting of the last 2 weeks, I was called to ceremony. This morning I woke at 3am ...

During the emotional upheaval and transmuting of the last 2 weeks, I was called to ceremony. This morning I woke at 3am and went out. The stars were bright. The trees, shadow guardians surrounding. I called to my angels, guides and ancestors. I let choices, then chant, then movement flow through me. After circling fire, my feet became one with Mother Earth. i burned a paper with asks for my becoming, another for my beloved Others, and then an offering that had been hand stitched by women elders.
I dissolve all ideas I have fashioned and carried of myself.
I am energy and hum with the breath of the Cosmos. I am free from the bo***ge of habit and belief. I invite e/in-ternal wisdom to be freely accessed. Subconscious and conscious as one. Living unity in alignment within and with All.
You are always welcome to this dance. Freedom from, is our choice. Our power. Sending you so much Love. I see the light and divine in You.
Wherever you are, we walk together.
Peace Love Joy, Soul Kin 🌿🕊🔥🌲✨💓


Coming back to yourself


Inner peace and love are our most important work.

Yesterday walking along the Laurel River, my friend, a Chi Gong Master, shared, "There are no people with bad energy, on...

Yesterday walking along the Laurel River, my friend, a Chi Gong Master, shared, "There are no people with bad energy, only those who have dysfunctional information."
This helped me a lot, since our perspective is what can create our suffering and what can support our ability to survive and thrive.
Holding this in my mind and heart, I am more able to respond not react and to not take others' actions personally. It helps me not be wounded by other people's words and actions.
I can invite them to shift with intentional words or silent prayer, but it is not my job or responsibility or ability to change them. That job is theirs alone.
What I see as my job is to be the purest embodiment of Peace, Equanimity, the Divine and Love that I can be. 🕊💚 🙏 😉 Tucking all of that into this post for you, Lovely Friend 💞👭 💞

What do you want to speak into existence? Magic's in the air. It's You!

What do you want to speak into existence? Magic's in the air. It's You!

Sometimes it feels like parts of me are waking up. Other times like I am shedding parts. What are the illusory bits and ...

Sometimes it feels like parts of me are waking up. Other times like I am shedding parts. What are the illusory bits and what are real? And then I breathe. I ease into the flow that's always there. Into all. I am this. I am whole. I am nothing. I am the streaming. I am balanced. I am merged. I am sweet equanimity. It is in this pure here that we truly are.

Invite space to open around you allowing your heart to expand to its natural magnificence. You are so Beautiful. You are...

Invite space to open around you allowing your heart to expand to its natural magnificence. You are so Beautiful. You are whole. Naturally balanced. Infinitely creative and resilient. Let the power of it All pulse through you. Nothing to fear, control, protect, project. Simply be. Invite. Allow. Just for this moment. Open the space around you to free the magic of your heart.

Your experience during meditation shows you that our essence is all one. There is no skin color, height, weight, IQ, lan...

Your experience during meditation shows you that our essence is all one. There is no skin color, height, weight, IQ, language, or story. It simply is. We simply are. By going within, we bring equity into the world. 💙🌎💚


His Holiness the Dalai Lama speaks about the coronavirus:

Sometimes friends ask me to help with some problem in the world, using some “magical powers.” I always tell them that the Dalai Lama has no magical powers. If I did, I would not feel pain in my legs or a sore throat. We are all the same as human beings, and we experience the same fears, the same hopes, the same uncertainties.

From the Buddhist perspective, every sentient being is acquainted with suffering and the truths of sickness, old age and death. But as human beings, we have the capacity to use our minds to conquer anger and panic and greed. In recent years I have been stressing “emotional disarmament”: to try to see things realistically and clearly, without the confusion of fear or rage. If a problem has a solution, we must work to find it; if it does not, we need not waste time thinking about it.

We Buddhists believe that the entire world is interdependent. That is why I often speak about universal responsibility. The outbreak of this terrible coronavirus has shown that what happens to one person can soon affect every other being. But it also reminds us that a compassionate or constructive act—whether working in hospitals or just observing social distancing—has the potential to help many.

Ever since news emerged about the coronavirus in Wuhan, I have been praying for my brothers and sisters in China and everywhere else. Now we can see that nobody is immune to this virus. We are all worried about loved ones and the future, of both the global economy and our own individual homes. But prayer is not enough.

This crisis shows that we must all take responsibility where we can. We must combine the courage doctors and nurses are showing with empirical science to begin to turn this situation around and protect our future from more such threats.

In this time of great fear, it is important that we think of the long-term challenges—and possibilities—of the entire globe. Photographs of our world from space clearly show that there are no real boundaries on our blue planet. Therefore, all of us must take care of it and work to prevent climate change and other destructive forces. This pandemic serves as a warning that only by coming together with a coordinated, global response will we meet the unprecedented magnitude of the challenges we face.

We must also remember that nobody is free of suffering, and extend our hands to others who lack homes, resources or family to protect them. This crisis shows us that we are not separate from one another—even when we are living apart. Therefore, we all have a responsibility to exercise compassion and help.

As a Buddhist, I believe in the principle of impermanence. Eventually, this virus will pass, as I have seen wars and other terrible threats pass in my lifetime, and we will have the opportunity to rebuild our global community as we have done many times before. I sincerely hope that everyone can stay safe and stay calm. At this time of uncertainty, it is important that we do not lose hope and confidence in the constructive efforts so many are making.

~ His Holiness the Dalai Lama


Jammie Meditation # 4 Light Shower. I use this meditation when I feel gunked up or stuck. A spritz for my spirit!

I was struggling when this photo was taken last week. Missing friends and family. Missing the freedom to go and do. Miss...

I was struggling when this photo was taken last week. Missing friends and family. Missing the freedom to go and do. Missing what now seems like a simple, naive time BV, before virus.

But you can see my support crew had my back. And my shirt is emblazoned with my resolve not to give in to bleak, dark thoughts.

Because that's all they are, thoughts. My mind trying to trap me, to keep me small and contained. And if I did, I'd miss the sweetness of this time. The opportunity to connect with true reality that's found in the space between my thoughts. The abundance of being in sync with the Universal consciousness. The boundless rhythm and wisdom in nature. All that green.

And I realized my freedom is my choice.
My liberation is always now.


Jammie Meditation #3 Tonglen

All it took was a global pandemic to get me to be quiet and still enough 😅 , so last week something came undone inside m...

All it took was a global pandemic to get me to be quiet and still enough 😅 , so last week something came undone inside me. Long held patterns of emotional reaction, judging, propelling, my drive for social engagement, all unwound and slipped away. Making space for softness, ease, flow.

I've given my mind a retirement package from its relentless surveillance and deployment of ancient coping and defensive strategies. It's time for it to be a tool that I use consciously instead of it trying to control how everything should go.

Fear & grief are part of this life experience, but I will practice feeling them without clutching. Breathing through them...staying untethered from conditioned, even biological, reaction.

This is a new language of being for me. No expectations for immediate fluency. But, I'm all in for my duration.

Last week something came undone inside me. Long held patterns of emotional reaction, judging, propelling, my drive for s...

Last week something came undone inside me. Long held patterns of emotional reaction, judging, propelling, my drive for social engagement, all unwound and slipped away. Making space for softness, ease, flow.

My mind has been excused from control, from using "justified emotions" to dictate my actions or state of being. I've given it a retirement package from its relentless surveillance and deployment of ancient coping and defensive strategies. I appreciate its trying to keep me safe, but it's time for it to be a tool that I use consciously.

Yesterday someone made a beloved cry, and when I spoke with the causal agent, I wasn't powered by the usual emotional charge, and the situation resolved.

All it took was a global pandemic to get me to be quiet and still enough 😅 to shuffle off the coils of learned patterns that block my innate state of grounded peace and access to the higher frequencies of love and joy.

Not saying I'm all enlightened, but this sure is sweeeeet. Feels light. Cottony. Restful cuz my brain's not frenetically trying to direct how everything should go.

Fear & grief are part of this life experience, but I will practice feeling them without clutching. Breathing through them...staying untethered from conditioned, even biological, reaction.

This is a new language of being for me. No expectations for immediate fluency. But, I'm all in for my duration.

Old wounds, even ones you thought healed, may be reawakened in the quiet of social distancing. Allow. Breathe. Grieve. I...

Old wounds, even ones you thought healed, may be reawakened in the quiet of social distancing. Allow. Breathe. Grieve. It is an old story but may still have energetic resonance.
Like a pebble in a still pond, watch the ripples move away, subside. You are allowing healing at a deeper level. Making it even easier to consistently embody your true, gorgeous being. Free & Clear.
Well done. Well be. 🧡


Jammie Meditation 3: Tonglen


Fear comes from our not being centered in our own being. - Mooji

Sit, connect with your true essence, which lies beyond your personality and is eternal. You are Magnificent! You are peace. You are connected with Everything.

Mooji went on to say, "I pray that we grow inwardly."

May we have clear in-sight!


5 quick practices that have been super helpful at points in my life to ground, calm, and elevate. We are in this together. xo


Newbury, MA


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