Our lives are so busy. We rush to work, school, events, practices, parties, the store, church and so many other things. The days fly by. Weeks turn into months. One season passes to the next and we feel like we didn’t even get to enjoy it.
We get so caught up in our busy lives, feeling burnt out and spread thin. We don’t feel any peace and it can be hard to face another day. But what if we let go of some of the things that weren’t necessary and made it a priority to add some peaceful moments to our day? What if we went through the different seasons and we could look back at moments we enjoyed – that we were actually present in?
I want to encourage you to find moments of peace in your day today. Give yourself the freedom to say “no” to certain things that cause stress and anxiety and “yes” to a few things that add intentional peace into your day.
Make time for family meals. Put your phone away and play a game with your kids or a friend’s kids. Read a book. Work on a hobby you’ve been putting off because you don’t have “time.” Pray and take time to listen for God’s answer. Take a walk outside and watch the sunrise.
I love to go outside when it’s still dark in the morning to do chores. It’s so quiet and peaceful. Nothing but the sound of snow crunching under my feet, the occasional meow of a barn cat and a nicker from a horse reminding me it’s breakfast time.
The sun is just starting to peek out over the horizon by the time I finish chores and if I take the time the enjoy the peacefulness of the new day, I watch the sun rise and am reminded of God’s glory in creation.
What would life look like if it was less hurried and more peaceful? What can you do today to start creating habits of peace in your life?
“Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.” Colossians 3:15