I purchased my first English Black Labrador from Paradigm Labradors. Oliver was an absolutely wonderful boy with the fun loving & gentle disposition Labradors are known for. I trained him as a therapy dog & although I never formally did obedience with him he was the best trained dog I've ever owned. I wanted to fill my home with Labradors so, years later I went back to Paradigm and I adopted a swe
et 6 year old gorgeous retired girl “Mrs Fig" who was a beloved part of our family. Fig is the very reason I carry out a fruit theme for all my dogs today! Plum is so incredibly special to me. She is the smartest & most driven dog I've ever had. She never stops thinking & especially smelling!! The nose on her is like no other! She has successfully sniffed out & hunted many prey animals... my warrior girl ;) No one looks to me more for guidance and adores me more than she!! We then added a beautiful boy to our family, Paradigm Don't Fence Me In CGC "Bing". He makes me smile EVERY SINGLE DAY!! I can not imagine my life without him and he is an absolute joy to love! He is my official first show dog and he loves the ring. I love to walk into the ring every time with him... He flawlessly floats around the ring!! A moment I will never forget with Bing was being honored with a 5 PT major and BOW under breeder judge Pierry McLean!!! It was an amazing day and our whole family was there too!!! Sept 2014, I brought home a gorgeous puppy Paradigm Blackberry @ Sassafras CGC "Berry". She had a big blocky head & giant ears. She has learned to love the ring after lots of patience & training, she honestly much prefers the water!!! She is just breath taking to see her in the water.... such strength & drive! This is where she truly comes alive!!! My Labs are huge parts of my family, my children really. I can't imagine a day without them!! They are my faithful hiking companions, my loyal & happy mascots at work and the keepers of my heart!