Someone complained to management here in my apartment complex about me. The complaint was that I have too many My identity comes from God and no one can speak anything else over me. So I gotta get back to cooking. Have a great day houseguests and they don’t like the type of houseguest I have. Number one I do not have a lot of houseguest. It’s actually kind of rare. Number two they’re probably right they have issues, but I’m gonna tell you, I would rather be around some of these people coming over for lunch then some of my neighbor. I get it. These are all three bedroom apartment units so it is a family complex I think outside of me there are no other singles. So I thought about it for a while and the more I think about it the more disappointed and upset it makes me. So what I’ve decided to do is throw a huge lunch party here in my apartment. So I went down to the local park and invited quite a few homeless people over.