Check out this awesome custom dog house hide! Custom designed/printed by Matt!
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Mama S’mores was enjoying her meal!
📣 Update on Rhonda! She’s doing really well. Loving her enclosure and exploring all over. She ate a mealworm so we are super happy about that! More updates to come.
We are going to be posting some pics of spoods here shortly. We will do a few today and then a bunch more tomorrow. The day was super busy..hubby was pairing several newly matured females (pics to come) and I had a bunch of babies to feed and some schoolwork to get done. Here’s my new baby spiny flower mantis ☺️
Our little rescue is doing amazing today and she has laid silk everywhere! She just keeps walking and exploring her new larger & clean home!
What a night and day difference for little rescue “Rhonda Rousey”. Not even missing a front leg stops her from kicking life’s butt.
Our little rescue spood is loving her new home. She’s already explored the whole enclosure and left her webbing. Our stomach just dropped when we saw her in that disgusting cup. (We’re going to post a clip from when we opened the cup seperate in the comments for those who don’t want to see)
So we went out for a bit this evening. We stopped at a new fish/reptile store. We saw a couple jumpers on a shelf. The male was already dead and this girl looked like she wasn’t going to survive much longer. She already chewed off one leg. So we decided to rescue her for the $5️⃣0️⃣. This little lady will continue to live out the rest of her days with us in peace and a comfortable home. We have named her Rhonda Rousey because she’s a fighter.