Don Deluxe’s tail was in super shape and ready for a new set of extensions!
#euro-tail #tailextensions #horsetail #beautiful #horse #horseshowlife #horseshowstyle
Heading back to Wellington and Ocala this week with a few appointments left for tails.
#newtail #eurotail #tailextensions #horseshowstyle #horseshowlife #horse #chestnutmare
Euro-Tail! Upcoming trips:
January: Wellington, Ocala, Orlando
February: Wellington
March: Wellington
DM for an appointments and info.
#eurotail #tailextensions #horseshowlife #horseshowstyle #beautifultail
#eurotail #horsetail #tailextensions #beautifultail #horseshowlife #horseshowstyle
A full body clip with half head for Snow.
Perfect finish provided by @wahlanimal KMC+.
#snow #lusitano #bodyclip #horseclipping
Super proud of this Euro-Tail! Poor mare had her tail chewed off (presumably) but we found the perfect color to make her look fab again!
#eurotail #tailextensions #newtail #chestnutmare #redmare #jumperhorse #horseshowlife #horseshowstyle
Spent the week with the new KMC+ and I loved how it performed! New faster motor, new housing design and weight distribution and pretty new color. I’m definitely a fan!
@wahlanimal Use code ERIN 15 for 15% off
#wahlclippers #wahlanimal #horseclipping #bodyclipping #equineclipping #haircut
Good day at work!
@wahlanimal @equifuse
#wahlkmx #wahlbravura #equifuseshine #bodyclipped #horsegroom #equinelife
Show ring ready with her new Euro-Tail!
DM for details
Upcoming Trips:
Wellington 3/4 - 3/18,
Spokane, WA 4/8-4/10
@equifuse #eurotail #perfecttail #beautifultail #showringready #horseshowlife