Dr Sue Cancer Vet

Dr Sue Cancer Vet Veterinary cancer specialist, vlogger, speaker, book author & focused on early detection & helping pets live longer & live well. www.drsuecancervet.com

Sue Ettinger, DVM, Diplomate ACVIM (Oncology)


Who's happier in these scenarios: The pet owner or the pet? 🤔⁠

Canalevia®️-CA1 has been significantly helping my chemotherapy patients with their diarrhea for a couple of years now. At this point, I'm no longer using metronidazole and instead include Canalevia®️-CA1 in all my clients' just-in-case medications for my canine chemotherapy patients.⁠

It's currently under review for general use in treating diarrhea in dogs, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it passes!⁠

Canalevia®️-CA1 is not an antibiotic, which is also a big plus for me, considering the go-to medication for this symptom is an antibiotic, which I know is contributing to the greater issue of antibiotic resistance. ⁠

It’s plant-based and sustainably harvested, two factors that show environmental stewardship from the company that produces it, which is also very important to me. Shout out to . 🙌🏻⁠

As always, I know not every treatment or case is a one-size-fits-all, and the best treatment plans vary from case to case, but I’ll always share what I’m doing with my patients to help this community. ⁠

Have any questions about this drug? Ask me in the comments.


STELFONTA® is an incredible FDA-approved treatment option for mast cell tumors in dogs that is derived from the blushwood seed found in the Australian rainforest. 🌱⁠

Its initial studies show that 75% of dogs will have a complete response with one treatment; 12% of these cases required retreatment. When they evaluated these cases that had one or two treatments, 87% of them had a complete response.⁠

When assessing the treatment response of STELFONTA®, you want to wait at least until day 28. (I have a reel on my page that goes in-depth on this.)⁠

At this 4 to 6 week recheck, if the wound is healed and there’s no mass, then there’s no need to perform a fine needle aspirate to check; however, if there is a mass or a nodule present, then you’d want to aspirate the mass to check for residual MCT.⁠

⁠Did you know that some cases will need retreatment with ⁠⁠STELFONTA®?⁠
Have any other questions about this process?


PART 2 of Top Brain Tumors | Today, we're covering Cats! 🐈‍⬛ 🐈⁠

If you're a proud cat pawrent, tune in to learn about what the top brain tumors are, their symptoms, treatment options, and prognosis. ⁠

If you're a dog mom or dad, head back to my page for last week's video, in which we discussed the top brain tumors in dogs. ⁠

Thank you, Dr. Jason Berg, for creating these educational videos with us! ⁠

Drop your questions below, or please share this with a cat parent!


Did you know that dogs get malignant melanoma? 🐾⁠

It happens, and as opposed to humans, where we're used to seeing it in the skin (or on Khloe Kardashian's cheek), but in pets, it often occurs in the mouth. 👄 ⁠

Keep watching to learn about its most common symptoms and for the ⁠
breeds that are reported to have predispositions for this cancer.⁠

Follow me for part 2, where I'll cover the treatment options and prognosis and to stay up to date on all things pet cancer.


The mast cell tumors definitely should be, and here's why ⤵️ ⁠

If you're new to my page, welcome; you're about to learn about one of my favorite non-surgical single-injection plant-derived mast cell tumor treatment options, STELFONTA®.⁠

This solution starts to work within hours after injection, and then the MCT typically falls off within 3 to 7 days, leaving a pocket/wound where the tumor was. ⁠

The wounds they leave typically heal after 4 to 6 weeks to the point that you would never know a tumor was there.⁠ (Check my page to see numerous impressive STELFONTA® wound healing cases.)⁠

To date, I've treated over 80 cases with STELFONTA®, and I'm continually amazed by the drug through its results and how it helps us to save limbs and sensitive locations that otherwise would have to be removed via surgery.⁠
It’s an incredible alternative to surgery when needed and a drug I’m a true supporter of.⁠
If you'd like to learn more about this, tap through my page, and you'll see dozens of posts I have on preparing for it, what cases to start with, etc.⁠

To my vet friends, have you treated any of your patients with STELFONTA® yet? If so, I’d love for you to share your experience! 🐕⁠
For even more 1:1 support, I have a Mast Cell Tumor private FB group for veterinary professionals.⁠

Just tap the link in my bio to request to join! You’ll be a part of over 1.8K members! 🥳 ⁠

And for pet owners, there’s an incredible closed FB group with over one thousand members. It’s a great support group for asking questions and getting feedback from other pet parents who have gone through the treatment process with their pets, too.⁠

Search: “Stelfonta injection for mast cell tumors MCT in dogs” on FB to find it.


Cancer Diagnostics Terms: Sensitivity & Specificity 🔬⁠

Tune in to learn how I breakdown these common but complicated terms and how they apply to one of my favorite vet cancer screening tests, the Nu.Q.⁠

Soon to come to my clinic - an in-house point of care test available from that will allow us to run the Nu.Q and allow us to get the results in under 10 minutes. ⁠

Stay tuned for an upcoming reel where I’ll give a full walkthrough of the in-house diagnostic.


🧠 TOP Brain Tumors In Dogs—Keep watching to learn about these tumors, which breeds are most affected by them, and what treatment options are available. 🧠⁠

I'd also like to sincerely thank Dr. Jason Berg, owner of , for creating some additional videos for us. 🙌🏻⁠

Has your dog ever had a brain tumor?⁠
How are they now, or how did they do?


If your pet is currently diagnosed with cancer, life feels a little heavier. 💔 ⁠

Summertime is such an active and fun time, with BBQs, beach days, and long walks in the park. It's a fun time of year. However, based on your pet's energy, all those activities and this season can look slightly different now.⁠

As we kick off summer, I wanted to take a moment to give you this encouraging reminder that it's okay and that you should still enjoy every day!! ⁠

Each day you have with your pet is a gift, and if your dog is up to the task and happy, let them enjoy what they can do to the fullest!⁠

Also, if they’re showing pickiness in appetite, a few treats from the BBQ will probably do them some good. 😉⁠ (Within reason and nothing fatty, and no corn cobs, please. 🙏🏻)⁠

Lastly, it’s also easy to be very hard on yourself, even blame yourself for their diagnosis, but I want you to remember that you’re not alone and should never blame yourself for your pet’s disease. It could never be "your fault." They love you, and I’m here for you, and so is this community!


It’s never a dull moment, that’s for sure.

Every day brings its challenges: delivering heartbreaking news to pet parents, managing an understaffed and overbooked clinic, and advocating for the best treatments while balancing budget constraints (sadly, the most effective options are often the most expensive).

Despite these struggles, the hope I give to pet parents makes it all worthwhile. I wouldn’t want to be doing anything else.

Can you relate to your field? Let me know!


Watch to learn my top 5️⃣ tips on how to prepare for a chemotherapy recheck appointment.

Osteosarcoma (OSA) is a beast of a cancer. 😞⁠⁠It’s very aggressive locally with destructive bone changes and is highly m...

Osteosarcoma (OSA) is a beast of a cancer. 😞⁠

It’s very aggressive locally with destructive bone changes and is highly metastatic. And even though less than 10-15% have detectable metastasis at diagnosis, 90% of patients succumb within 1 year with amputation alone due to metastasis.⁠

The median survival time of this diagnosis with surgery alone is 4 to 5 months, with a 90% mortality rate in one year. ⁠

With chemotherapy, the 1-year survival rate is 40-50%, and 20-25% of dogs are alive at 2 years. (Nowhere near perfect, but way longer than without treatment, and considering a year is like 5 human years, it’s a very treatable cancer.)⁠

We most commonly see this cancer in middle-aged and older giant breed dogs, though we also see it in 1-to 2-year-old dogs, and small dogs too.⁠
Lastly, as far as OSA treatment, the thought of amputation is shocking for most owners, but luckily most animals function well after the procedure, and owners are typically pleased with their mobility and quality of life.⁠

Have any questions about this type of cancer or know a dog with osteosarcoma? How did they do with their amputation? Let me know.


Chemotherapy side effects typically occur within the first week after a pet's chemotherapy appointment.

During this time, if a dog experiences a gastrointestinal side effect such as diarrhea or soft stool, it will typically happen then.

Knowing this possibility, l've started including my current favorite antisecretory drug, Canalevia TM-CA1, in my clients' take-home meds.
It's proven to be very effective in my patients and has been FDA-approved for chemotherapy-induced diarrhea in dogs only since 2021.

Another bonus, Canalevia TM is easy to administer; pet parents just have to give it to their dog twice a day for three days. It's also not an antibiotic, so we know that by using this treatment option, we're not contributing to antibiotic resistance as we've inadvertently done to date by using the industry's go-to metronidazole.

Lastly, I'll recommend a probiotic to help maintain a good microbiome for the dog.

If your dog has received chemotherapy, did they have any side effects? How was their experience?

Disclaimer: If your pet is experiencing this, please check with your veterinarian or oncologist to see if this solution is best for your dog.


My beautiful patient Cordelia, a young cocker spaniel, unfortunately, was hospitalized after chemotherapy; let’s talk about why it happened and what I suggested for the remainder of her treatment journey after this incident. ⁠

Keep watching to learn! 👀


Do you think you’re resistant to change, or do you lean into it? 🤔⁠

I get that treating mast cell tumors in dogs with STELFONTA®️ might seem intimidating, but like with all things in our field, you get better as you go and learn more as you do. ⁠

That was exactly my case. I was new, and it was touchy, but I learned, and I leaned into it because the benefits were well worth the learning curve for these pets.⁠

So, if you’re interested in using STELFONTA®️ to treat one of your MCT patients, I’d recommend starting with a small MCT.⁠

When the tumors are smaller, the wound-healing process will be simpler to manage, and you’ll build up your confidence. The best part is that there are so many resources available to help you and your client feel confident and informed during the healing process.⁠

Including my FREE MCT support group. (Link in bio) I hope to see you there!⁠

Also, for pet owners, there’s an incredible closed FB group with over one thousand members. It’s a great support group for asking questions and getting feedback from other pet parents who have gone through the treatment process with their pets, too.⁠

Search: “Stelfonta injection for mast cell tumors MCT in dogs” on FB to find it.⁠

How do you feel about STELFONTA®️? Have you tried using it in a case yet?

🥳 It's My Birthday 🥳 & I want to share something I wrote with you as I've been reflecting on this year so far.⁠⁠"Dear 20...

🥳 It's My Birthday 🥳 & I want to share something I wrote with you as I've been reflecting on this year so far.⁠

"Dear 2024,⁠
You’ve been a whirlwind, a relentless tide of highs and lows that has left me breathless. I’ve decided it’s time to take a deep breath and step forward, leaving behind the chaos you’ve swirled around me. ⁠

So, consider this my early farewell. I’m throwing myself a New Year’s Eve party ahead of schedule. It’s time to celebrate new beginnings and fresh starts, to welcome what comes next with open arms. ⁠

Here’s to closing your chapter with a bang and stepping into the future with hope and a smile. Goodbye, 2024. Let’s start anew, and there's no better excuse to start new than entering a new year around the sun." ⁠

I recently took a trip to the most amazing resort in Austin, TX, Miraval Resorts, while the water damage on my house was being fixed. It was the exhale I needed. Most of the photos here are from that trip, which is likely one of my best moments of this year so far. ⁠

I'm excited for my next chapter; I know I have nowhere to go but up compared to what I've gone through these past couple of years. ⁠

Are there any other May birthdays here? Drop a 🎂 below to celebrate.


Hey, I’m having some lighthearted fun; it is social media, but the serious message is there’s a lot of misinformation that I try to correct or address online. 😬 ⁠

I'm one of 450 board-certified veterinary oncologists in the United States. I've also been in practice for over 25 years, so I can confidently say I know a thing or two about chemotherapy in dogs and cats. ⁠

And it breaks my heart when I see misinformation floating around online because it contributes to the overall fear and stigma of cancer treatments in dogs.⁠

🐾 Correcting this narrative is important because it changes how we practice in clinics and interact with these pets at home. ⁠

So here's what you should know about chemotherapy and pets. ⁠

🔹 It is 100% okay to be around, touch, pet, and snuggle with our dogs who receive chemotherapy the day of, the day after, and so on.⁠

🔹 Most patients will excrete metabolites of the drug (breakdown products) 2-5 days after chemotherapy, so what we do want to be cautious about is handling fluids.⁠

🔹 So that means to make sure to wear gloves if you're drawing blood or handling their p*e or poop.⁠ P.S. If your dog is a big drooler, use common sense precautions around that as well.⁠

Disclaimer: if you're pregnant, want to become pregnant, and are immune compromised, please discuss this with your human doctor as well.⁠

Do you have any questions about this, or did you think that they'd be toxic/contagious after receiving chemo? ⁠

Please share any of your thoughts or questions below!


Did you know that diarrhea is one of the most common reasons for vet visits? 💩🤔⁠ ⁠

CANALEVIA™️ is currently FDA-conditionally approved to treat chemotherapy-induced diarrhea but is NOW being investigated to be used for general diarrhea.⁠⁠

I can't wait to see the outcome since I've already seen the effectiveness of this drug in so many of my chemo patients. Are you just as excited as I am?⁠ ⁠

Let me know!


To all the dedicated vet students who've just graduated: CONGRATULATIONS! 🎉 🎓 ⁠

You've poured your heart and soul into this journey, and now you're officially a veterinarian! Your hard work, late nights, and countless hours of study have paid off. And now you even know how to treat cows, pigs, horses, and household pets! 😂 You're simply incredible! ⁠

Vet school was one of the toughest periods of my life, but I want you to remember something I also keep in mind on the tough days, and there will be many.⁠

Every life you touch, every wagging tail or purring friend you comfort, is a testament to your compassion and dedication. Every animal you give a second chance to, every family you keep together by treating their beloved pet, is the WHY you do what you've just studied so hard to do. ⁠

Welcome to this noble profession where you'll make a difference in the lives of animals and their human companions. It's worth it all, I promise you. ⁠

I want you to embrace every challenge, celebrate every win, and never forget the incredible impact you'll have. Don't ever stop believing and being kind to yourself. You'll need yourself throughout your professional career. 💙⁠

Here's to the beginning of an amazing journey. Cheers to you, new veterinarians; you should be so proud! 🥂✨


🤯 This Scar Was - IMPRESSIVE 🤯⁠

But what’s even more impressive is that it completely heals within 4-6 weeks. Watch to see and be amazed... and likely grossed out. (Consider yourself warned.) 🤷🏼‍♀️ ⁠

STELFONTA®️ tests you, but with an experienced eye, you’ll know that it’s all just a part of the healing process and truly is a medical miracle. ⁠

This surgical alternative approach allowed us to save Oliver’s prepuce.⁠
Nuff said.

Over 20+ years of practice, I’ve seen A LOT of patients. 💯 ⁠⁠But for this post, I wanted to give a brief overview of the...

Over 20+ years of practice, I’ve seen A LOT of patients. 💯 ⁠

But for this post, I wanted to give a brief overview of the top 4 cancers in dogs that I see in practice, a little bit about what the cancer is, the signs, and possible treatment options. ⁠

Has your pet had one of these cancers? ⁠
If so, which one and how did you catch it?


Help me blow up the comments, and let’s make this post a resource I can share again and again! 💉💙⁠

Nothing is better than being supported and receiving information from the right people who have gone through what you’re looking to do. ⁠

I can’t wait to see where this goes! (If your dog has received this treatment, feel free to drop comments first by sharing where their MCT tumor was.)


I’m disappointed to hear that the OncoK9 cancer screening test is no longer available. It felt kind of abrupt. It was one of the two leading cancer screening tests that I liked to refer to. ⁠

However, given this fact, it’s even more important now that I share what screening options are still available for pet parents. ⁠

So, let’s talk about the Nu.Q™️ Vet Cancer Screening Test.⁠

It’s a blood test, also known as a liquid biopsy, that measures nucleosomes, which are pieces of DNA released from cancer cells into the bloodstream. ⁠

It can test up to:⁠

76% of systemic cancers⁠
77% of lymphomas ⁠
82% of hemangiosarcomas ⁠
54% histiocytic sarcomas⁠ ⁠

Your vet will need about 2-5 ml of blood to test, and the results will be available in 2-5 business days. ⁠

The cost? Running this test is generally inexpensive, but it truly depends on where you live in the country. ⁠

Did you know this? 🫢

Happy Mother’s Day, Friend! 🩵 ⁠⁠This one day reminds me of the one thing I’m the most proud of. I question other things,...

Happy Mother’s Day, Friend! 🩵 ⁠

This one day reminds me of the one thing I’m the most proud of. I question other things, but being a strong mother for my sons is the one job I know I feel the most fulfilled in. ⁠

Time is flying, and my boys are growing up so fast, but as they turn into men, I’m feeling extra grateful to know I’ve done everything I can to create meaningful memories with them. ⁠

To my boys, I absolutely love being your mom, and I thank you for how much you’ve risen to the occasion this year, given what I have been going through. ⁠
I also want to wish my mom the best Mother’s Day! She’s always been the best kind of mother I could ever ask for and has helped me so much this past couple of years!

💗 I love you so much, Mom, and thank you for your love, support, friendship, and for being you!

I recently lost one of my furbabies, my Matilda. So, this Mother’s Day has a somber overcast, but I’m choosing to be grateful for all the years I was able to care for and love life with her and for the fact that we still have her sweet sister, Penelope.⁠

Also, I want to note that Mother’s Day isn’t the happiest day for all women.⁠

I know there are some who wish they could be a mother but have had complications or tragedies; some have difficult relationships with or have lost their mom.⁠

If any of those examples are a part of your story, I just want to acknowledge and let you know I see you.⁠

⁠⁠However this day impacts you, I hope you’re getting all the R&R, love and support you deserve! 💙⁠


How do you say goodbye to someone you love so much... 💔⁠

My Matilda was my first "daughter" before Penelope, and she was the little sister to my boys and the big sister to our sweet P, Penelope. ⁠

Matilda, you were so special, so energetic, and smart, and you were here for our family on every good day and bad. Even writing this caption is beyond hard to find the words.⁠

You had SO much s***k, even up till the end. I know your last couple of years were really hard; your mobility issues increased, you developed laryngeal paralysis and started regurgitating, your heart failed as you developed DCM (dilated cardiomyopathy), and when it got too bad, I had to help you find relief. ⁠

I pray and hope you're no longer in pain now. ⁠

Seeing your old dogs deteriorate from the once s***ky and full-of-life pups they used to be is one of the hardest things to go through. ⁠

We all love you, Matilda, and you'll always be one of my most special dogs. You might be gone now, but you'll never be forgotten. RIP baby girl.⁠

Drop a heart in the comments if you've ever lost a pet, and share one of your favorite or their quirkiest things to bring a smile to your face. 🤍


80+ cases, and three years later, I'm a solid advocate and user of the STELFONTA®️ Mast Cell Tumor Treatment. 💉⁠

Even after sharing all that I know about this innovative intratumoral treatment, I still see and hear negative comments about it, and I find this surprising. Especially when it comes from professionals who haven't used the drug. ⁠

I know trying something that tests our traditional training can be difficult, but sometimes it's necessary to be innovative, especially when there's the science to back up its effectiveness. ⁠

What are your thoughts on this treatment option? Have you tried it? Does the wound intimidate you? I'd love to know where you stand. ⁠

👀 Watch to the end to learn all the resources available for you. 👀

Resources ⬇️⁠⁠To help you check and monitor your pet’s lumps and bumps, you can download my free pet body maps on my web...

Resources ⬇️⁠

To help you check and monitor your pet’s lumps and bumps, you can download my free pet body maps on my website. I also sell caliper pens and digital calipers, which make it super easy for you to measure!⁠


Did you find this post helpful? If so, please help me spread the word by sharing it with a pet parent or feel free to tag one in the comments below. 💙


Listen, I HATE cancer, but I do LOVE my job. 🐾⁠

This field has changed so much over the past decade, not to mention the rapid changes post-COVID. It is exciting to see all the innovations in veterinary medicine and in our practice. ⁠

I love seeing how we can diagnose and treat our pets more effectively. I love how so many testing and diagnosing innovations have made pet parents' lives easier; it's all so exciting and has come so far from when I started.⁠
I also love my job because I get to help families and their pets get through their cancer treatment so they have a great quality of life, even with a diagnosis. Because of my work, I get to offer hope for more time with their best friend! 🤍⁠
Don't get me wrong; it sucks that cancer even exists; again, I hate cancer and almost wish my job didn't exist, but I like to focus on the science, medicine, hope, and compassion that helps to bring a high percentage of my patients back to a great quality of life during treatment and post-diagnosis.⁠
I think I can chalk it up to I'm a glass half full, not empty kind of a person. (Even with everything I've gone through and seen.)⁠
How about you? Do you believe life is all about your perspective, no matter what you're dealing with?

Read on to see more of my DAY OF TREATMENT tips!↓⁠⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⁠💉 Even though STELFONTA® is kept refrigerated, you should le...

Read on to see more of my DAY OF TREATMENT tips!↓⁠
💉 Even though STELFONTA® is kept refrigerated, you should let the dose come to room temperature, as this will help decrease the drug’s sting.⁠
💉 Additionally, when you send the patient home, I personally recommend gabapentin for pain to start the day of treatment. ⁠

Don’t forget: no NSAIDS since the patient is on prednisone.⁠

⁠⁠If you’re a veterinary professional and would like support in your MCT casework, you’re invited to join my free Facebook group.


Do you have any other questions about a STELFONTA® treatment day? Have you treated your first case yet? If so, tell me about it in the comments.⁠

P.S. If you’re already a part of our F.B. group, I’d love for you to share some insight about it here to inform others just how awesome everyone is! 😄

Just a reminder that -dogs and cats- tolerate chemotherapy much better than people do and that you won’t glow green if y...

Just a reminder that -dogs and cats- tolerate chemotherapy much better than people do and that you won’t glow green if you pet them right after treatment! 💯⁠

I know that when most think about chemo, fear immediately enters the mind. It’s powerful stuff; it kills cancer, and I get it, but I want to break the stigma that it’s something to be afraid of as a pet cancer treatment. ⁠

Especially when used with the right precautions and in the appropriate ways. ⁠

Also, fortunately for our furry friends, chemotherapy treatments have improved greatly over the years (and so have the side effect preventative medications we often give them with treatment).⁠

Statistics show that about 80% of pets have no side effects or mild side effects, and most pet owners report their pets seem happy, normal, and at their same pre-diagnosis energy level in between visits (sometimes even better!).⁠

Did you believe in any of the myths in today’s post? If so, which ones?⁠



Norwalk, CT


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