Your Honor, the defendant comes forward today without representation.
BREED: Jack Russell Terrier
AGE: 19 months old
WEIGHT: Approx 10.5lbs
TIME: 6:49AM to approximately 10AM PST
LOCATION: Hampton Inn, Clovis, CA
WEATHER: chilly and rainy
WITNESSES: the plaintiff, Jen McCleve & Kathleen Moosie Fowler who arrived approximately 90 minutes into the standoff and one AAA driver, name unknown and approximately 10-12 hotel customers randomly entering and exiting the hotel establishment.
Plaintiff exited the hotel and proceeded to place luggage and defendant into vehicle while it was running. This is when plaintiff noticed front driver side tire was flat. Plaintiff proceeded to connect air compressor to rectify the situation. With air compressor running, plaintiff re-entered the cab of the truck to get out of the rain. Approximately three minutes later, plaintiff exited the cab to check progress of tire inflation. This is when plaintiff heard the distinct sound of the truck cab locks engaging, leaving the plaintiff in the rain without a jacket, keys or cell phone causing plaintiff to panic and spend the next two hours attempting to convince the defendant to step on the unlock or window “down” buttons. The attempts made to convince the plaintiff to conduct these acts included several minutes of tapping on the window, begging through the glass, threatening punishment of withholding afternoon snacks, random dancing in the parking lot, and the degrading act of kissing the window.
The end result required calling in professional reinforcement in which Kathleen Moosie Fowler can provide her own statement.
The embarrassment continued for over two hours and only ended once the defendant saw the AAA driver approaching to which she finally gave herself up and rolled down the driver side rear window. To ensure the safety of the AAA drivers ego, we assured him he was still needed to finish airing up the driver side front tire. 
1) one week of no begging for plaintiffs food
2) one month of ceasing to lick her butt, then approach plaintiff with face kisses
3) six months of being able to p*e alone without defendants paws reaching under bathroom door
4) one year of performing trained tricks in front of strangers upon request to avoid plaintiff of having the embarrassment of explaining that she really DOES know the requested commands 
We are asking the public to vote on the defendants guilt or innocence and if found guilty, to impose all four requested sentences.
Please remit all answers in comment section below.
Thank you