As cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) are on the rise, it remains critically important that horse owners take steps to protect their equine friends (and their families) from mosquito bites. If you live in a region where mosquito populations persist well into the fall months, your veterinarian may recommend additional fall booster vaccinations against EEE/WEE and WNV (West Nile Virus).
If you don't know your horse's vaccination history or you are unsure whether they have received a certain vaccine, it's not too late to start from scratch with an initial series of inoculations followed by the appropriate boosters, as recommended by your horse doctor.
So, what is Eastern Equine Encephalitis?
EEE is a severe, viral disease affecting the central nervous system, and is transmitted to equids (and humans) by infected mosquitoes. There is no cure for EEE, and the mortality rate is 75-95% (in horses). Prevention through vaccination is key.
Contact your veterinarian for more information, or learn more about EEE with the following resources:
USDA Equine Arbovirus Dashboard: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/livestock-poultry-disease/equine/arbovirus-dashboard
Equine Disease Communication Center (EDCC): https://www.equinediseasecc.org/eastern-equine-encephalitis
AAEP EEE Guidelines: https://aaep.org/resource/eastern-equine-encephalitis-eee/