Thunderbirds USA

Thunderbirds USA We're a small aviary located in OCALA. Specialize in Pacific, Spectacled and Green Rump Parrotlets. We ship via United Airlines. Adopt with confidence.

We offer a wide variety of quality avian companions including: Pacific Parrotlets; Green Rumped Parrotlets; Lineolated Parakeets; Mustache Parakeets; Plum Head Parakeets; Red Rump Parakeets; Turquoisines; Scarlet Chested Grasskeets; Mulga Parrots; Blue Headed Pionus; Red Bellies, Meyers; Dusky Conures; Turquoise Green Cheek Conures and Gouldian Finches. I worked many years as a veterinarian tech

nician and have several references including those of veterinarians. We are licensed with the Georgia Department of Agriculture. Check out our testimonial section at


GOD HAS A PURPOSE FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP. It's the grace of God that saved his life. Keep surrounding him with your warrior angels to fight the poison that has saturated our government.

Omg.  Kamala said President Trump's mismanagement of covid destroyed the economy?  HOW?Her overspending and open borders...

Omg. Kamala said President Trump's mismanagement of covid destroyed the economy? HOW?
Her overspending and open borders killed the economy.

Knee capping the energy sector and destroying energy independent status, killed the economy.


Dems are saying she had a good interview??? ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME? It was taped and edited and that's her best???

She said NOTHING!!! She supported and promoted failed BIDENOMICS! It's the BIDEN/ HARRIS administration. She wasn't just a spectator!!!

She LIED TO US STRAIGHT FACED, FOR 4 YEARS ABOUT HIM BEING MENTALLY SOUND WHEN HE WASNT. ITS A BIG DEAL AND HAS PUT OUR COUNTRY IN DANGER. Gangs are taking over American cities. People are dying! All because of the Biden/HARRIS administration.

She wants the government to price fix??? What in the hell is wrong with her? It HAS NEVER WORKED ANYWHERE IT HAS BEEN TRIED. Are you NOT listening?

Please, none of you tell us that Joe is a good Catholic. I'm a Catholic and the crimes he's committed, his stance on late term abortions, the lies and accepting money from enemies by selling us out DOES NOT ADHERE TO CATHOLIC BELIEFS.

Plagiarism...not Catholic way. Taking Jesus out of Easter...not Catholic way. Lying....not Catholic way. Stealing top secret documents..
Cheating on his wife...

The list goes on and on.

Please do not gaslight us and tell us he's a good Catholic!

Kamala is NOT QUALIFIED TO LEAD THIS COUNTRY.I am from PA.  I hope my state does what's best THIS time.She WILL end you!...

I am from PA. I hope my state does what's best THIS time.

She WILL end you!
No fracking! I've seen her say it a million times. BELIEVE HER! She was proud of that stance. Her policies on the border, law enforcement, school loan bailouts, mandatory gun buy back, mandatory ev's even though HORRIBLE for the planet and will require strip mining by SLAVES AND CHILDREN! I thought slavery was bad? Guess it only matters in this country, right?

Lithium pools are TOXIC TO THE ENVIRONMENT. WIND TURBINES ARE USELESS, are impacting ecosystems by killing BILLIONS of migratory birds every year, with NO possibility of ever providing significant energy. THEYRE TOXIC TOO. They fall into the ocean and impact that eco system. They don't work I'm cold weather either.

These silly ideas are dangerous and have NO CHANCE IN HELL of providing any significant energy.

For a society to develop new sources of energy to replace fossil fuels, the country must be profitable and healthy to create funding for research and development. I don't know about yinz but I HAVE NO EXTRA MONEY AND CREDIT CARD DEBT!

If the people are spread thin just to cover essentials, how will they have extra to contribute to R & D? President Trump created tax breaks across the board. They will seen expire soon which will result in more higher taxation rate!!! She is NOT renewing them.

What do you think those 87,000 armed IRS agents are for? They're going to look at Craig's List, EBAY, PayPal, Venmo, Cash App, Zelle, Marketplace transactions. Small businesses will be targeted as she won't go after big tech and HUGE corporations as they fund her campaign. Maybe yard sales are next?

This woman is the least qualified candidate I've seen in my lifetime. All smoke and mirrors. Don't be fooled.

Look what happened to PA when the government gutted the steel industry! Unfair trading practices contributed to this. Some areas of PA have NEVER recovered! They used to be thriving cities.

PHILADELPHIA was beautiful, fun, proud. I loved going downtown. Remember?? Now, it's a he'll hole and crime out of control. Why don't Pennsylvanians care?

Look what this government did or didn't do for our neighbors in East Palestine. They got NUKED by toxic chemicals that were NEVER to be stored and shipped in those train cars. WHY IS NO ONE BEING HELD RESPONSIBLE? The ramifications if this event will be seen in decades to come! East Palestine us a conservative town and therefore, not worthy. KAMALA says she'll be a president for ALL people. That's a lie. Biden never visited East Palestine. Fish dead. Birds dead. Animals, livestock, pets, dead but the government said everything AOK. IS THAT OK WITH YOU?

The KEYSTONE STATE is imperative in this election Moreno than any other. WE ARE THE COG IN THE WHEEL TO GET OUT OF THIS MESS!
This administration has lied to us over and over and over. When will we learn they can't be trusted? She said BIDEN COGNITIVELY SHARP AS A TACK. Lies!!!

These are dangerous, serious times. We need talented, serious people. Since this administration took office were buried in debt. Highest inflation in DECADES. Their job lies of most jobs etc... are untrue. 800,000 less jobs than they SAID THEY CREATED. These jobs are part time or illegals or government employees. The wages can't keep up with the inflation.

We need a smart businessman and his team to FIX THIS MESS. We had peace under President Trump. Now, we're involved in 3 wars. One in Ukraine. One in Israel. One in this country against rampant crime and illegals taking ALL OUR BENEFITS THAT SHOULD BE FOR US AND OUR CHILDREN. The country cannot sustain paying for 12 million illegals. IT JUST CANT!!! DO THE MATH. Social Security will be bankrupted. MEDICAID will implode. When our legal U.S. citizens need hospital beds, they wait. We house illegals in 5 freaking star hotels. FREE cell phones, education, transportation, health care, food. COME ON MAN. Does it make sense on any level?

It does on 1. Changing census to manipulate the system to get MORE VOTES FROM PARASITES ON THE SYSTEM WHICH IS OUR DIME, FROM OUR HARD WORK, AND TAX DOLLARS.
DOESNT THAT P**S YOU OFF? These people are not rocket scientists or stellar citizens. Most of them are violent criminals.

I remember a thriving Pittsburgh. I also remember the ghost towns bad policies produced. Ghost towns I STILL SEE TODAY WHEN I VISIT. It's so sad.

My fellow Pennsylvanians...I'm asking respectively, for you to take a hard look at the differences between these 2 candidates.

President Trump may be rough around the edges, not politically correct. But he gets things done! We had peace in the Middle East. Cheap gas. Cheap energy. Low interest house loans. Lower credit card debt. Good jobs. Secure border. NOW LOOK AT US...THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE. If you care about YOUR kids and their futures, the choice is clear. If you want your kids to grow up in a happy, healthy, safe place and GET THE EDUCATION WE DID, President Trump and his team are the answer.

Let's clean up this mess. Let's LIVE to fight another day. Many of us have proud veterans in our families and in heaven. Don't let their sacrifices be undermined by this government. Time to RISE UP LIKE THE PHOENIX AND VOTE RED. I'm an independent. A wise man once said "always go with a winner". There's only one WINNER in this race and he took a bullet for us!!

Kamala own words:"That wall ain't gonna stop them" regarding building the border wall.NOW, she's for it?

Kamala own words:
"That wall ain't gonna stop them" regarding building the border wall.
NOW, she's for it?

Kamala  N O W  claims she believes illegals should be prosecuted for entering USA?But after you're in and you assault a ...

Kamala N O W claims she believes illegals should be prosecuted for entering USA?
But after you're in and you assault a police officer, you're released from jail, no consequences?

Wasn't it HER that said walls don't work (although she has walls and gates and security) and we must find the ROOT cause for illegals.

Maybe the ROOT cause was when she and Traitor Joe handed out Biden t shirts and INVITED them in with promises of FREE EVERYTHING!!

Did the ROOT CAUSE require tax payer funded jets FLYING to different countries and DEPOSITING them in swing states? Kamala and Traitor Joe did that too, in the middle of the night, secretly. Yup. They did that too.

She just said she didn't believe illegal invaders should be treated like criminals (even though most of them are or terrorists).

She accused President Trump of putting them in cages (Obamas cages) and SEPARATING FAMILIES although her border policies or lack thereof, have resulted in losing track of 300,000+ kids which most likely have been trafficked as slaves or in the s*x market.

What a great President she will make. N O T !

R I P  Ben Stiller.I thought he was an intelligent man.  I was wrong.  "She's bringing change".Newsflash:  SHES BEEN IN ...

R I P Ben Stiller.
I thought he was an intelligent man. I was wrong. "She's bringing change".


Have you been sleeping Ben?

The significance of time? Her times up!

What a tangled web we weave...allegedly, another lie from Harris/Walz campaign.  No records could be found relating to h...

What a tangled web we weave...allegedly, another lie from Harris/Walz campaign. No records could be found relating to her claim that she worked at McDonalds. Some speculate she'll say anything to try and relate to us little people.

They're hiding their wealthy elitist friends. Want her to look like us. SHES NOT ONE OF US AND NEVER HAS BEEN. Apparently her Dad is a Marxist. Interesting.

Walz has lied about his military experience and D.U.I. I loathe it when he blatantly panders to EVERYONE using football references. So phoney! He's the furthest thing away from a football player in my humble opinion.



She's on a role...Queen for a time..the significance of time to go so you get where you got to go to do the wor...

She's on a role...Queen for a time..
the significance of time to go so you get where you got to go to do the work

Photos of some of the birds KILLED by useless wind turnines...

Photos of some of the birds KILLED by useless wind turnines...

Brilliant interview.  Her values haven't changed?  Why did she endorse rioting, arson, destruction of federal and privat...

Brilliant interview. Her values haven't changed? Why did she endorse rioting, arson, destruction of federal and private property, murder, violence during phoney BLM RIOTS?

Why did she and Traitor Joe and Walz do NOTHING to protect law abiding tax payers in Oregon, Washington, NY?

Why did KAMALA bail perpetrators out? She's a prosecutor? GIVE ME A BREAK! Cities have been destroyed and have NOT recovered. Lives were shattered. Some businesses were passed down and landmarks. GONE!!!

Federal states belong to ALL legal citizens. They were not the rioters to destroy and deface.

California is a cess pool. Beautiful beaches destroyed by homeless encampments, drug addicts. Restaurants watching people relieve themselves in their doorway.

Who allowed the legalization of theft? Who pays for those losses? WE DO! We're the tax payers.

She allowed MILLIONS OF ILLEGAL ALIENS INTO OUR COUNTRY. No health checks. No vetting. These invaders include terrorists, murderers, criminally insane, human and drug traffickers! I just saw a film of folks living in Colorado who must LOCK THEMSELVES INTO THEIR APARTMENTS IN FEARBOF THEIR LIVES! Masked, armed gang members go door to door kicking down doors, shooting. Trying to break locks off. Their cars are riddled with bullets. They now must move. This is what KAMALA brings to the table!

If I hear that bogus green new deal crap again I'll vomit! News flash. Toxic wind turbines and ev batteries are NOT GREEN and will involve children, slaves and the poor harvesting these toxic ingredients which will be strip mined from the earth! NOT GREEN!

EVs cost more money. The 1000 lb. battery is the size of a large TRUNK. The infrastructure cannot support this. Neither can the outdated electrical grid. It will actually be more expensive to drive an ev and will cause more pollution than gas powered vehicles. You drive for 1 hr, charge for 2.5 hrs. How in the world will deliveries of supply chain take place? It wont!! How will people 'get where they need to go to get to ho to do the work'? Ain't happening!

The only way to impact global conditions on this planet is for ALL INHABITANTS TO DO THE SAME!!! China is building a coal mine a week. They're beefing up their military. They're developing hypersonic missile technology while KAMALA spouts off about freaking diagrams!


Great negotiator, right? 92% employee turnover rate. I didn't know anyone was that bad but apparently, I was mistaken.

If she can't even navigate dealing with employees with respect how in hells half acre will she have the chops to negotiate with dictators who have nukes?

I'm disgusted our country has sunk to new lows. This woman is dangerous or should I say chest feeder?

The new jobs she's bragging about are illegals taking our jobs, government jobs and part time jobs. Tell the truth for once!



I got told by FB that my post illustrating lithium pools being dangerous to birds is misleading.Being a vet tech I can s...

I got told by FB that my post illustrating lithium pools being dangerous to birds is misleading.
Being a vet tech I can say birds are extremely fragile and even small things can be fatal.

Attached is corrected version. Do yourselves a favor and read about how damaging lithium is to our environment. Lithium is used in TOXIC EV batteries.

Kamala is a LIAR!Do not BELIEVE her flip flops.  Notice who supreme liberals are saying nothing when she flip flops?That...

Kamala is a LIAR!

Do not BELIEVE her flip flops. Notice who supreme liberals are saying nothing when she flip flops?

That's because they're playing clean up aisle 4. This puppet is being told to say ANYTHING that gets her elected.

If she's elected, itll be ev mandates. It'll be lockdowns. Our rights will be eroded away. Gun buy back mandate.

She does not care about us. None of us. President Trump CARES. He took a bullet for us and only by an act of God, is he alive today. He wants his grandkids to grow up in the good country he remembers.

The depths of who hired this would be assassin will be shocking to some. Not to me. An independent group of retired Navy Seals and Green Berets should be doing this investigation and former non biased agents.

I believe nothing they SS or FBI says. Theyre corrupt and inept.

Introducing The UNITY LEAGUE to combat the uniparty.

Introducing The UNITY LEAGUE to combat the uniparty.

Omg.  Walz saying RepublIicans want to control every aspect of our lives.  Bu****it!THEY want to tell us what cars to dr...

Omg. Walz saying RepublIicans want to control every aspect of our lives. Bu****it!

THEY want to tell us what cars to drive and when, what stoves to cook on, what meats to eat, what words to use. They are taxing the crap out of the middle class!

THIS administration is derelict in their no. 1 protect our country's citizens. THEYVE ALLOWED TERRORISTS, CRIMINALLY INSANE, MURDERERS, THIEVES, RAPISTS into our country with their open border policies. Americans are being KILLED! How is this protecting us?

They snuck out in the dead of night in collusion with airlines to go and get illegals from their respective countries and DEPOSIT THEM INTO SWING STATES to affect census to gain more power.

HARRIS PROMISED illegals FREE Healthcare. Mines not free. FREE food. Mines not free. FREE housing. My mortgage not free. FREE education. Ours isn't free. FREE clothing. My clothes cost money. FREE cell phones. I NEVER got a free cell phone. FREE transportation. FREE childcare. Do YOU have free childcare? NOTHING IN LUFE IS FREE. THE MIDDLE CLASS IS PAYING FOR IT.

HARRIS STEALING ALL PRESIDENT TRUMPS POLICIES. Don't believe her. These are the same liberal creeps that wanted us to mulch our deceased loved ones. They want us to eat bugs. They want us to drive evs we can't afford and are dangerous, catch on fire, don't run in cold weather. We have NO INFRASTRUCTURE TO SUPPORT THIS AND WONT BEFORE THEIR 2030 deadline.

Civil servants are getting wealthy on our dimes off of our backs. Insider trading, any way they can use to manipulate the system for their benefit. This is NOT what our forefathers envisioned. They get great healthcare benefits after retiring. Great pensions. Security. What do we get? Taxes SS that will be bankrupt soon as the country simply cannot sustain paying for illegals! It's a joke and it's got to STOP!!!


SHE SAID medieval vanity project of Trump's won't happen and she will not vote for a wall under ANY circumstances. BELIEVE HER!

The bill they wanted to pass for border was to hire more pencil pushers to allow more illegals in. They want their votes! She said BORDER WALL STUPID WASTE IF MONEY. She refused to play politics with our security? That's exactly what she's done for 4 freaking years. Now that the polls look bad, time to steal President Trump's ideas!!!


WALZ is a dishonorable man. He's been caught in many lies and embellishments.
Illegals get more benefits than U.S. cotizens.

WE THE PEOPLE NEED TO SAY ENOUGH!Biden STOLE top secret documents as senator & VP.  ILLEGAL!  He can't be prosecuted for...


Biden STOLE top secret documents as senator & VP. ILLEGAL! He can't be prosecuted for being too old but President Trump being prosecuted for BOGUS "crimes" when there was NO VICTIM! BS! Gag order. Biased judge and jury. PRESIDENT TRUMP WAS RIGHT. There WAS cheating in 2020 election. FB admitted there WAS election interference when big tech buried and censored conservative views. Many Biden voters would not have voted for him, they said, if they would have KNOWN ABOUT HIS AND HUNTERS traitorous activities, she'll companies, money laundering. Lamestream and big tech HID THESE ACTIVITIES FROM US. This administration has LIED TO US FORV4 YEARS ABOUT JOES MRNTAL DECLINE!

Complete overhaul of federal government needed. That's WHY libs fear Trump. He can't be bought. HE WANTS TO DRAON THE SWAMP.

President Trump's ideas being stolen by HARRIS. HE SAID NO TAX ON TIPS. Now she says it. HE SAID BUILD THE WALL TO SECURE BORDER. Now she says it. There is clip after clip after clip showing KAMALA criiticizing and condemning the border wall. How many more Americans must die at the hands of these illegals? THERES BLOOD ON HER HANDS, LAMESTREAM AND HOLLYWOOD BI**OS AND BIG TECH.

HARRIS CAUSED THE HIGH PRICES ACROSS THE BOARD INCLUDING ENERGY COSTS when she and Biden knee capped the energy sector thereby DESTROYING status of USA energy independence for the first time in history!! President Trump did that. He made us free from oil producing nations that HATE US!

President Trump gave tax cuts across the board for ALL AMERICAN CITIZENS. Harris plans to let them expire hence MORE TAXES FOR US. That tax benefit will end soon. Get ready to lose more money. SHE HIRED 87,000 armed IRS agents to target small businesses and restaurants, EBAY, Etsy, Marketplace sellers will be targeted too.

President Trump brokered peace in the Middle East. Now war has broken out thanks to HARRIS, WHO GAVE IRAN BILLIONS of dollars to fund Hamas and develop a nuclear weapon. Yup. That's what this brainiac did. Iran was BROKE thanks to President Trump. Thanks to HARRIS now, flush with cash!!!

HARRIS responsible for highest inflation in DECADES due to IRRESPONSIBLE SPENDING. UNCONSTITUTIONAL COVID MANDATES killed small businesses but enriched Anazon and big box stores. These mandates created a supply chain issue.

"The economy is great"? BS! MANY friends have CLOSED their businesses. Seniors, retired, have to go back to work. They can't make ends meet. This REALLY ANNOYS ME when I hear illegal invaders are given more than retirees and veterans and our underserved communities!!! WHO AGREED TO THAT? WE THE PEOPLE DID NOT!!! No one gave ME a free cell phone or housing in 5 star hotels or free food or free clothing. When buying school supplies this year, did YOU GET FREE CLOTHING, BOOKS, ETC...? NO! But if you break the law and illegally enter our country, you're given everything!! We tax payers are paying for these handouts! I'm SICK OF IT! Listen ladies...your kids are already in bottom percentage GLOBALLY in scholastic achievement. How will that improve with students in class who can't speak English? These illegals are coming from 125 countries around the world. These distractions will be problematic for OUR KIDS!

President Trump also supports NO TAXES ON SOCIAL SECURITY. THANK GOD! Illegals aren't paying ANY taxes. Why are people on Social Security, that they paid into all their lives, being TAXED AGAIN? ALREADY PAID INCOME TAX. Now, getting taxed AGAIN? NO!!!!! Let's see if HARRIS COPIES THIS PLATFORM TOO. She's incapable of articulating coherent, original thoughts. Just like Joe. Copies what others say.

This is the LAST OPPORTUNITY TO ERADICATE THE PARASITES IN OUR GOVERNMENT. If you don't vote red, we're screwed! Americans can't respect Harris as she doesn't deserve our respect. What do you think global enemies will think? COME ON MAN. Wake up!

USA was on TOP during President Trump's tenure. Now, were at the bottom globally. A laughing stock. Our kids are illiterate. THIS IS WHAT 4 MORE YEARS OF HARRIS WILL BRING. I don't know about you but the view is ALWAYS BETTER FROM THE TOP OF THE MOUNTAIN.

Cheating has already begun. Illegals are in the system to vote thanks to blue state interference. Over 1 million names removed from Texas voter lists. ALL GOVERNORS need to check these lists. My friend got 4 mail in ballots in PA last election. Georgia had deceased voting and illegal ballot harvesting as well as out and out cheating, which I witnessed with MY OWN 2 EYES IN FULTON COUNTY GA and stuffing of ballot boxes which can be seen in the documentary 2000 Mules.

Were being duped with this Hollywood style "interview", taped and recorded and edited by media. Are we to believe ANY IF THIS??? Why can't she do a live press conference? It's part of her job description and WE PAY THAT FOOLS SALARY.

Think about it. If she was all that, they would be showing her off everywhere. They're hiding her like they hid Biden in an effort to deceive us. She's not qualified to manage a small office. 92% employee turnover rate? Outrageous! She's pompous, arrogant and an open racist. She does NOT REPRESENT AMERICAN VALUES.

Do not vote for this bimbo. If you do, we're all SCREWED. Only illegals, elitists and cartels will benefit from it.

Avery wise man once told me " always go with a winner". "Winners do what lovers don't want to do". President Trump IS a winner. He took a bullet for us.


Why is HARRIS copying President Trump's policies?He said no tax on tips months ago.  Now, she says same.He said no tax o...

Why is HARRIS copying President Trump's policies?

He said no tax on tips months ago. Now, she says same.

He said no tax on Social Secutity too. Harris hasn't said that YET!

He tried to finish the border wall. Harris blocked him from finishing. She allowed 11 million illegals in. NOW HER TEAM WANTS THE WALL? She said walls were un-American and racist.

She said she wouldn't support any wall. It'll cost billions of dollars.

HOW MUCH HAVE WE SPENT ON ILLEGALS ALREADY? Wonder how the families of victims of illegals feel about her wall stance. Their families would be intact if there would have been a wall.

She supported building ridiculous, toxic wind turbines. They're failing and spewing toxic elements into our oceans impacting the environment.

These monstrosities kill BILLIONS of migratory birds per year including our beloved bald eagles, who mate for life!


Kamala wants to disarm the police!!!


My oh my.  Demoncrats caught cheating again.  FB was instructed to censor conservative posts and hide unfavorable inform...

My oh my. Demoncrats caught cheating again. FB was instructed to censor conservative posts and hide unfavorable information on Traitor Joe and his family.

They repeatedly lied about their election interference.

I'm so ticked off. This administration full of inept players, liars, traitors and cheats. How could ANYONE VOTE FOR THEM?

President Trump was almost killed fighting for our rights. Our free speech. Our very existence as a free nation.


So now we're supposed to buy other people's houses???
The country can't afford to buy houses for illegals!

Kamala running down the clock for her softball interview.  Her 500 word vocabulary may not get you thru even with lamest...

Kamala running down the clock for her softball interview. Her 500 word vocabulary may not get you thru even with lamestream bi**os moderators.

You're out of your league. You're NOT qualified to run a McDonalds. 92% employee turnover does not make for a talented negotiator.

You've stood by doing NOTHING and saying NOTHING of any importance.

You watched our country BURN. You condoned it. You aided and abetted perpetrators by bailing them out. You are no leader!

We paid your Godforsaken salary. We paid your housing. You lived off the backs of those you seek to destroy, the middle class. Joe took full time pay for a part time job and did a lousy job at that! Everyone knows HUSSEIN behind all this mess.

Will he have to return his enrichments he got from tax payers when at last, his alleged birth place is finally and emphatically revealed? It rhymes with Splenda.

My oh my.  2 weeks before debate.  Let me remind you KAMALA...the LEFT asked for muted mics.  NOT President Trump!

My oh my. 2 weeks before debate. Let me remind you KAMALA...the LEFT asked for muted mics. NOT President Trump!

Happy National Dog Day!

Happy National Dog Day!


That's rich! Kennedy family turns their back on RK Jr. right after their Demoncrats turned THEIR backs on him. They did every dirty trick to keep him off the ballot. They denied him security. SHAME ON YOU KENNEDY FAMILY. Your allegiance should be to HIM not this radical, America destroying EVIL party that tried to hurt him.

You're right Sis. Your Dad was an honorable man and would be ashamed of YOU for going on lamestream media and dissing your brother this way. FAMILY FIRST! These creeps don't care about you. You're just a useful idiot they can use to try and invalidate your brother.


Krazy Kamala still not talking....She's either unwilling or unable.I choose both of the above!

Krazy Kamala still not talking....
She's either unwilling or unable.
I choose both of the above!


I hope and pray the TRUTH comes out about JFK. The Kennedy family may rethink their party alignment.


President Trump is not nor does he want to create a federal ban on abortion.
He has nothing to do with 2025. He's never seen it!!

I loathe these people. They're using you. They lied to us about secure borders. They lied to us about Traitor Joe having the cognitive capabilities to be president for 4 YEARS!!! Lamestream media is LYING

Omg.  Harris said President Trump doesn't care about security.SHE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR OPEN BIRDER POLICIES NOT PRESIDENT ...

Omg. Harris said President Trump doesn't care about security.

He CLOSED THE BORDER. He was building the wall. She and her cronies fought tooth and nail to NOT BUILD THE WALL!!!!

Don't believe her. She's a liar. She's unqualified and has done NOTHING to help any of us!

No one globally will respect this creep.


Ocala, FL

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 7pm
Tuesday 9am - 7pm
Wednesday 9am - 7pm
Thursday 9am - 7pm
Friday 9am - 7pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 12am - 7pm




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