Russian Bears Hold My Beer and Watch This
Luka is in his new home. He fit right in. Flew across country tuesday morning. I am so happy for my boy and his new family.
Luka is in his new home. He fit right in. Flew across country tuesday morning. I am so happy for my boy and his new family.
I start crate training puppies early because I send them home crate trained and started on house breaking so their new mommy and daddy and family can sleep at night so during the day they are taking their morning and afternoon naps and crates I pair them up I put them in a Singleton's I put them in different crates being wire plastic aluminum Etc so they are adapted and adjusted to the different noises each crates make and of course Lulu is by herself and of course she is the loudest and most indignant everyone else is sleeping she is still complaining she came into this world very loud and she is going to maintain that status LOL but we do naps at this moment because it is the least amount of time so they get adjusted to being in the crate then when they wake up for their afternoon or morning play times they go play as normal and they will sleep as normal and the next week they will start being crated at night once they're used to being longer and longer in their crates during the day. Again this is so that they can go into their new families and fit in not keep everyone awake because they've never been separated from their siblings or crate-trained
The sound of silence lol and dad snoring as pups are learning crate training. First hour in for their afternoon nap
The babies go from Mommy to the food using their noses they share their pen with the cats lol they use their litter boxes quite well they are getting ready to start crate training in the next few days very nice big babies great temperaments
4 brt 4 week old puppies 2 maine coons and a balonka lol
I post videos of puppies eating because it's important and seeing how the puppies react to food respond to sense such as smell Etc because this tells me temperament you can learn a lot from watching when puppies eat and these puppies I caught from a dead sleep before they realize the food was in the pen
The babies are getting big I change their footing and bedding so they gain Mobility and Agility without being on slick surfaces such as sheets or puppy pads they are becoming very active personalities are coming through LOL
The babies are getting bigger eating more slurping Lots LOL