Well looks like Dutton might have proved creamino or with the thin stripe maybe plat over at R2 Gliders with Beck Rose Boogie’s Suggies Dutton in his new home
Soulreyn is such a pretty girl and complete mush no one has scooped her so we need help renaming for her to stay
We went with western, country, bootleg theme for our first Carmel Albino we produced so I’d like to do the same with her go……….
Also you see Conway and Lauretta her moms and pops in her as well
#ourjoeysproducedhere #suedelinecarmelalbino #conwayxlauretta #bootsandbucklessugargliders2025 #ouravailablejoeys #untilshesrenamedhaha
Jelly Roll is our GBG Import Carmel Albino not related to our current US Suede line Carmel Albinos. Legendary Sugar Gliders update on our boy
#ourdads #GBGcarmelalbinoimport #importlines
Mr Flavescent is one of the first Creaminos that were produced from the Suede Carmel Albino Lines. he’s also from True Abby Curly Lines. We wanted to share what a visual Creamino from Carmel Albino lines looks like.
We’re trying to convince Lisa to share updates of what we believe is a double recessive from Carmel albino lines now that she’s grown a bit. Legendary Sugar Gliders pretty please can we get an update and does she have a name yet ????
#ourdads #bootsandbucklessugargliders2025 #carmelalbinolines #taclines #curlylines #curlygliders
Rhodium definitely looks like he’s gonna be the first curly we shall see #taclines #carminolines #carmelalbinolines #kawligaxflavescent #ourjoeysproducedhere #bootsandbucklessugargliders2025 #ourjoeyswaitingtogohome #
Ellis boys update
She picked names Brahman is now Bam and the boys are Pip & Kip Tiffany Ellis boys update after neuters thanks for the help Sharay Blake
Flavescent is such a good dad back talking to me telling me mom let us sleep and no you can’t have my baby 🤣. Rhodium is pending a pet home here locally so we will never know for sure but I wanted to show the areas I was looking at when labeling rhodium TPM for future reference for others. His neck break which was clearly visible when he came out of pouch is now filling in. He still has the spotted, cow ears. He’s such a different pretty tone . I’ve only ever seen three in person and this is my second produced so I’m still learning. But hopefully by me pointing out what I was seeing thinking TPM in can help others in labeling #ourdads #ourjoeysproducedhere #bootsandbucklessugargliders2025 #breederslearntoo
Conway, Lauretta and their daughter soulreyn. So thankful for another beautiful Carmel albino. Conway knocked it out the park with homebru then this girl. Homebru should be having joeys soon too I cannot wait. I’m secretly hoping no one scoops up Soulreyn so I can pair her here.
But Soulreyn and Carter individually would be awesome in a program or they could make an awesome pair for someone too and valentines is coming. What better way to say I love you then Carmel Albino or an Import het or a suede line Carmel Albino /GBG Carmel Albino import pairing.
Head on over to the website to get your significant other some sugar so you can have some sugar 😉 I’m lame I know 🤣 my kids will tell you hahaha
#ourdads #ourmoms #ourjoeysproducedhere #ouravailablejoeys #bootsandbucklessugargliders2025
Wylie~Sue, Glider named Sue and Carter
Finally got power back on and was able to get videos and pictures of everyone for updates. We hope to do light box photos this weekend
We have all the vibes so head on over to the website and see if any pull your heart strings. We have Import GBG Carmel Albino lines with Carter, Suede visual Carmel Albino with Soulreyn, S&S visual with Synful, TAC lines, CA and S&S with Rhodium. See if any of our flavors can create that valentines recipe your looking for visit. www.bootsandbucklessugargliders.com #bootsandbucklessugargliders2025 Legendary Sugar Gliders Quill Berry Hedgehogs and Sugar Gliders Quill Berry Hedgehogs and Sugar Gliders Boots & Buckles Sugar Gliders & Stagecoach