Congratulations to Madizen and her new family!
It’s official! The lovely Madisen and her new mom and dad are now a forever family! This beautiful girl has been busy settling into her new home over the last few weeks.
Madisen‘s rescue by CCHR is also a story of how when people come together wonderful things can happen for horses in need. We heard about Madi through a friend of the rescue. She felt that Madi needed a new home where her full potential could shine through. From the moment we met this gorgeous girl, we knew she just needed a chance to spread her wings and be fully herself.
Madi came through her rehabilitation at CCHR with flying colors and then we knew she was ready to meet her special person (or persons as ended up being the case!). She could not have found companions who love her more. She is home!
Thank you to everyone who made Madisen’s rescue journey possible! It absolutely takes a herd!