Maine Cave Cattery

Maine Cave Cattery Maine Cave Cattery is a registered cattery with TICA. We have carefully chosen pedigrees and only br


We have retired from breeding Maine c***s.

We have a retired male Cameo Tabby named Titus available now. He is 2 years old. He is a nice big boy and is still growi...

We have a retired male Cameo Tabby named Titus available now.

He is 2 years old. He is a nice big boy and is still growing and bulking up. He weighs about 16 lbs. He is a beautiful big boy with a very light, almost white cream color. I had him groomed and shaved for the summer so his coat looks shorter in some of the photos. He has a great temperament and gets along well with the other cats and dogs in the house. He is a very loving boy. He has been DNA tested and is free and clear of any variants that cause diseases that Maine C***s can get. He hasn't ever had a spraying problem, plus he has been neutered.

We have a retired female available now: A Black Smoke Tortoiseshell named YingYang. We call her Fifi. She is 4 years old...

We have a retired female available now:

A Black Smoke Tortoiseshell named YingYang. We call her Fifi. She is 4 years old. I purchased her from a cattery in Ireland. Her mother was a French cat and her father was from a famous cattery in Germany. She is very big for a female, she weighs about 17 lbs. She has a beautiful smokey coat with a lot of colors. She is a sweet girl, but a little shy around strangers, and it will take a few weeks for her to get used to a new home. She gets along with the other cats and dogs in the house.

Pretty girl

Pretty girl




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