The mission of Brave Bundles is to provide baby blankets for military families who are expecting, with special attention to those who have babies while they are stationed overseas, as well as to military families in the United States who are welcoming a new addition to their family while a spouse/significant other is deployed. What started with a request from a friend to make blankets for their mi
litary unit has blossomed into an effort to provide this touch of comfort and home to as many military families as possible. We need your help! We are looking for knit, crochet or quilted baby blankets. Blankets should be made of acrylic or cotton (no wool). Size should be no larger than 24x24; however any size will be accepted. You are free to use whatever colors you like. If you smoke or have pets, please wash your blanket in gentle, fragrance-free detergent before sending. Please message through the page for shipping instructions. If you have questions regarding the blankets, or know of a military unit that would like to receive blankets from us, please email [email protected]. You can also visit our page to see how we are doing! If you live in California, you may also contact Mimi Quirarte of Momentary Bliss Crochet. She represents Brave Bundles for the west coast. She can be reached at 650-733-6605,
Thank you for your kindness and support! Kerri, Rebecca, & Mimi