Did this yesterday with King we both had fun lol
His sudden down 😅. It was his first time trying this! He has the idea because we are working on his sudden stays, he just needs to work on the sudden part of the down 😂.
King working on his sudden stays! He's gotten really good at them!! Next video is him doing a sudden down for the first time.
King can now get my shoes for me! He's not really going to be doing this often but he likes having the job lol
This took a very long time to get him to not think EVERYTHING was a toy. I'm proud of us both!
Just got done with a free leash training with a little Chihuahua rex who is afraid of leashes. He did so great after about 5 minutes of the leash being on him he was strutting! His owner was amazed!
Jason working with King! Only thing I would have corrected is shorting up on the leash a little bit more! But they both did great!
He's finally getting it! I started off with his toys and now moving on to everyday objects!
He's a silly little boy. Lol 😂
He loves his sock. He plays so gentle with it when he's playing by himself
Dog toys don't have to be expensive. We got these from the dollar store.
This is what King does when I come home from work 😅
Enjoying some water time the other day! I can't wait to take this boy to the beach to swim and see what he does. He likes playing in shallow water!
Life of a retail worker pt 1! I hope you enjoy it as much as we did making it! It's the first video in a little mini series I'll be doing with King.
Showing off some of the new stuff he's learning!