Strong Donor Update: First Off, THANK YOU All who donated for Strong's Surgery for his Tail Amputation, wee DID raise all funds to cover that cost!! In our November 10th, 2024 Post we stated that my Wife became certified to be able to Adjust (Chiropractic) dogs, cats & horses. Well.....
One of my wife's professors/instructors (Texas) who is ALSO a Veterinarian for 40+ years, that she trained under, suggested after hearing our case for Strong and what he all went through, a whole food nutritional protocol (3 products) that is geared to help with Strong's Nerves with the possible goal that he will regain feeling in his tail and that the PAIN SURGES will subside.
Since December 21st, when we started Strong on this, we are already seeing movement at the very END of his tail which is a first vs moving the entire tail (SEE VIDEO). We are hopeful this will work and save his tail amputated since there IS A CHANCE Strong will experience "Phantom Pain" (after surgery), which is the "wild card" we are concerned about. Otherwise, if this does not work, Amputation will take place in April, 2025.
So currently, while we wait during this process, Strong is OUT of his cage from 6:30ish am until 10:30pm every day with his tail wrapped in Popsicle Sticks to prevent biting/damage. At night, we place a cone on his and unwrap his tail to let it breathe overnight. THANKS again for your support for that who gave financially as YOU are the reason we are able to help the cats that we do !! Thanks Again.
SEE OUR PREVIOUS POST... then after the sun 🌞 hides behind clouds ⛅ its time for the toys...
TWO UPDATES: (1) Our offer for the church property/building was submitted last Saturday and we should hear back from the Realtor sometime this week after the Board of Trustees makes a decision.
(2): Update on our near 1 year old kitten who was hit by a vehicle at 4 weeks of age. He is now almost off of his prescription food ($5.00+ per day to feed him) His digestive & bowels are finally allowing us to transition to Blue Buffalo over the counter food which is about $2.25 a day, so we are THANKFUL.
His TAIL is the last of his many issues he had wrong that we feel is SLOWLY coming around. We will give this another month or so and if not much better from today, we will consult a neurologist to see what options, if any, we have before an amputation. Please WATCH this two minute video to see what he goes through when he has these attacks. They are lasting about a minute or two and them NOW up to 2 weeks in between attacks. He has been getting Chiropractic, Acupuncture and Laser Treatments to try to help the healing process. Outside of these random attacks, he is a healthy, very happy, purring kitty!!
Charlie, a very Unique Cat with a Unique Meow
This is CHARLIE as of 1/27/24.... LISTEN to her "Meow" & "Purring". She is 90% Better.
Her Story and Difficult Decisions we made helped her to get through her totally unexpected medical crisis she just experienced starting 1/9/24. Her full story on Monday Night 1/29/24!!
Here is ONE of our THREE cats with health issues we have been dealing with. This one (Strong) ends with very good news, at least for now as of this post. We think he finally has BEAT all his issues since we took him back in September. THANKS to the donors who have help to support Strong, we have received to date approximately 45% of his vet bills and care. Currently, his prescription food runs about $5.50 per day, but we finally found what is working!! WATCH the 2 1/2 Minute Video for COMPLETE Info!!
PayPal: [email protected]
Venmo: @catifycafe
Cash App: $catifycafe
Zelle: 3304652568
Mail Checks TO:
Catify Café & Adoptions, Inc
P. O. Box 21
Orrville, OH 44667-0021
HAPPY NEW YEAR !! We Wish Everyone a Very Blessed, Prosperous and Awesome New Year for 2024!!
A HUGE, HUGE THANK YOU to all our supporters and financial donors who have helped us care for the cats we have taken in over the years !! You are SO VERY APPRECIATED for all you have done !! THANK YOU for those Anonymous Donors who donated gift cards through CHEWY.COM!!
WATCH STRONG Kiss the Vet Tech at the end after two shots.
A TWO Minute VIDEO UPDATE of Strong's Vet Visit today. He currently is not doing well, so we ask for your Prayers and if you can, donations towards his and Chuckers expenses. THANKS to a few folks who donated for this on Christmas Eve, but we are still with TODAY's visit, $1200 short. POOR STRONG, since 4 weeks old (now 4 1/2 months) has been hit by a vehicle initially, lost use of his Tail, Bowels, Bladder, along with Fleas, Tapeworms, Roundworms and the nasty parasite Giardia to which we got him almost 100% back and cleared (Tail 60%+ use) and NOW THIS Respiratory Issue and loss use of bowels again. Thank You!! We are doing everything we can to restore his health!! CHUCKERS is stable with his bowel movements on medication until 1/2/24 vet visit with a specialist.
PayPal: [email protected]
Venmo: @catifycafe
Cash App: $catifycafe
Zelle: 3304652568
Mail Checks TO:
Catify Café & Adoptions, Inc
P. O. Box 21
Orrville, OH 44667-0021
VIDEO shows a NOT so pleasant Bowel Movement!!
NOT SO GOOD UPDATE on Chuckers: He was fine up through Yesterday 11/19/23, ate normally, acted normal. This morning, Chuckers DID NOT eat his moist food and around 3pm today he had bloody diarrhea (See Video) and threw up a little blood. The best we could get for him is an "Emergency Drop-Off" tomorrow morning at 7:30am. All of the vets we use are overbooked due to the Thanksgiving Holiday this week. Please say a prayer for Chuckers.
For those new to our organization: We transferred Chuckers from another rescue into our care the first part of October, due to abuse prior to the previous rescue capturing him. Over all he was progressing slowly, and is starting to TRUST me with his care. Just this past weekend, he is allowing me to place my face against him and give him kisses. He fought any type of "Trusting being real close Close" His "Cowing Down" on any SLOW hand movement near him is also starting to subside SLOWLY. So we are making progress with him, and now this happens !!
Kitten Strong UPDATE: Today is day 11 since his diarrhea started back up. Strong has been on the medication Metronidazole for three and a half days at twice a day to treat the Giardia that was diagnosed on Tuesday. We FINALLY, today, Went an 8 hour stretch with no poop. So today, we're leaving him out for 15 to 20 minute intervals to play and run since he's been locked up for the last almost 11 days, Except for the cage cleaning multiple times a day. We are hopeful by the end of this weekend he will be back to 100%. Thanks for your prayers.
Update # 2 for Chuckers:
As of today, (October 17th, 2023) we have transferred Chuckers from our downstairs isolation to our main floor where initially he will spend some time with other cats to see how well he socializes with them AND for me to work on his "Cowing Down" on any movement or unrecognized sounds.
For the most part, WHEN I am actually petting him, it helps to constantly talk with him and continue to move slowly in my movements. His current status is that after 30-60 seconds of petting, he must pull away, check his surroundings and once he realizes he is STILL SAFE, he comes back for another round. Picking him up as of today IS NOT an option. I hope that will give a little since I have to crate him on October 31st, to get neutered and his booster shots.
This video was just shot last night at 11:30pm as we were tucking him into bed for the night (treats included) as I do for ALL, now 27 cats each and every night!! Since Chuckers is Healthy for the most part (Little Bowel Issues, we feel due to stress and food change to ours) we'll update you again within 1-2 weeks, especially since working with an abuse situation takes time to work through. THANKS to ALL who have donated towards his care!!
Listen to this 1 minute video update on our kitten Strong. We got the test results back from the samples we turned in yesterday and we have a fix for his solution. I did forget to mention on top of everything else this poor little kitten has gone through he had fleas also which were taken care of.
This is #1 of 2 Chucker's updates, that we transferred from one of our partner rescues Rittman Trapper. We took Chuckers to our vets last Wednesday and then brought him back to our place.
This video was from Saturday night, late. October 14th. He virtually lived inside of this little cave for a solid 3 days except to pee and poop. He even wanted to eat his meals in there.
I was allowed for these first 3 days to at least put my arm and hand in there and pet him and he allowed that. It truly took him about 3 and a half days to decompress, due to his abuse he encountered prior to capture. Wait towards the end of the video and you'll see we at least got his butt out. 🤣 The second update will come out this afternoon and you'll see a good improvement.