Well, (in a shrieking voice) I FINALLY get to officially announce OUR new family memberS!!!!!
- Born last, with the only birthday of June 11th, after 20hrs of hard Labor after a stuck sibling who was born deceased, our rainbow 🌈 baby who we thought for sure would me born deceased as well, miss blue herself, PAISLEY RIVER!!!!!! Paisley is, strong, playful, sweet, smart, and has always been one of the closest to mom Ember. With bigger ears than mom already, and a face like her dad, we are so excited to watch her grow and become part of our family.
- Born 7th, on the evening of June 10th, the only pup born when Abigail was home and she missed it by being in the other room 😔 miss green, SADIE JADE!!!!! Sadie is determined, feisty, courageous, loving, strong, and tenacious! Sadie NEEDS to be all of these things because she was born with a cleft toe that I noticed shortly after birth. Though I was told by every Orthopedic vet in the area that they would not see her until 3 months old, and was told by MANY other vets and breeders to EUTHANIZE her 😡 we advocated for her and finally found a vet 2 hours away who agreed to see her! A renowned vet who also works for the LA zoo, agreed with us and at 3 weeks old did the first surgery of its kind and put her foot back together to the youngest animal he has ever worked on. Sadie healed great and now walks flat with a functioning foot!!!! 😃😃😃 unfortunately, the celebration was short lived because soon after we noticed limping and a bulge at her elbow. After another trip to her ortho, we found out her ulna is now out of place 😪 currently her ortho has said he can't do anything: no surgery, splitting or casting until her growth plates are further intact. We are unsure if this means: another surgery, amputation with eventual prosthetic, casting, ect. Sadie will be HUGE and dogs carry 60% of their weight in their front legs so, this is a big deal eventually leading to a big decision. We have currently spent over $4,000 on this little miss and need to be realistic if we can spend any more or if she will be a good long term family member as she MIGHT have limitations that may not fit with our family: camping, hiking, beach, ect. We are currently looking for a FAMILY who has the heart, financial means, and lifestyle who will love and adore this pup as much as we do. If you or someone you know might be interested, please reach out for further info 💗