Happy Valentine's Day everyone❣️Have a wonderful day❣️#love #valentinesday #dog #healingpawsanimaltherapy #carlgordon #superdogmax
I would like everyone to meet David who is a local six-year-old elementary student. David volunteered his time and his adorable dog Coco at The Landmark Nursing Home this past Saturday. David made each of them a personal card along with a little gift inside each one. He went to each resident, handed them his card, explained to them why he was there and shared the love of his dog with everyone. He made so many residents very happy. A big thank you goes out to his mother and his family for allowing David to volunteer at the nursing home. ➡️ If you are reading this, please take a moment to thank David in the comments below for volunteering his time and for making so many of our local nursing residents happy. What a great example he is, along with his family. Thank you David & family❤️🙏🏼🐶😃
From my furry family to yours, wishing you all a very happy new year. May 2025 be the best year ever for you all❣️
Volunteers needed❤️🙏🏼
Volunteers needed to read aloud the well over 1,000 of Bill's birthday cards at the Landmark facility please reach out to Jennifer Gross who is the Director. All her information is below. Please feel free to reach out to me if no one responds, thank you. Carl - 727-776-2275The Landmark nursing home main number: (727) 217-6100Director of nursing home is Jennifer Gross. Her cell phone:(941) 274-2599Email:[email protected]
Good morning everyone 😊Ruby & Hope sporting their new Christmas look getting ready to visit a few nursing homes to add smiles & laughs to all the residents & employees. What do you think of their new look? I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend!#funny #funnydogs #love #healingpawsanimaltherapy #dogsofinstagram #carlgordon #superdogmax
A local WWII hero's birthday (Bill Monfort) is coming up this Tuesday, December 17th. You are ALL invited to come out to wish him happy birthday. Bill is the oldest living WWII veteran in the history of Florida. So come out and show your love & appreciation for this American hero. If you can't make it, feel free to send a birthday card. Words of inspiration, kindness and love help extend anyone's life. His birthday starts at 2PM and should last until 4PM. Hope to see you there. ❤️😊🙏🏼 Address:Landmark Assisted Living facilityAttention: Bill Monfort3260 McMullen Booth RdClearwater, FL 33761https://www.wfla.com/video/what-floridas-oldest-wwii-vet-wants-for-his-108th-birthday-and-how-you-can-help/10286498#veteran #wwii #hero #military #love #healingpawsanimaltherapy #billmonfort
This will definitely warm your heart, especially if you're an animal lover. I hope you're having a good Friday evening and that your weekend gets off to a great start! ❤️🐶🐱
The love of a dog brings so much happiness & joy to children everywhere.
Listen to this child's laughter.....just warms your heart that this joy was caused by a dog
• Have a wonderful weekend everyone and if you can, share the warmth of your pet with someone.
Good morning.....have a great day everyone❣️🙏🏼❤️🐶🐶
I know everyone's going through a lot, but I hope you're able to find a silver lining and have a good day! There is always a silver lining if you look hard enough. 🙏🏼❤️🐶
Brought some relief in the form of puppy love to a few residents at a local nursing home. It was a good day.
Not even Helene will stop us from getting out to add smiles to these wonderful people who deserve the love of a dog to cheer them up. We will be out tomorrow as well & again on Monday. For anyone that would like to join us, we'd enjoy having the company of you and your pet. ❤️🐶 🐱 Send me a private message and I'll be happy to send you my phone number.