NOW ALL SOLD!!!!!! as of 4/7/24 OH. MY. GOODNESS!!! Kandy is our last little one ...and she is utterly adorable. AKC, Born on 2/27/24. The parents are Bodie (16lbs) and Seanna (15 lbs). She is an excellent, experienced, mellow mom. Bodie is a mild-mannered, people friendly, strikingly handsome dad. They will be ready for their new forever homes approx 4/20. They come with full registration utd on shots and first vet check. You can view the mom and dad on this page...just scroll. ❤. MARLEA owns the mom, so that is where Kandy lives CONTACT MARLEA directly at 907-354-4043 or [email protected].
Update on the 2 remaining available puppies from Bodie and Seanna. One boy, Rocky, and one girl Kandy, are still available for a new forever home. Contact Marlea directly please @ 907-354-4043 or [email protected].
Bodie and Seanna's puppies today. Ready for their new families right now. Be sure to contact Marlea directly @ 907-354-4043 or [email protected]. Beautiful, healthy, happy puppies.
The fun little fur babies today. They are ready to have their new homes. Please contact Marlea directly at 907-354-4043. or [email protected]