This morning, we had successfully located Chase, a beagle who had been missing for four days. Following three reported sightings, we were able to track his movements and ultimately reunite him with his relieved owners. We are thrilled with the positive outcome of this search effort.
Michelle Lewis
Ryan Rockhound
We have another happy ending! We were called out to conduct a search for Galaxy on Wednesday and she was found within 50 mins. Sadly she ran from the owner and wont come close. We decided to back out the search knowing her location to set up a trap with bait and a camera. Five days had passed and watching the camera and putting fresh food in the trap daily she wouldn't commit to it. We received word from the owner Jennifer Johnson tonight that her son open the front door to go outside and Galaxy came barreling in the house to go to bed. We have never seen anything like it! We are so happy she had returned back home!
Successful deer recovery unfortunately this one was still alive. The way the buck acted we believe he was gonna be expire by morning. When the hunter approached the buck it got up and took off fast with minimum blood we came to conclusion that he going be fine for another opportunity.
Went out for a bear recovery this morning and after a minute of flying we had confirm this is was the bear. I searched more of the area to make sure and haven't found none. Looks like its gonna be fine!
Got a call out to Appomattox for a recovery, he is up and doing fine gonna see another day! This recovery season has been really busy!
Buck located in Powhatan thats been wounded. Judging by the spot high up on his back and how active he is we believe he is gonna live to see another day!
Recovered a Buck a Sweetbriar in Amherst unfortunately wasn't expired when he was found. We set a pin point of his location and now to give him time.
This weekend marks the beginning of youth hunting season. If you struggle to find your trophy, our thermal imaging drone services can help. Whether your deer is wounded or harvested, we can locate it. Call/Text at 434 603 2943, or message us on our page.
Eager for deer season and seeking information on area deer populations? Reach out to us for comprehensive Deer Herd Analysis and Deer Recovery support.
Can't hide from us Coyote 🐺
Meherin Fireworks were captured using the drone equipped with a 56x zoom capability from Pamplin, located approximately 20 miles away.