Kindred Kitten Rescue

Kindred Kitten Rescue "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

We are very active in many communities throughout the country and vociferous advocates for cats/kitties everywhere. We were formed on August 7, 2021 and have already built a solid network with REPUTABLE cat rescues across the country.


Alison Stack Lopez
Mary L Towse
Cherie AndEdgar Moore
Please FB message me your address! πŸ₯°πŸˆπŸ™πŸ»πŸΎ

This. It is worth the read and gives you some insight into the rescue world. I returned home at about 3 pm yesterday and...

This. It is worth the read and gives you some insight into the rescue world.

I returned home at about 3 pm yesterday and by 5 pm I was receiving death threats.

A person contacted me saying that she adopted a kitten from a place and was told by her apartment staff that pets are no longer allowed.

She contacted the place where she adopted the kitty, they refused to take him back at that time.

She called me, told me the story, and told me that she was about to "Throw the kitten on the street." I pleaded with her not to, and although we weren't intaking, my heart told me that I had to.

I gave her our address and she was there within a half an hour and the exchange went well.

I contacted the place that she adopted from and asked them what the hell type of vetting they do. It's not a THOROUGH vetting. I informed the manager of what happened and she said that what I was told wasn't true. She had all the paperwork there, so she could see the name/number of the adopter.

An hour later I received a call from the person who was going to throw the cat on the street, she was screaming at me to the top of her lungs. She said that someone posted her name and number on social media and blamed me. I told her that I didn't do it and had no knowledge of who did.

She continued to blame me, and then said, "I know where you live, I'm going to come over to take care of you."

Needless to say, I told her she better get right with Jesus before she steps a foot on our property.



If you choose to rescue animals, I am going to give you some sound advice - Grow thick skin and don't care what people think of you. I have known people to lose the battle with their minds and we just lost a kind, caring individual in my rescue network. Compassion fatigue is real, but nothing is worth your life. No pet. No rescue. No person's opinion. Nothing.

In rescue, that person that tells you what an angel you are and how wonderful you are every time you pick up a stray pet thrown at their door will also be the first person who tells people how your organization is worthless when you don't have space to pick up the 30th pet thrown off on their property. It's ok.

In rescue, the adopter that leaves you the five star review about how wonderful everyone has been will change that review quick when they return the pet even though you have spent hours trying to keep it in their home. One star reviews are ok.

In rescue, your friend will be your friend until you deny their application for a pet because they are a great friend but a terrible pet owner. That's ok too.

In rescue, you will answer 143 calls in a day (yesterday to be exact). But if you miss 6 calls in a row while you are in the shower, you will be the one who "never answers their phone". It's ok.

In rescue, other rescuers and random trolls will judge everything you do but never have time to pitch in a hand to help when they see something needing more attention. They will, however, have lots of time to talk about how they’d do it better while they harass and judge you. It will be ok.

In rescue, you will have to involve animal control and the police department sometimes. The people who you take pets from will hate you - and I mean REALLY hate you. Trust me, it's ok.

In rescue, pets will be put down and pets will die at the hands of abusers. We can't save them all - and that's ok. We save the ones that we can and pray for peace for the ones we can't.

I have been in the animal rescue world since 2009. I have dealt with every problem and every situation imaginable. I used to take some things to heart, then I realized - I am doing this for the animals, not for any person in this world. I have found my joy and no person will take that. If you are in rescue, don't let anyone or anything take your joy. Find peace that you will never please everyone. Find peace that you will never save them all. Never allow something you love to turn into something that ends your life.
By: Tiffany Rebecca

After a 14.5 hour drive on Friday, and a 17 hour drive yesterday, I'm on the final drive of this trip. Today's only a 6 ...

After a 14.5 hour drive on Friday, and a 17 hour drive yesterday, I'm on the final drive of this trip. Today's only a 6 hour drive, thank goodness.

We had an amazing night sleep at Comfort Inn last night! The beds were so comfy! It was just what I needed!

I'll announce what this business trip was all about tomorrow. Thank God for Marvin for taking care of EVERYTHING the past two days! πŸ₯°πŸΎπŸ™πŸ»πŸˆ

I realize this is a kitten rescue, but my goodness. 37 likes/loves and ONLY 8 comments for HEROES?????? Geez. 😞

I realize this is a kitten rescue, but my goodness. 37 likes/loves and ONLY 8 comments for HEROES?????? Geez. 😞

2,501 Americans died on this day, 80 years ago.

The Allied soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy that day.

They were told that 80% of them would die. I have to believe they were afraid, but NEVER backed down. Never RELENTED.

That's the epitome of a hero. May we never forget them.

My heart is with all those who lost loved ones. β€οΈπŸ€πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ»

2,501 Americans died on this day, 80 years ago. The Allied soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy that day. They were ...

2,501 Americans died on this day, 80 years ago.

The Allied soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy that day.

They were told that 80% of them would die. I have to believe they were afraid, but NEVER backed down. Never RELENTED.

That's the epitome of a hero. May we never forget them.

My heart is with all those who lost loved ones. β€οΈπŸ€πŸ’™πŸ™πŸ»

As I sit here, at the bank, unable to start our "new" car because the fob evidently needs a new battery, stressed becaus...

As I sit here, at the bank, unable to start our "new" car because the fob evidently needs a new battery, stressed because I have so much to do, I began thinking about my promise.

Almost TWO MONTHS ago, I posted our KKR tote bundles, as a way to raise funds for KKR for my birthday. Those who purchased them haven't even received them. I NEVER sent them out.

I could make excuse after excuse, God knows we've endured much, but I won't.

I failed you and I'm so sorry. I'm offering you refunds, and will still send the totes to you next week.

For those of you who paid $100 for the tote bundles, please reach out to me so I can refund you. Mailing them out to you is on my calendar for Tuesday, next week.

I leave Friday for a business trip, and I'm swamped until then. I hope that you'll accept my deepest apology and will forgive me.

Kristina πŸ™πŸ»πŸ˜žπŸ’–

Found on Google from

Good evening, KKR Aunties and Uncles! I'm back home with three sanctuary cats, two need immediate spays, and four kitten...

Good evening, KKR Aunties and Uncles! I'm back home with three sanctuary cats, two need immediate spays, and four kittens that need a little socializing.

I took SIX of our kittens down to our rescue sister to get into adoptions down there! I can't wait for them to find their happily-ever-after homes!

I received a message about this baby while on the road. She was out in this world all on her own, and a wonderful lady, by the name of Kelcey, found her! Actually, her dog found her!

Possible URI, blind, possibly needs eye enucleation... I'm picking her up tomorrow morning and immediately seeking emergency assistance. She's tiny, but eating well, and has energy!

If you have anything extra, I'd greatly help for this little girl!πŸ’–πŸˆπŸ™πŸ»πŸΎ


Are you in Northern Virginia?

Do you have room in your heart and home to foster these babies and bottle feed them?

If so, get in touch with my dear friend, Chloe, at Little Buddies and sign up to be a foster. Little kittens like these will suffer and die on the streets without fosters.

Please consider fostering, you'll love it! πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ»πŸΎπŸˆ

URGENT URGENT SITUATION IN NYC!!!! Little Wanderers NYC needs help for this dire situation. If you reside in the area an...

URGENT URGENT SITUATION IN NYC!!!! Little Wanderers NYC needs help for this dire situation. If you reside in the area and can foster, please reach out to them.
Share, donate, pray.... anything.



Man...this really got me. πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸΎπŸ™πŸ»πŸ₯°

If you're in the Tampa Bay area and are looking to add a cat, kitten or dog to your family, please visit Humane Society ...

If you're in the Tampa Bay area and are looking to add a cat, kitten or dog to your family, please visit Humane Society of Tampa Bay!

I've been following them for years and am such a fan! They do DOUBLE the work of our inhumane society in Jacksonville AND their amazing CEO makes less than $160k a year, some $80k less than the one here.

Share share share! The babies need our help! πŸˆπŸΎπŸ™πŸ»πŸ’–πŸ•

❗️❗️ OUR REALITY ❗️❗️ HSTB has over 800 animals in our care RIGHT NOW, between in the shelter and in foster care. Adoptions are down, but strays and owner surrenders are up. Kitten season is in FULL swing and accounts for over 600 of the animals being cared for. This is our reality. If you are thinking about adding a new family member, check our website. If you are thinking about volunteering, let's get you signed up. If you are thinking about fostering, now is the time!

This just broke my heart. If only the animals could speak, this is what they'd say. We're supposed to be a "civilized" s...

This just broke my heart. If only the animals could speak, this is what they'd say.

We're supposed to be a "civilized" society. I beg to differ. πŸ˜žπŸ’–πŸˆπŸΎπŸ™πŸ»

I was there where you left me for two whole days. Sleeping right on the side of the road. I was terrified of the noise from the cars but I did not move.
Last night one of those cars stopped and she got out. She invited me to lunch but I said no. She invited me to come sleep at her house and I also said no. I tried to explain to her that I was waiting for you but she wouldn’t listen. She pulled out a leash and said I couldn’t stay there any longer. I bit her several times and ended up peeing on myself as I growled and cried! She didn’t understand that she was separating me from you! She took me against my will and we drove off! I was so sad because I knew you were going to be worried. We ended up at her house.
I kept screaming hoping you would hear me but you never came. I vomited because of my nerves, feeling so sick. I kept telling her I had to go back because you were going to think I abandoned you when you saw I wasn’t there! I, who love you with all my heart and soul have not stopped crying since we separated a few days ago. I want you to know, I would never do that to you.
I don’t know where you are now or why you stopped the car and left me there. Surely you had something very important to do. Can you come find me now, mommy?
Today I ate because my tummy was hurting. I also slept on a very soft bed. And by accident I also wiggled my tail a bit. I’m so sorry, please forgive me. She’s just being really nice to me. She said I could stay forever. She’s calling me Savannah, but I already have a name. When you pick me up you can tell it to her. You’ll see how surprised she’ll be when you explain to her that this was a big mistake.
Because mommy, you’re coming back for me, right 😒?
Author unknown 🐾🐾


See you in a half an hour on FB Live. You don't want to miss it. Trust me.


I love this so much!!!!!! This has NOTHING to do with cats, but it has to do with HUMANITY, something that is so lacking. πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ»


I had such a peaceful weekend. I've been hiding something from y'all for the past 2 weeks. I'll tell you about it tomorrow.πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ»


After 24 hours of backlash (negative comments, canceling auto payments...) upon rereleasing the two cats where their "owner" dumped them, I have decided to take some much needed and deserved time off of social media.

I'm going to take Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off of all social media and enjoy our kitties, as well as our son, who will be leaving to S. Korea in a little over a month for a year. I'm going to take in every moment I can with him.

For those who defended me, you're my squad, my ride or die, my heart, and I love you all.

For those who speak so ill of me without having a clue, call me. 702-927-6402 If you feel so bad about me having to release those babies, call me so I can make arrangements to get them to you. I'd LOVE for them to have a home.

I wanted to leave you with a smile. This is one of our sanctuary girls, Amber, b/c of her stunning eyes. She was helping her papa and the sun hit her eyes just right that I had to record her. πŸ’›

Goodnight. πŸ’–πŸ™πŸΎπŸ˜žπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆ

It's that time of year again for 501(c)(3)'s! Tax time!!!!! I never understand the numbers, but I'll try to explain it t...

It's that time of year again for 501(c)(3)'s! Tax time!!!!! I never understand the numbers, but I'll try to explain it the best I can!

$51,381- Donations from our AMAZING KKR aunties and uncles!!!!! Thank you!
$15,000- Airbnb revenue in just our first year! Every single penny earned from our luxury AIRBNB goes directly towards saving cats and kitties around the world!
$5,000- from our wonderful Harvest Hosts guests! They pay $30 a night to park on our property! And many are very generous and give more to support the kitties!

These total: $71,381

Our expenses for 2023 were $163,160. For a difference of about $102,000, which Marvin and I paid.


As President, I don't receive a salary of any kind, especially not a $240,000+ salary.
We don't receive one penny for our over 100 hour work weeks.
We don't spend money on mailers.
We don't spend money on commercials.(which is why sharing our posts is important)

In fact, when we began our rescue, I set out to be as self-funded as possible. I NEVER wanted our ability to save to be contingent on your ability to give! Many of us are struggling.

Marvin and I work at least 16 hours a day, every single day. How many hours do CEO's at ASPCA, The Humane Society of the United States work? How much are their salaries?

My friends, it's time to change the way we give. Before giving your hard-earned money to line the pockets of CEO's, I'm asking you to support your SMALL, LOCAL rescues. We are the backbone of rescue. We do the most, with the least, oft times using our own money. With no pay. With no advertisement. With no time off.

For our amazing followers, who've become dear friends and family. Marvin and I have no money left to carry the financial burden. Either we will have to cut back on intake indefinitely and just focus on our sanctuary OR every single one of you can sign up for just $5, $10, $20... auto payments every month! We also need you to like, love, comment, and share every single post; that is our only form of ADVERTISEMENT and is so important.

I give you my word, no matter how BIG we become, I will NEVER take one penny for myself. I couldn't imagine ever taking money from all the kitties who are suffering.

Much love and gratitude,

Kristina Gebers
President & Founder
Kindred Kitten Rescue
& Sanctuary

Please share. πŸ’– πŸ™πŸΎπŸˆ

Goooood Tuesday morning, KKR aunties and uncles! I have another fan! Lol. I guess my posts about The Jacksonville Humane...

Goooood Tuesday morning, KKR aunties and uncles! I have another fan! Lol.

I guess my posts about The Jacksonville Humane Society hit a nerve with a worker or volunteer with them. I hope they see this and condemn this type of rhetoric.

These comments from trolls with fake accounts will NEVER silence me from speaking out!

As for leaving Jacksonville, we ain't going nowhere, Bom.

PS: Breaking news: I'm fat!!!!! And if that's the worst thing I can be, I'm okay with that! The kitties don't mind, it's more foster mama to love. πŸ’–πŸΎπŸ™πŸˆ

Y'all have a blessed day! Thank you for loving me, just as I am. I love you too! πŸ’–

I reached out to the WONDERFUL human who left these notes on the trap and took one of the cats inside to ensure that he ...

I reached out to the WONDERFUL human who left these notes on the trap and took one of the cats inside to ensure that he was OK. We had an amazing conversation and she's going to ensure the rest are neutered and that they'll be fed!!! I'm so happy!

Now that I don't have to deal with that situation anymore, I was finally able to tell the reckless, irresponsible, ignorant... person exactly how I feel about her and what she did to these SIX boys!!!!

She, as well as The Jacksonville Humane Society 's unwillingness to intake them (when they had 36 kennels available) have sentenced these domestic cats to a HARSH life and premature death outdoors.

I sent the texts below to her and blocked her after I sent them. I'll not be available to clean up the mess once ANOTHER litter is born.

Unlike other rescues, I'll ALWAYS tell it the way it is. Neither the kitties nor YOU expect me to sugar coat things. The kitties need ALL of us to be their voice and tell the TRUTH, no matter the cost.

Again, I'm not for everyone, but I'm for the kitties. Always. πŸ’–πŸ™πŸΎπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆπŸˆ

Kristina Gebers
President & Founder
Kindred Kitten Rescue


I can't thank you enough for all of your calls, texts, comments, love, and prayers today. I can't even bring myself to reply.πŸ˜­πŸ’”


Panama City, FL

Opening Hours

Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm




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