Castell Pembroke Welsh Corgis

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Castell Pembroke Welsh Corgis We are here to help educate the public about responsible pet ownership and the value of responsible breeders.

We are a small breeding/exhibiting breeder of Pembroke Welsh Corgis and have been leaders in the area of genetic testing of breeding stock.


SHARING. Feel free to do the same!

This post is for friends who send me messages regarding dogs in shelters or picked up by rescue groups. It is not to be confrontational; but my hope is to educate you a bit. In doing so, I hope you will consider changing your “adopt don’t shop” message and rhetoric to “Adopt OR only buy from only a preservation breeder.” If you REALLY are serious about saving dogs, then read on.
First, I hope you had a great Thanksgiving ♥️🐾.
Do you actively do rescue/foster? Most purebred breed clubs do rescue. Most members of those clubs are or have been active in rescue, either directly, fostering, transporting, evaluating, financial support, or whatever the rescue committee needs. We are many, across your city, county, country and globally. We know each other. I care about the white faced senior dog my friend across the country bred 13 years ago as he or she would care for mine. We know the bloodlines, who their parents and great grandparents were. We have watched those pups grow and remember when their ancestors passed on. We rejoice and cry with each other. We learn from each other. We attend seminars, spend thousands of dollars on medical testing and innovation. We are family, connected by these amazing wee beasties. If you say we don’t care, I am going to try to contain my anger and remind myself it is your ignorance speaking. I think that may be our own fault. Somewhere along the way, groups who claim to care about animals, pEta, HSUS, who take most of your money but do very little for any animal have become a booming business with very rich CEOs and mega media presence. And we let them because we figured people will see the truth about them. Bad strategy on our end. We should have been more proactive in educating the public, for all the dogs’ sake. You have been brainwashed. If you really want to help animals, help us get our message out. Just as with any dog in a shelter, some can not be or should not be rescued. For whatever sad reason, such as severe aggression, the kindest, last resort (albeit saddest) course of action is euthanasia. An ethical breeder is one who is responsible for any dog they breed for the LIFE of that dog and will always take it back no matter the circumstances. Our dogs do not end up in shelters and if they do because of an unforeseen tragedy in the family, you had better believe the breeder of that dog will fight tooth and nail to get to that dog. The sad reality is that all of these dogs in shelters and rescues were bred by people who just don’t care or do it only for money, not to improve the health of and preserve the breed they love. Thankfully there are rescues who help because every dog deserves a forever home. Of course we all believe that! We want every dog, mixed breed or any breed to have a home. We attend your fundraisers for reputable rescues and support shelter efforts, too. Of course we do. We’ve even brought home a few. Our hearts are as big as yours. Did you know that the first rescues were originally started by breed clubs? Of course we care about our breed, we spend our lives dedicated to preserving and protecting them. We take care of our own. It is not because of “snobbery” that we only rescue our own breed. It is because no one is as equipped to judge, handle, evaluate and foster our breed. Period. We do one thing and we do it better than you do. That is not to be cocky, but it is a fact. If you get a Corgi in your rescue or shelter, chances are it ended up there because it was bred by a breeder who is not a member of any breed club or who isn’t required to sign and follow a code of ethics. And believe me, we hold each other accountable. But we will take those Corgis under our wing, too, if you let us. The money we donate to help these rescue Corgis is a lot. It’s not because we bred those dogs, it’s because we love the breed and made a commitment to the breed. If you don’t care if there are any more true Pembroke or Cardigan Welsh Corgis, Chihuahuas, Xoloitzcuintlis, Bull Terriers, German Shepherd Dogs, Poodles, Golden Retrievers, etc. or any purposely bred dogs who have good temperaments and breeders who constantly work at improving their health, then I don’t have anything else to say to you. If you care, please talk to your friends. Open your mind and eyes. Know that every dog that comes from a reputable, ethical preservation breeder is safe for life. If you keep up the “don’t shop” rhetoric, mob mentality legislation will take away our freedom to be able to provide these beautiful animals and they WILL become extinct. The dogs in the shelters, however, will continue to be because their breeders don’t give a flying Fig Newton about them or any other dog. Or you. 🐾♥️🙏🏼 Cathy



Played dumb today and asked if the parents of their “havappo’s” had been tested for DM. Reply was “what’s that? our dogs are all healthy!”

Educate the public!! Silence is affirmative. I get accused of being “very vocal”. Guess what? I’m proud of it! “If people are talking about you it means you’ve done something right at some time “ Tim Tebow


Credit: Black Kraken K9!

I needed these when Texas was alive.  FRED MYERS

I needed these when Texas was alive. FRED MYERS


I have struggled with this post for a very long time. After breeding and showing Pembroke Welsh Corgis for over 40 years I am very proud of my dogs and their accomplishments in all venues: conformation, Obedience, Herding, Agility and, the most important accomplishments are loving family pets. As a breeder who truly cares about the breed, I have been a leader in genetic health testing and advocate breeding to the AKC Standard. I have been very careful and selective placing my pups/dogs. I have to say, I have attracted wonderful people for my dogs.

What is hurting me so badly is something defamatory posted about me. I'm sure a lot of you that follow this page are also members of Idaho Stubby Strutters where this incident happened a year ago this month. It has had devastating affects and my dogs are suffering because of it. Hurt me all you want but DON'T hurt my dogs!.

A bit of "history" that led to the post; Last year I was dragged into a domestic dispute over one of my dogs I had placed with a man who's had three dogs from me. The poster kicked him from their home they purchased together and she also wanted to take one of his dogs. I got the call that he had no place to live so I needed to come get the dogs. (my contract says if you can't keep them for ANY reason, they are to be returned to me).

He was simply following his contract with me and what would be the best situation for the boys. He has since gotten a home and has the boys back. She took him to small claims court and LOST. So this is the situation causing the bad post in a nutshell.

Now here is the post (in part- 16 August 2023 - and quite embellished) related to that situation that defamed me and SHOULD HAVE BEEN REJECTED by the administrator; my rebuttals in parenthesis:

"I drove out to the breeder to attempt to get my boy back"....
(unannounced & no mention was EVER made that she was there to get Oliver back.)

"Two things she said stuck with me that day, "I thought you didn't know what corgis can come visit Oliver anytime and if you really want another one you can just buy another one."
(I had no idea of her knowledge because I didn't know her and no one ever mentioned she knew about corgis until she moved in with my dog owner).

"I told her if she didn't give him back I would go to court to get my boy back. She told me it would be a waste of money & time.....I feel betrayed by the breeder.....the only reason she is keeping him is because my ex is the AKC owner."
(I was not threatened with court action. She told me "if I can't get my boy back"......reference paragraph 3 for contract requirements)

"throughout mine & my ex's relationship I was also the "bread winner", he was a stay at home boyfriend so I paid for both dogs with my money & all of their medical stuff......"
( that was her choice, the way she wanted it. In the reverse he would have paid....)

"I haven't decided yet if I'm going to out on who the breeder is. I was shown so much disrespect by her. I've also seen the conditions she breeds her corgi's in and strongly disapprove & think it's unhealthy for the dogs to be in such conditions"
( not sure what she is considering "unhealthy". Perhaps it's protecting one pack from another? Shows her lack of knowledge of the breed. I would also like to know HOW I disrespected her.)

"Many people have already expressed that I release the info on the breeder - Castell Pembroke Welsh Corgis. This breeder was cruel to me & my dog for taking him away from me."
( Totally untrue. Oliver was never "hers". He belonged to the ex that she lived with. I didn't take anything from her so how was I cruel? Oliver was very happy while with me as I, as his breeder, have visited and stayed in contact so he knew who I was and loved me, too)

" doubt I will still take my ex and the breeder KATHLEEN to court if I have, too."
(These last two paragraphs constitute "defamation of character"."


She received 75 "likes, love" whatever. Two of those supportive posts came from two of my puppy homes. They both had been to my home and "puppy Sundays”, many times and both have two dogs from me. I was devastated they would offer support knowing it was lies, knowing I'm NOT a cruel person, knowing my dogs are not kept in unhealthy conditions and knowing how much I love and care for my dogs, even after they have gone to forever homes. I know there are MORE PEOPLE THAT HAVE/HAD DOGS FROM ME on the Idaho Stubby Strutterbut FB page, however, ONLY ONE had the courage to post and support me!

The administrator "blocked" me, (preventing me a rebuttal to the accusations) not just from the list but also so I cannot find the list on a search! The one person that stood up for me was immediately blocked!
(I had been on Idaho Stubby Strutters for years before the current administrator took over)

As a well known, reputable breeder of over 40 years, it was not uncommon for me to have 10-20 people on my wait list (one waited 4 years to get a pup from me) or 5-6 inquires a week. At the time this all went down, I had a litter just ready for homes. Since the release of this post I have only received two inquiries. Seven of those NINE pups are still here. I don't think the timing of this is coincidental or has anything to do with the economy. Twenty people on ISS made comments supporting the poster. Only two of those posts came from someone that DID know me. I can't help but remember "one happy customer tells one other. One unhappy customer tells 20".

My puppies are the losers in all of this.


Why am I seeing horse acts, gardening stuff, etc, on my CORGI Page???? This page is all about corgis and helping others understand and learn canine stuff!


Copied but from my heart, too.

Every so often, I see a question pop up about whether or not placing retired breeding animals is ethical. To people who aren’t breeders, it often looks bad or feels icky... like breeders are just tossing away dogs once they’ve been used to produce puppies. Let me give you a different perspective...
I receive messages and see posts from the owners of my retired show and breeding dogs. While their lives are comfortable with me, they now get to live an incredibly loved and spoiled life, many times as an only dog with a family that adores them. Different isn’t good or bad, it’s just different. They live a different life with their families than they would have with me. They are content, satisfied, and loved with me; they continue to be all of those things, but with their very own people and without having to share those people with a pack of other dogs.
The day I let one of my retired dogs go to a family is HARD. I cry when I let them go... I look forward to updates on birthdays, “gotcha” days, and out of the blue every few months. I see how they are loved beyond measure, and I am grateful every day that my “retired” dogs have been blessed into the lives of the people that love them just as much as I ever did. I’m glad it could be one of mine that they love.
Quality breeders don’t rehome retired breeding dogs because it’s easy. We do it in spite of how hard it is on us because it’s what’s best for them.
** Copied from a friend **


Those of us who love animals will, at some time, have to make the decision to allow them to go peacefully from the many forms of lack of quality life.

Here's an article I include in my puppy packets. I hope you find it helpful

Scout’s House
When Is it time?

When your pet is reaching the end of her life, how do you know when it’s time to say goodbye? Although there is no straightforward answer, this evaluation is designed to guide you as you make your decision. Please base your answers on your pet’s current condition and keep in mind any new behaviors you’re seeing.


BREATHING Does your pet have difficulty breathing? Is his
Breathing labored?
0 1 2 * * *
Not a problem Rarely Occationally Frequently Regularly Always a problem
* Note: If you answer is Frequently, Regularly, or Always, please go no further – your pet’s quality of life is questionable. Please talk to your veterinarian immediately.

PAIN Do you think your pet is in pain? Does your veterinarian think your pet is in pain? Is the pain difficult to control even with medication? Is your pet so painful he tries to bite?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Not a problem Rarely Occasionally Frequently Regularly Always a problem

APPETITE Has your pet recently experienced a loss of appetite? Do you now have to hand feed her to coax her to eat?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Not a problem Rarely Occasionally Frequently Regularly Always a problem

AGITATION Is your pet anxious, fearful, or restless? Is he whining? Is he unable to sleep through the night?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Not a problem Rarely Occasionally Frequently Regularly Always a problem

INFECTIONS Does your pet suffer from chronic, recurring
Wounds or infections that cannot be controlled?
(eg, bed sores or urinary tract infections)?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Not a problem Rarely Occasionally Frequently Regularly Always a problem

ATTITUDE Does your pet seem unhappy or less engaged? Is she no longer excited by things she used to like
(eg a ball, catnip, the jingle of keys, a favorite
Visitor)? Do you think your dog has lost her will
To live?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Not a problem Rarely Occasionally Frequently Regularly Always a problem


TIME Do you have trouble finding the time, energy, and
ENERGY resources to care for your pet as you should,
RESOURCES including keeping hi clean/medicated/hydrated
Or, if he’s paralyzed, moving him when you change rooms or doing position changes to avoid
Bed sores?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Not a problem Rarely Occasionally Frequently Regularly Always a problem

EMOTIONAL Does it make you sad or depressed to see your pet
TOLL like this? Is your pet’s condition too much for you
To bear, either physically or emotionally? Do you
Find it stressful to care for him, including
Medicating or cleaning him?
0 1 2 3 4 5
Not a problem Rarely Occasionally Frequently Regularly Always a problem

TOTAL SCORE: ______________

If your score is:

0-13 points – Your pet’s quality of
Life is acceptable.

14-23 points – Your pet’s quality of
Life is diminished

24 or more points – This is not a
Good quality of life

Scout’s House
506 Santa Cruz Avenue
Menlo Park, California 94025
Tel: 650-328-1430


With summer on it's way, I thought this article might be of interest to some.......


Double coated dogs refer to the animals that, like Huskies, have two layers of fur. The first, undercoat, are the fine, fluffy hairs that are short and crimp (closest to the skin). It's the fur that sheds; light and soft. This layer is excellent at trapping air and insulating the dog. Essentially it keeps them warm in the winter, and cool in the summer.

The topcoat is made up of tougher guard hairs that don’t shed, and protect your pet from the sun’s harmful rays and bug bites. It actually insulates them from the heat. What this means is: do not shave your double coated dog. It’s a mistake to think you’re helping your animal stay cool, particularly in summer, when evolution has provided them exactly what they need to survive. By stripping them of their natural ability to heat and cool themselves, you could be doing more harm than good.

A key piece of understanding in this matter is that, unlike humans; dogs do not cool themselves through their skin. At most, it is only the pads of their paws that sweat. Their main mode of cooling comes from panting.

Some other common reasons folks shave their doubled coated dogs are the thinking that the animal will stop shedding. Pooches with undercoats shed, no two ways about it. But even after a shave, while the hair may be shorter, it can still shed.

Another is, "it'll always grow back". Sometimes it will, other times it won't. The older the pooch is, the less likely it is that the topcoat of guard hairs will grow back. This leaves them with the undercoat, giving them a patchy, scruffy look. It can alter their coat for the rest of the dog's life. Not only does it look bad, but you can end up having to shave the hair continuously from then on and once again, you strip them of their natural ability to protect themselves.

In conclusion, when you shave a double coated dog, you may irreparably impair their ability to properly heat/cool themselves and protect their skin. The best way to keep this kind of dog cool and comfortable is to regularly bathe and brush them. The only reason a person might need to shave their double coated dog is if the hair is so matted, it's the only option.

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Castell Pembroke Welsh Corgis

Corgis were introduced to us in 1980. Schaferhaus Adulation (Bambi) joined our famly of Labradors in 1983. We were smitten! Our first litter was born in 1986 and we’ve never looked back. Our goal has always been to produce the healthiest, soundest, quality corgi we can. We have been leaders in the area of genetic health testing and have 5+ generations of fully tested corgis. Degenerative Myelopathy has been our special concern and we are deeply involved in the research program at the U of Missouri having donated, probably, more DNA than any breeder in the world.

Our dogs have excelled in all venues from lap dog through agility, obedience, herding and the show ring. We have had four dogs in three generations go to top honors with AKC. Our dogs have won at the Eukanuba National Championship, awards at Westminister, Specialties and abroad. Their most important role, however, is being a healthy, loving family member.