Check out our innovative Adapt Harnesses and more!
Our Direct harness action caught in slow motion. Nothing is as secure on your dog’s body.
Stopped her pulling instantly without harness twisting or slipping!
If you want a better control against pulling and escape or slip outs, you need ‘adaptive fit’, which acts like constantly adjusting shoe laces on a shoe. We are the only harness maker with this fit system, giving you better fit and control against pulling and escape-proof.
Learn more at
#nopull #control #fit #dogharness #escapeproof #duo_gear
This is Lumi, our foster daughter. She came to us really timmid and took a while for her to be comfortable around us. As you can imagine, she is skittish on walks, and only goes out with her Direct harness. Makes it a lot easier to redirect her when she’s pulling and help with my leash training as well as keep her from slipping out if she gets spooked. As you can see, and she’s come along way. Check out how the harness stays snug on her when she pulls. No twisting or slipping.
#adaptivefit #duo_direct #control #secure #peaceofmind
A happy husky in its natural environment on Christmas Eve :)
#easy #control #k9 #canine #pups #safety #safe #humane #secure #escapeproof #antislip #noslip #nopull #leader #dogharness #adapt #direct #fit #cinch #duogear #technical #equipment #evolution #patented #madeintheUSA
A perfect fit every time. The only adaptive fit dog harness in the world.
#easy #control #k9 #canine #pups #safety #safe #humane #secure #escapeproof #antislip #noslip #nopull #leader #dogharness #adapt #direct #fit #cinch #duogear #technical #equipment #evolution #patented #madeintheUSA
A perfect fit every time. The only adaptive fit dog harness in the world.
#easy #control #k9 #canine #pups #safety #safe #humane #secure #escapeproof #antislip #noslip #nopull #leader #dogharness #adapt #direct #fit #cinch #duogear #technical #equipment #evolution #patented #madeintheUSA
#easy #control #k9 #canine #pups #safety #safe #humane #secure #escapeproof #antislip #noslip #nopull #leader #dogharness #adapt #direct #fit #cinch #duogear #technical #equipment #evolution #patented #madeintheUSA
#k9 #canine #pups #safety #safe #humane #secure #control #escapeproof #antislip #noslip #nopull #leader #dogharness #adapt #direct #fit #cinch #duogear #technical #equipment #evolution #patented #madeintheUSA
Simmer down your dog walks with our no pull harness.
#simmerdown #adaptive #fit #cinch #open #duo_gear #gs #dog #harness #shepard #german #control #secure #technical #gear #nopull #noslip #escapeproof #antislip