Today in 2018. Just walkin’ my pig.
You wonder what goes on in there, here we have , the lesson kids in there natural enviroment. #dunpikin #dunpikinfarm #horsediscoverycenter #beaflyonthewall
Baby Dino playing with his toy. This is nothing, a mild play time. He was vicious on his toy balls for a long time ! #dunpikinfarm #hightidefarm #thepercyproject #perserverance #brabantdraft horse
Lillie is a push button pony! Push the button that says go to your stall and next thing you know there she is!
Dejavu’ Dublin 🍀 🍀🍀 🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🇮🇪🍀🍀🍀🍀 even kickin’ his heels up on colic watch
Percy about a month after he arrived last year. He has matured a lot in a year. He still acts like a baby but in this pic he still has a baby face look to me. Definitely looks like an older baby Dino now!🦖🦖💙💙
I don’t remember exactly what I told them to do, but this one turned out amazing! Cori and Sophia ?!?? If you stumble across this, how are you, miss you tons!!!!!
The big red mare meets Magic and Lily for the first time. She is the prettiest one in the video, you know the one acting all snobby!
On nights when I don’t know what to write about, I tend to look for any pictures I might have taken throughout the day. Honestly, I don’t take many pictures. I’m slow pulling out my phone to catch the interesting stuff. Many times, if I do take a picture, it turns out to be a picture of my finger. A photographer I am not.
Many days if I’m stumped, I ask Rick to look through the pictures Katie has taken. He has access to her photos. Today he found something interesting. Not only a picture but a video too. If nothing else it’s proof of why our automatic driveway gate is so important.
Evidently last Sunday when the horses were being brought in, there was a scuffle at the gate between the horses. For safety reasons whoever was at the gate thought it best to just get out of the way. That is ALWAYS the right choice! Anyway … during the scuffle Tammy and Kate decided to take a little detour to their stalls via down the driveway and out to the CLOSED front gate. Usually at breakfast time they would head straight to their stalls, but for some reason on this day they decided to do some exploring. Evidently it took a while to round them up and get them into their stalls.
With horses stuff happens, almost every day. Safety is ALWAYS a priority at Dun-Pikin. Stepping aside at the gate kept the person safe, and the automatic gate kept the horses safe. The gate is there to keep the horses in, not keep the people out! Remember to just press the button on the pole by the gate, the gate will open, and you can Come Ride With Us!
Cindy 🐴
Cool and Romeo playing ♥️♥️♥️♥️