Playing with a flirt pole can be a great exercise in teaching impulse control around small prey such as squirrels and birds. The process is called ‘predation substitution’. Before you play with a flirt pole make sure your dog has solid stop/ start cues like ‘wait’ and ‘go’ so that you are not causing a lot of overstimulation by playing this game. A very important factor in making this game successful for your dog is to allow them possession of the toy/prey for as long as they need. Do not ask them to ‘drop it’ or try and wrestle it from their mouth. Give them time to feel successful in the completion of the prey sequence (orient,stalk, chase, kill, dissect). There will be a point where their attention is no longer intent on the toy and you can ‘trade’ for the lure and start the game again.
Playing with a flirt pole can be a great exercise in teaching impulse control around small prey such as squirrels and birds. The process is called ‘predation substitution’. Before you play with a flirt pole make sure your dog has solid stop/ start cues like ‘wait’ and ‘go’ so that you are not causing a lot of overstimulation by playing this game. A very important factor in making this game successful for your dog is to allow them possession of the toy/prey for as long as they need. Do not ask them to ‘drop it’ or try and wrestle it from their mouth. Give them time to feel successful in the completion of the prey sequence (orient,stalk, chase, kill, dissect). There will be a point where their attention is no longer intent on the toy and you can ‘trade’ for the lure and start the game again. #positivereinforcementtraining #positivereinforcementdogtrainer #predationsubstitutetraining #labradorretriever #adolescentdogs
Nipping/ Biting problems in Puppies
Is your puppy driving you crazy with its jumping and mouthiness? Getting them their own life size stuffy to stand in as a playmate or wrestling partner is a great way to redirect their need for social interaction while they’re learning how to manage their bite inhibition.
Socializing towards being comfortable in a restaurant setting
Start out slow in less busy environments to help your dog process the experience and gradually habituate.
Olive chose violence for her enrichment today.
There are no rules when it comes to enrichment for dogs. Enrichment can be anything that is motivating/rewarding for your dog and fills their emotional cup.
Rider is extremely fearful of the world and strange people. By starting slow and encouraging her to explore new/different surgaces and objects we build her confidence and reduce her fear.
By making training fun and organic you create an easier learning environment for the learner and can capture natural behaviors better.
Willow’s unique way of getting in the pool 😉
Engaging in consent training is vital to the emotional wellbeing of dogs.
No over reactions for Miss Olive today 👏🏻👏🏻
Reactivity Training at work in the field.
Olive making some great choices when seeing another dog behind a fence. Before her training there would have been a massive over reactions in this situation.
Reactivity Training in the field
Working with Joey on his severe reactivity. Small dogs do not have a ‘Napoleon’ complex. Just like larger dogs they experience fear and frustration when on leash causing them to react in what appears to be an aggressive manner.