We just have F2 cavapoo Ryder left available. He's 5 months old, very sweet and friendly! He does well with other dogs and cats, he adores children. He is about 17 pounds and is full grown. He's mostly housebroken. Reduced!! Call or message for a meet and greet!
Last mini goldendoodle girl! She will be small, about 20 pounds. She is 12 weeks old. She's the sweetest little thing! She's great with other dogs and cats, and she is great with children. She is already changing colors and will probably be blue or silver when she's grown. Reduced! Ready now. www.smallcountrydoodles.com
We have this 5 month old Cavapoo boy available! He's full grown at about 17 pounds. He's very friendly and so affectionate! Great with other dogs and cats and he adores children. Reduced! Details on the website.