If your horse is pawing his watertub it's because he's trying to get cooler water. He's hot. Set him a water sprinkler up. Same as you would for 2 legged kids.
New clothes. Have a few fitting issues to work on.
Sydel is 11.3 hds already and not 4 months old
Be Jealous and new student doing well.
Ok. I hate this pretty girl does this but EDUCATION TIME. MANY of you use these 2 terms thinking it6the same thing and they are not. Wood chewing is exactly that. The horse chews on the wood and damages the barn. This video is Theia cribbing. Listen to the sound of her suckling air into her stomach. Watch her throat flex to allow the air to suck down. This is bad for the horse. Minimal damage to the barn. All that air interferes with digestion. They may not eat like they should thinking they are full (of air) and not hungry. I even know of an expensive mare that had so much air in her stomach in the pasture that when another horse bumped her her stomach exploded like a Ballon and it killed her. A cribbing collar may help but I've seen the horse that spins it around so it won't work.
Please learn the difference so you can deal appropriately with either.
Moma Splash is 9 and finally her first time moving with a rider's weight in the saddle. Next to put a leg over and sit. She has done none of this for about 6 months having Theia. Short brush up on how we go to this and she was perfectly ok with it.
What do ponies do on a HOT day?? Play in the water sprinkler. Holly is not good at sharing..
Theia has such pretty blue eyes. Meant to take a still but my phone wanted video.
Doc discovered mom stayed in the other pen stuffing her face while he went exploring with BeJ and Ebony.
Kiilam is pretty but a total idiot in the breeding shed.