Liberty leading with Sky-
This girl has come so far from being wild and scared. She’s been so brave and tries so hard. I have SO much love for her.
♡ ⋆⋆⋆☼⋆⋆⋆ ♡
First time walking in the trailer ever!
Second time walking in the trailer!
3rd time walking in the trailer!
First time going in a stall! Our stalls are scary cause there’s a big step down
Haltering Mocha
Mocha had a pretty bad problem with the halter. She’s very brave and wasn’t necessarily scared of it but didn’t want it on her. As soon as you would try to put it on her nose she’d lift her head high, back away fast, turn, and run away. She also did not like it going behind her ears at all. We worked on that a lot and broke it down into more simple steps and she loves being haltered now😂❤️
Seeing the tarp for the first time! He did so well