Our happy hens are paying it back to us after a winter of no laying forced upon them! We have all our roosters in with our hens, so we will be having “Easter eggers” and olive eggers from these eggs this time around. The roosters are a birchen Marans, self-blue, blue, white, and splash ameraucana, a mottled lavender Orpington, and one silkie rooster mixed in, so a chance of bantam Easter eggers is possible. The hens are: olive egger (marans x ameraucana), ameraucana (self-blue, white, blue, black), Easter egger (buff Orpington x ameraucana and lays a mint green egg) and a laced Brahma. Looking forward to this batch!
Why are our birds not separated this time? Because we had a tragedy with a neighbors dog getting on our land and ripping our breeding pens apart and killing a few of our nice hens in the process.
Also, our 3 Nigerian dwarf does are looking great, and we are excited about our next breeding adventure with them. They come from amazing milking lines, and we are looking forward to milk testing with the next kidding! Watch for updates. We haven’t bred them yet.