Cats Just Cats Grooming

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Cats Just Cats Grooming Cats Just Cats is a Mobile Pet Grooming service based in Levittown, PA. Serving Bucks County, Montgomery County, and parts of Philadelphia.


Feline Ears (continued)
Ear infections are not that common in cats.
Persian and Himalayan cats have ear, nose , and throat close together and are more likely to suffer from them than most other breeds they are also prone to breathing problems. Flushing a cat's ears can cause permanent damage and should only be done by a vet. If the eardrum was compromised from a previous infection any fluid placed in the ear may cause the cat to lose the ability to equalize itself.. If you see a cat with a permanently tilted head it may have been caused by inner ear damage. Ears have fluid filled canals that contain specialized receptors and nerve cells. This fluid acts as a balancing agent helping a cat gain its equilibrium when it is involved in a free fall situation.
(Some of this information was in an article written by Kim Raisanen and was in a Grooming Business article she wrote for their June/July 2016 issue)


Feline Ears
When cleaning the ears of your cat use wipes or cotton balls. Cotton swabs can push wax and debris further into or up the ear canal. There are many products available choose ones that do not have tea tree oil, essential oils, benzoyl peroxide or alcohol. These ingredients are toxic to cats. My personal favorite is Yucca-med ear cleaner plus made by quadrupeds products Inc. 1-800-638-1135 they are in New York City I call today and usually have my product the next day. If I call too late in the day I get it in 2 days their web address is If you are a dog owner they also make the best deskunking shampoo on the market.
The following are the signs of an ear infection: scratching or pawing at the ear and surrounding area sensitive to the touch, warm, wet, shaking of the head, loss of balance or equilibrium, redness, swelling, black or yellowish discharge, excessive amount of brown wax, loss of hearing, ye**ty smell. If you think your pet has an ear infection see your vet. Tell your vet what you suspect what you noticed and let the expert treat the ear infection.
Ear Mites feed on tissue, debris, natural secretions in the ear's lining. Ear mite waste resembles coffee grounds. Wipes will help remove some of the waste. Be sure to also clean the nails including the rear nails as they may have mites on them. I recommend seeing a vet f you think your pet has ear mites. They are pet care professionals that know how to help your pet
While groomers are trained to look for certain things and we will let you know what we see and think. We are not vets they are pet professionals trained to care for your cats.


2024 was definitely a different sort of year
2024 was an challenging year for me. Getting hit by a freight train, having my van destroyed. Trying to buy another on line and doing whatever I could to get up and running. All this while trying to train a new employee. The van is up and running. The new groomer passed three certification courses in September and I keep getting calls and telling me what a wonderful job she did on peoples pets. Also cards, letters, and phone calls and text messages from customers telling me they care meant more to me than you will ever know. My business is not what it was please tell friends and neighbors to help me grow and flourish. I was at my vet's the other day to be told one of their customers (who had been one of mine) had been telling everybody I retired. You would think I know if that happened. Told them not yet I have a van to pay off and a mortgage too. I love me customers and my four legged clients. Also training Valerie made me better, I corrected a few bad habits I had developed she also made me re realize some of the important things about this career. I am a CRAZY CAT LADY sorry if that offends you. I want to make all of your cats happy, healthy and looking good. I hate to say it I am going to raise prices in 2025I am also going to iron out a few kinks in my business plan. The 215-945-4624 phone number is the one to call to book, reschedule or cancel an appointment. I also answer questions and the dispatcher loves to talk to most people.


Chippewa Wisdom
Today I was cleaning up and I came across this which I had saved. I share it with you.

One evening an old Chippewa told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said. My son, the battle is between two "wolves" inside us all.
One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.
The other is Good. It is peace, joy, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather. Which wolf wins? The old Chippewa simply replied. The one you feed.


Hissy Fits (I admit it I plagiarized the title)
Hissy Fits can be very upsetting to cat owners. The owner just paid the groomer to make the cat look beautiful. Now all the cats are hissing at each other and their peaceful home becomes a war zone How does this happen and how can we stop it. Growling and hissing after a groom is common in multiple cat households. The feline's strongest sense is smell and anytime the cat smells different the other cats don't recognize her. The freshly groomed cat smells different. She was handled by people other than household members. She was given a bath her natural scent was removed the cat also has the smell of products used during the groom. This is why most cats lick themselves after being groomed to replace the scent that was removed during the bath and get rid of any scents added by the humans or the products used, A cat has 200 million scent receptors a human has 5 million, The solutions are simple. In 24-48 hours the home will return to normal. Another solution is if you have more than 1 cat get them all groomed when returned to the home they will all be trying to reapply their own scent to themselves getting back to normal versus investigating the cat who smells different. The third solution is getting the cat done regularly after a few grooms the other cats will get use to Fluffy leaving and returning smelling differently. Sometimes rubbing something that has a strong scent of the owner on the cat's coat works well. Something like a pillowcase, a used bath towel, a favorite worn t-shirt. Something that smells like the owner


Top ten reasons why it costs more to get your pet groomed than your own hair cut cost.
(I was asked to run this again for someone)
10 Your hairdresser doesn't wash and clean your rear end
9 You don't go 8 weeks without washing or brushing your hair
8 Your hairdresser doesn't give you a sanitary trim
7 Your hairdresser doesn't clean your ears
6 Your hairdresser doesn't remove the boogers from your eyes
5 You sit still for your hairdresser
4 Your haircut doesn't include a manicure or pedicure
3 Your hairdresser only washes and cuts the hair on your head
2 You don't bite or scratch your hairdresser
1 The likelihood of pooping or peeing on your hairdresser is pretty slim


Cause for Concern Common Medical Issues in Cats
Weight Watch- Cats should be lean and muscular. You should be able to feel their individual ribs when you run your hands down their sides. Obesity is a problem for many house cats and predisposes them to a host of secondary diseases. Obesity alone is not an emergency. What can be a little more urgent is if you notice that a formerly normal or obese cats looks thin. Unexplained and unintentional weight loss is a warning sign for sure. The cat needs to see a veterinarian for diagnostic testing to see why the weight is changing.
What's that smell - If you notice a bad odor coming from the cat's mouth, they could have dental disease, oral cancer, stomatitis or much more. Best to get your vet to check it out. Cat's are masters at hiding their pain.
Bumps- As you run your hands over a cat's body you may also notice bumps or growths. These should always be checked by a vet. No one can tell if a mass is malignant by just looking at it. We can notice things like bug bites, skin tags, cysts etc. Your vet should always have these pointed out to him or her and check it out; unfortunately too often the owners wait until it is too late, early detection greatly improves your chances of a successful outcome.
Baldness- Normal healthy cats do not have bald patches. Normal cats do not pull their hair short on their belly and legs. If you see missing or shortened hair. It is time to see the vet cats can have allergies, skin mites, fungal and bacterial skin infections, scabbing, matting, oozing, or ring worm to name a few, the answer to these issues and more is SEE THE VET.
As a groomer we can notice things your cat can't tell you and will try to hide from you. We are in this business because we love cats; groomers try to be an advocate for their wellbeing. We may suggest you get them the medical attention they need. "When we suggest" you see your vet it means we see something that concerns us and it should concern you.


Keep it Clean
In a grooming van we have a small area in which we work comfortable place to work as long as we keep it clean. We are constantly cleaning, disinfecting, I carry baking soda, vinegar, clorox, cleaners with bleach, cleaners without bleach, disinfectants, sanitizing wipes, vinegar based glass cleaners and others. Here are just a few tips or pieces of useful information, It's important that any cleaning product you use is effective and works well you also want to make sure that they are safe to use and nontoxic to pets. Cleaning and disinfecting are not the same thing. Vinegar is mildly acidic and as such has anti-bacterial properties. To efficiently clean the air in your home without chemicals, air circulation fans, plants, and salt lamps are effective. Essential oils will leave a residue when dried. They should not be used around cats, as most cats cannot metabolize most essential oils. There are many products that are safe for pets and some that are not. vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and enzymatic cleaners are generally highly recommended. The air in your house can be 5 or more times dirtier than the air outside. I bought an ozone air filter when I rescued a cat with severe asthma. I have never regretted that decision I actually run 3 different air filters in my home. I am often asked how often you should clean litterboxes, I clean mine every day. I used to do twice a day but admit I only doing it once a day. How many litter boxes should you have? Some experts say 1 for every 2 cats a different source says 1 for each cat. I personally have 5 litter boxes for 5 cats. Also remember older cats and kittens may have problems with litter boxes with higher sides. Some don't like tops on their litter boxes some love it. Like people bathroom preferences can vary from cat to cat.


Why can't you just shave my cat?
Not every cat is a good candidate for shaving, a lion cut or even a belly trim. The two main reasons are the cats skin condition and the cat's behavior.
SKIN CONDITION-A cat's coat and skin can be affected by health conditions like infections, diabetes, thyroid issues, allergies and many other conditions could make the skin too irritated or fragile and shaving should be avoided if at all possible. A senior cat can have lost body mass or can be dehydrated this can cause the skin to become thin, wrinkly and very fragile. A nick will not heal as quickly as it once did and the skin may rip. A kitten may have a healthy skin and coat but are often quite thin and wiggle a lot. This makes it difficult for the clippers to get a flat surface and we don't want the first grooming to be an unpleasant experience
BEHAVIOR- Groomers work with very sharp equipment. Most cats do quite well during grooming some cats are less tolerant than others. Cats who are aggressive or overly stressed are not ideal candidates for full body haircuts. The longer the groom the more stressed they become. It is best that the groom is kept only as long as necessary to maintain coat and skin health. If your cat can't be shaved there are other options to keep the cat well groomed and healthy. Regular bath and blow dry appointments, deshedding treatments, comb cuts, etc. Be sure to talk to your groomer and we can recommend or perform those services that best meet your needs and wishes and what your cats will tolerate.


Every fall we see a number of pets with fleas getting scheduled for grooming. If you think your pet has fleas please let us know when you book your appointment. We generally try to book those pets last appointment in the day as we have to de-flea the van when done grooming your pet. I will not take a van that may have fleas in it to another appointment and trust me defleaing a van is time consuming and meticulous work. Also if we know your pet may have fleas the approach we take is different than if we find fleas part way through the groom. Whether your pet has a few fleas or hundreds we will work diligently to kill everyone on your pet. This year 2024 is a bad year for fleas. "My cat never goes out how can he have fleas?" If anyone in your house ever goes out of the house your pet could be exposed to fleas. If anyone ever comes into your house, your pet could be exposed to fleas. If any stray cat, or fox, or raccoon or even a squirrel or bird comes near your house your pet could be exposed to fleas. I recommend year-round protection, if unsure what to use (talk to your vet) I can make suggestions but your vet is the expert. If your pet gets fleas I can help you take care of the pests on your pet. You however need to take care of the pests in your home or the pets environment. Sorry if I am preaching to the choir people but fleas are nasty, blood sucking parasites, and this year there seem to be a lot of them.


Happy Cats Grooming
Cat’s stress is a huge topic in veterinary medicine and is one of the reasons that some cats don’t see the vet or groomers often. To be able to take over a big truck that caters to cats and their needs is pretty exciting. I know I don’t like putting my kitty in a carrier and listening to her cry as I drive somewhere, so I knew being able to offer cat owners a way to groom their cats without the stress of driving was something very special. That leads me to the “I didn’t know cats needed grooming” or “don’t cats just groom themselves” statement. To be honest, I was kind of under the same impression for a long time. I had seen cats with lion cuts and thought it was just for appearance reasons or because it was cute. I did not have a full grasp of what the benefits were or how many cats truly NEED grooming to be happy and healthy. Do I think EVERY cat needs to be groomed every 6 weeks? No, but some do in order to keep their skin healthy and to prevent painful mats from forming. I also think MOST cats can help cats could benefit from a groom and it would amaze owners to see how much excess hair gets removed and how happy a clean kitty it. Some cats need to be groomed more often because they have excessively greasy coats which contributes to mats forming, others are heavier and cannot properly clean themselves or have a very long coat that just continually gets tangled or matted and suffer pain because of those mats. Then there are kitties that live in a family with owners who suffer from allergies or who have developed allergies since adopting their cats and getting them groomed reduces some of the allergens and makes it possible for them to stay in their homes. My focus always is the pets, that has been engrained in me since I started working with animals. I see that mobile grooming offers many benefits for cats and their owners, so that is what I am doing right now and I am enjoying the ride as I get to know all of you.

I saw this on line a company named Happy Cats Grooming630-432-1799 [email protected] I thought it contained good information I share it with you and give credit where credit is due.


While I was waiting for my new van I suggested to several customers who couldn't wait that there was another feline groomer in the area they could try. A day or two ago I was at the home of a customer and did a bath and shave down on her matted kitty. She has two. Only one needed grooming as she had taken my suggestion and got the other groomer to do the other cat. Curiosity got the better of me I asked what had been done and what the cost was. I admit to being totally floored by her answer. What I did and charged $126.90 including the tax was $270 for the other groomer to provide the same service. This is one of those things that make you go hmmm.


Quess what is here?
I just spend about an hour or two in my driveway stocking my van making sure I filled the water, that I had the dryer working, the clipper vac working, the lights working, the water in the tub was working as was the water heater. Perhaps most important of all in this recent weather that the air conditioning was working well. I can't wait. This new van hits the road tomorrow morning and I can start playing catch up.


Van release date (RESET)
I love my garage and my mechanic but today I was very frustrated by them. One of the parts they replaced "the heater" in my van was defective when they hooked it all up it leaked. That means they need to reorder and replace that part. We are now looking at probably Tuesday. I had no idea when I got hit by the CSX freight train that it would take this long to get a van and get it up and running.


Van ready tomorrow?
Burns garage believes that at the end of the day tomorrow July 5 they will have the van working and ready to use. I sincerely hope they are right no clipper vac, sitting on floors to groom, no tub etc. is not ideal. We have been working this way as we did not want cats matting up due to lack of care so as much as possible we have been trying to do what we can for their well being. People will be seeing more of Valerie in the van, the accident left me with bulging disks in my neck, a permanent lean to one side, enlargement in one area that does or will interefere with the spine etc etc etc. Basically it means I move a little slower have a harder time getting up off the floor I "I am tough" I will keep working and the rehab people are working on giving me as much mobility and as little pain as possible. Like an old Gloria Gaynor song I will survive


Surgery done and new van.
Those of you who have been talking to me I have two pieces of news for you. The new van (new to us) is sitting at burns garage. Buying a van on line can come with challenges there is definitely work that needs to be done on the van the garage is hoping to have it operational the end of next week it needs new tires, new brakes, new rotors, shocks are leaking, a new heater, turn signals, they made a mess of the inside of the van and more. These garage guys are good I have faith in them. The other news is my throat surgery was done today. I admit I hurt when I swallow but Jefferson did a great job I should be right as rain quickly (I hope) they say not to work for 7 days. You know I have never been great at following that kind of instructions and Valerie is being a trooper doing all the physical stuff while I supervise.


Freight Train
On May 1 at approximately 4:20 pm there was an accident at Woodbourne station I was involved in that accident. I will be contacting everyone with an appointment. At this point I am dealing with doctors, insurance companies, etc etc etc. I would imagine that depending on your service needed and several other factors I will be able to take care of some clients not all, I will update as soon as I have more information.


We have hired a nice girl (young to me) everyone seems to like her especially the pets. So far I think she is a treasure and definitely a keeper. I hope she stays with us, so if we show up with 2 in the van do not be surprised as time progresses you may see more of Valerie and a little less of me., I hate to admit but I am not a spring chicken.


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00
Saturday 09:00 - 17:00
Sunday 09:00 - 17:00




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